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jim s
Lv 5
jim s asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Solution to illegal immigration???

I feel that we should make anyone who knowingly employs an illegal...

1. Pay them 3 years wages at prevailing rate (not illegal rate).

2. Pay for a first class plane ticket to take them home.

3. Work for the wages that they were paying the illegal for 24 months.

What do you think? Will it work? Should I announce my run for president?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually, that's quite clever, in it's own way. The only think I didn't like was the illegal making money on the whole deal. Instead, how about fining the employer 3 years wages and putting that into a fund to help defray the costs of more border police instead and make the plane ticket economy. IF the government could be forced to enforce the law, it would probably work.

    Mr. President!

  • 1 decade ago

    They need to go home. America has no business or right to pay or fund illegals. I live in Ca and oh my god its out of control. They protest and except America to pay for everything for them.

    The bottom line is what happened to breaking the law and you go to jail.

    There criminals and Not to bash Bush cause I am a Republican but damn he's done nothing about this issue.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It certainly would hurt the pocket book of those that profit off of the illegal invasion that is under way at this time. It might just work. I would vote for anyone right now that was determined to solve this problem with deportations, fines and punishments to those that have caused this problem.

  • obviously people are risking their lives to get here for a reason maybe instead of wasting money in iraq maybe it should go to fixing mexico to make their land liveable and then less of them would be here. but then again the illegals that are paying taxes well there would be a shortage. then the price of fruit. i don't think i could afford to buy fruit if it came down to the white man pickin it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not a bad plan, man. But it's tough to argue with success and Oklahoma is succeeding! Simply enforcing laws at the state level (since the fed's seem quagmired and unable to do it themselves) has worked a miracle!

    Attrition! Self-deportation! Heck, as much as I love the wall (parallel walls a couple hundred feet apart with large fluffy dogs romping in between), I must tip my hat to the relatively affordable effectiveness of what those Okies have done!


  • 1 decade ago

    Hahaha-that would be justice. Unfortunately, I don't think it would detur that many people because people always think "they won't get caught".

    I think we need to spend more time and energy *looking* for illegal immigrants, then kicking them out once we find them. Look what they're doing in Oklahoma-illegal immigrants are leaving in droves, without a lot of money spent on the government side. Why can't the rest of the country do that?

  • 1 decade ago

    I love where your heads at my friend. But Liberals and democrats would have sh!t fit. Republicans want to stack a giant electric wall on the border, but guess whose stopping it? Thats right, the hippy liberals and dems. Everyone says that it wont be worth the tax money, but just think about how much taxes you're paying for them to live here. You pay for their health care, schools, homes and just about everything they need to servive...its kind of sad really. So just do your part of vote republican, don't be a hippy. And keep up the good ideas!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think there's more important things to talk about see right now there's a lot of americans are loosing their homes because of the fire in ca. a lot of americans are loosing their homes because of the highest mortgage interest. a lot of americans are dying because they can't pay for prescription. a lot of americans are dying because the stupid war.

    if u consider this and that this infinite universe it's so big and how small we are i think u are making a storm inside a glass of water.

    use common sense is free use it

    Source(s): brain, hearth and a lot of common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fine the employers.

    Build the entire wall.

    No amnesty.

    Dam.n I hate illegals here.

  • 1 decade ago

    my solution is to place landmines all along the mexican border, so when they try to sneak into america, they get blown up, and we can take all the illegals that are already in this country place them in camps and shower them with gas =]

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