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Harry Reid VS Rush Limbaugh?

The record setting e-Bay sale of a two-page letter (plus two additional pages of autographs) from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to Clear Channel Communications CEO Mark Mays ripping Limbaugh, was bought by DC philanthropist Betty Brown Casey for $2.1 million and was matched in kind by Limbaugh... Forty-one myopic partisan Democratic senators signed the letter (which they knew was a lie), demonstrating both their pettiness and massive mob myopia. Rush said, 'It got this kind of money because it represents one of the most outrageous abuses of federal power in modern American history, and that is what makes it a collector's item. So the pathetic lies of liberal leades are once again blown to smitherens lol wtg Rush! The New Jersy based Marine Corp & Law Enforcement Foundation who gives money to kids of fallen soldiers and law enforcement for college, ended up the winner here recieving 4.2 million dollars! And Mr. Reid and his buddies should match that but I bet they won't. Shame


hey all you libs who took the time to add a mindless bash or two on here just wanted to say thanks for once again proveing how cluless you all still are and will remain until you open your eyes. carry on!

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rush is DA MAN!!! And a true patriot in the spirit of the founding fathers.

    Reid is a pantywaist and a coward. The letter and the attempt at censureship for praising and defending our soldiers shows where Reid stands. Reid is shameless.

  • 5 years ago

    Marina Rowena Daphne Flora Clara Felicia Odelia Meara Petra Isadora Nuala Loretta Alina Iris Leona Orla Vivienne Ada Luna Eliza

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rush sure spanked the liberal wienies on this one!! WTG Rush! The real sad thing is the liberal media gave Rush very limited coverage, and what coverage they gave him, they also tried to give credit to Harry Reid and the democrats for the donation!! Harry Reid himself tried taking credit for it in his speech! And they wonder why they have the lowest rating for congress with 11%...

  • wolf
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Rush whipped the Troop Haters handily.

    Rush is just too smart for the American Hating Democrats.

    Reid is tried to become buddies with Rush, saying: "we raised 2.1 million."

    How embarrassing for the little commies.


    (Reid could donate that 1 millon dollars he made on his corrupt land deal.)

    DID YOU HEAR TODAY: "Rush's Version of the Bin Laden Message to Reid"????

    It is Fun. And as usual, SOOOO TRUE!!!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rush limbaugh is an obese, drug-addicted, draft-dodger....never forget that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Reid is to busy working on giving amnesty and free education to illegal aliens so they will vote for him.

    He is as pro American as Bin Laden and the rest of our representatives so don't hold your breath.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the attitude of royalty that elected Democrats exhibit was very aptly framed by Mr. Limbaugh and should serve as notice that the citizens are not amused.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so glad other people saw this and appreciated it in the way I did. Rush did AWESOME! I think we need more people like him representing the people, because he tells it like it is.

    I heard him announce all of this on the radio, and it was one of the funniest and inspiring things I've heard in a while!

    Kudos Rush! Keep on fighting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Notice how the liberals are responding here....some are even name calling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You won't catch Harry Reid in third world countries kno9wn for child prostitution with a bottle of Viagra prescribed to somebody else.

    You won't find out Harry Reid has been a drug addict for years while railing against any kind of compassion for drug offenders.

    You won't catch Harry Reid calling American service people who disagree with his views as "phony soldiers" and then altering the recording of him saying that.

    You won't catch Harry Reid attacking a 12 year old accident victim because his family spoke in favor of healthcare reform.

    So worship this perverted hypocrite all you want winger.It's the typical sheeple thing to do.

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