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okie asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

Help with thelling my parents.?

Ok so about a month and half ago i met this guy and we have been dating for about 3 weeks..I really like him and we have pretty much everything in common..we like the same sports and most of the same teams, we like most the same foods etc..and we can talk for hours and conversation never ceases.. I feel so comfortable around him and could see this turning into something long term..The only thing is he's met my parents but they don't know he has 3girls a set of 2 yo twin girls and a 6 yo girl..I'm not necissarily worried about my dad but if my mom new i know she'd freak and tell me not to see him anymore and yadda yadda and i don't want do i tell them that i like this guy and his kids aren't a problem for me and i want them to accept that and accept him.

P.S i'm 23 he's 29 and the kids live with their mom and he gets them only every other weekend..and he wants more kids if things do progress with us so i don't have to worry about not getting to have my own kids..

7 Answers

  • justme
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You've only been seeing him three weeks. See how things progress with the two of you, and make sure he gets to know and get along with your parents first. Tell them later.

  • 1 decade ago

    you guys haven't been seeing eachother for too long, I wouldn't worry about telling your parenst just yet. IF you really want to, I say go for it. Just tell them you are seeing him. you dont have to go into his life story or anything like that. Just let them know how he makes you feel, and he is a good guy. When a few more months go by and things start to get serious, than maybe then you can tell them about his children. Even if your mom gets upset right away, I am sure she will calm down eventually. He is 29 with 3 kids, its not like he is 18 with 3 kids, so I don't see a problem with that. Some parents dont see their children as becoming parents to someone elses children, and that is what freaks them out. Just continue to show them how responsible you are, and hopefully they will see past the kids, and see the picture as a whole.

    My sister is engaged to a man that is 11 years older and has a son. My mom is already buying him gifts, even though he was born from my sister's fiance's ex wife.

    So you can't really tell what will happen until it does.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are 23 not 16 but a 23yr old adult. Your parents do not need to know every aspect of this man's life. And frankly I dont think you need to rush into letting him meet your parents. Everyone has a past and his ex and his children are his past. Frankly if things progress to the point you are talking about marriage then allow them to meet. But again you 23 you do NOT NEED THEIR PERMISSION!

  • 1 decade ago

    You're 23, old enough to decide if this is the guy you want to be with. Tell your mom you've met a wonderful man with wonderful kids and you want to be a part of their lives. Let her know how much it would mean to you if she could accept that you want to be with him. You have the right to chose who you want to spend your life with. I know have people's approval and acceptance is nice, but you don't need it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think the sooner the better, either way its too soon to know how it will work. Tell your Mom the truth is always much better than hidding things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago can tell them about the guy just a few things (and don t be too excited -u never know what happens)...

    and it s too soon for you to know if he is the one you should give so much to or tell yr parents about his life....

    wait a little more to see how it s gonna work out for you and

    then u tell them....take it one step at a time....don t rush things....

  • 1 decade ago

    please be very careful with your decision.. i've been into that same situation. it seems easy to handle at first but sooner or later that could be the start of your misunderstandings. if he did leave his first family he is more likely to do the same in yours (if in case there yours will progress to deeper relationship) pray about it...

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