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what words should my toddler be saying before he turns 2?how many?

is there a website that would give me these answers?thanks for any help!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you're looking for a website that will give you the developmental milestones you can go here:

    But please keep in mind that while these milestones are good on paper, not every child meets them and that *DOESN'T* mean there is anything wrong with him. My son said only four words when he turned 2 [mommy, daddy, ball, and car] and people were trying to get me to put him into therapy and all of that crap.

    My son is 3.5 years old now and can read half a dozen sight words, speaks almost entirely in complete sentances, memorizes and "reads back" entire books, knows all of his letters, does better than average with numbers, shapes, and colors, knows how to spell a few words, and is starting to write words out (correctly, a lot of the time)....he meets or exceeds every single milestone they put out there now, but I had people ready to lynch me because I refused to put him in therapy when he didn't speak at two.

    Follow your instincts-you'll know if something isn't right with your son. Otherwise, just keep practicing with him and enjoy him being a baby =)

    Source(s): Mom of a 3.5 year old boy, 22 wks pregnant with a girl
  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter is going to be 2 in Jan. and she can put three words together. She is a little parrot and can copy what other people say.

    My son on the other hand, who is 10 months older than her, before he turned 2, he was only putting 2 words together.

    If your son can say between 20-40 words and has started putting 2 words together, then he is on track.

    My nephew didn't start talking until he turned 3 years old. He was late but is now 9 and is very smart. Gets good grades in school.

    Not to long ago on the news, they had a family on there who had a 4 year old that didn't speak at all, and then one day, he started speaking in full sentences out of no where. LIke he was talking forever.

    So all kids are different and may not progress like everyone else.

    Source(s): Mother of two 2 year old son 1 year old daughter 2 miscarriages 6 weeks pregnant with last one
  • 1 decade ago

    I find that has answers for just about everyting! At two, some children have a wide vocabulary, some only speak a few words, but understand many. As long as you are reading to your child like crazy, and he or she seems otherwise engaged (makes eye contact, communicates non-verbally, etc.) I wouldn't worry. My oldest didn't talk much at 2, and now he won't stop (at 5). My youngest has always been chatty.

    On the one hand, I think we get a bit to worried about acheivement in the early years. On the other hand, one must always be on the lookout for developmental issues, many of which are best treated in the early years. If you are in doubt, ask you pediatrician, or observe other kids your child's age. Don't necessarially look for the volume of words they can say, but the way they interact with others (keeping in mind that some people are more introverted than others).

  • 1 decade ago

    It varies for every child. My son is 4 and when he was 2 started talking alot then he slowed way down on talking for a while. Now he is a big jabber box and it is hard to shut him up sometimes. Kids will talk on their own timetable and just enjoy it while you can. Because when they are teenagers then they don't want to talk to you at all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When my son was 2 his only real words were "hot" and "hi." he barely said anything!

    then a month or two later he just took off talking. now hes almost 4 and we joke that hes going to be a politician because he is like Mr. Social and he talk to EVERYONE about EVERYTHING.

    all kids are different.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every child is different. My oldest daughter who is three was talking very clear in full sentences when she was one. My other daughter who is two talks in sentences, but sometimes you can't understand her. And my one year old son can say quite a few words but he hasn't ever spoken a full sentence. It just depends on the child.

    Source(s): Mother of four.
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