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Cosmic Unconsciousness...?

Alot of people don't realize what's really going on... They view life as a bunch of unconnected incidences and things... They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything... I'll give ya an example, show you what i mean... Suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp... Suddenly somebody'll say 'plate', or 'shrimp', or 'plate of shrimp' out of the blue, no explanation... No point in looking for one either... It's all part of the cosmic unconsciousness...

7 Answers

  • Mirko
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you're right.

    it is also correct that we are truly in an age of mass awakening.

  • gaul
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Cosmic Unconsciousness

  • 1 decade ago

    This is also similar to Cledon divination. See below.


    One of the most ancient forms of divine guidance

    is called a cledon. A cledon is a voice in a crowd.

    They are words or phrases seemingly heard at random or

    out of context, spoken by a stranger or passerby, but

    their precise timing delivers a message of profound

    personal meaning to the hearer. In the modern world we are

    likely to hear cledons coming from a radio as we are

    walking down the street, or see them on a television

    screen as we channel surf, or even read them on a

    billboard or bus ad. There's a cledon story about John

    Lennon that I find very moving. In December 1980, right

    after John had been shot, a mand ridiculed the grieving

    kids at the Dakota, ending his diatribe with "I fought

    the war for your sort!"--a line from A Hard Day's

    Night, obviously unbeknownst to him. The crowd,

    recognizing their cure, spontaneously shouted in unison John

    Lennon's comeback from the movie: "Bet you're sorry you

    won!" The man, shocked, muttered and walked away and

    the kids found themselves laughting, certain that

    this was John's way of cheering them up.

    Celdons are one of my favorite methods of divinatory

    guidance because they catch me by surprise, often make me

    laugh, and always make me marvel at the ingenuity and

    genius of the unversal consciousness. You can't really

    create a cledon, or practice a cledon, as you would

    practice other forms of divination. It is, by its very

    nature, spontaneous. But we can pay attention so we don't

    miss them!

    (excerpt pgs 65-66 Witchcrafting by Phyllis Curott)

    Source(s): Witchcrafting by Phyllis Curott, pgs 65-66
  • 1 decade ago

    In the Hebrew Kabbalistic tradition we refer to this Oneness of humanity as Adam HaRishon. Our tradition teaches that the first man- Adam was an elevated being who was a complete soul. The story of his fall tells us of a deficiency in the cosmic man that caused the fragmenting of his soul into 600,000 parts each being clothed in physicality and becoming what we would recognize as human being- albeit these humans had a more refined spiritual existence than we do today. Each of these souls continued to splinter and descend into this world being en clothed in the physical. The purpose of humanity is to understand that we all share the exact same essence. While it appears in the physical world that we are separate the truth is that we are all exactly the same only the physical nature seperates us. The purpose of a true Kabbalist is to rectify himself and subsequently rectify humanity, which is defined as a return to Adamic consciousness.

    To learn more please visit my forum at:

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  • 1 decade ago

    Lol. I have experienced that before.

    I thought about a song in my head and someone near me started whistling the song a few moments later. But that's just one example.

    Lattice of coincidence, or our brains transmitting signals to other brains that are close by? Maybe we will never know.

  • bnyxis
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah! Like the Great Yogi Barra said "It's Deja Vu, All Over again!


  • 1 decade ago

    our reach extends a lot further than our fingertips

    different states of mind comes in waves....the cosmic unconscious is like a living breathing thing, ever changing, but never turning into something other than what it really is

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