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My Friend yells and swears at her 8 yr. old a lot, what should I do?

I've known my girlfriend for over 25 years but we lost touch after high school. We got reaquainted several years ago for a short time then again this past summer. She needed a place to stay so my husband and I rented out our mobile home to her and her son this past August. She's a single Mom. Her son has A.D.D. After spending more time with her and her son since they moved in I've been appalled at how she speaks to him. While I'm on the phone with her she yells at him and says the F word constantly. I have also heard her say to him, "I'm going to kill you" while she's yelling at him if he doesn't listen to her. I don't know what to do. I've come to notice she has mental problems. I've asked her not to swear at her son in front of me because it upsets me, but she continues to do this over the phone. Her lease is up in Feb. Should I evict her or try and talk to her about my concerns. Also could her behavior be affecting her son's ADD. any info would help. TY.


just incase i've confused anyone. My husband and I live 1 street down from where she's renting from us, we don't live with them.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes , she needs help and by evicting them wont help matters it will only make things worse , please contact the school counsel and ask for information on how to get help for a troubled mom and her son they both need counseling of some sort ,this is violent behavior and abuse and ignoring it will make you wrong in doing so . please contact human resource's they will help you. the child needs help. this is no life for this child mom may love him so but He also needs help so she does not mentally abuse this child. hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, here's my first thought:

    -don't evict her b/c then you won't know where she's living with her son and it may be a lot worse than where she is right now.

    -right now, i'd see this as an opportunity to try to be as active as possible in the boy's life. it's hard b/c when we see people parent so poorly we want to swoop in and SHAKE the parents and DO SOMETHING!

    however, unless what's happening is SERIOUS, like she's beating him etc. then it would be hard pressed to get him away from her.

    what i would do is just try to get active in his life. continue to let her rent from you....maybe give her an option to rent to own? that way you know this kid will at least have a roof over his head.

    then, try to vounteer to have him over for dinner or whatever sometimes. like if she wants to go out then ahve him over and try to do some damage control with him. show him love and affection and what a happy home can be like.

    i'm sure that her behavior affect his ADD. the kid probably doesn't even have ADD and just has no clue how to behave and has never had the proper guidance!

    none of us have perfect childhoods. some worse than others. it's the people that in spite of their childhoods still focus and make something of themselves are the successes in this world!

    this kid's life isn't at a 1, but it's not a 10 either. you might have a chance to up it from a 5 to a 6 or 7 if you want. but that choice is yours.

    i would refrain from trying to tell her how to parent, though. no parent EVER wants to hear that from someone else. especially someone that they already feel that they "owe" she owes you for her home and rent....

    i would, however, mention little things. like if you ahve him over for dinner and he's good at your house and responds to your attention. then say "ya know, he was so good last night! i showed him some attention and he showed me such good manners! you should be really proud of him...he is such a good kid."

    and maybe that will spark why he's so different at your house compared to her house.

    take care:)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll say have a time with her and talk about it. But before you even open that discussion ,ask her how was her life after you were separated for some years, maybe you will find out where the matter started. Maybe she is hurt or abuse or even lonely. Try to encourage her with positive things. All the best to you and your friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah ...evicting her is not a good idea....perhaps some intervention may be in order......sounds like she has some major issues and is in need of some professional help....and her son can use some as of my sister in laws was like almost broke up her brother made her get help....turns out she was bipolar and some other things I cant remember....anyway....they are doing a lot better now and the kids aren't as jumpy as they used to be.....seems like this lady may listen to you if you sit down with her and have a talk to her.....but B4 you do see whats out there in your city ...where she can get the help she needs...then whe you talk to her you can show her ....remember you not just saving her but her son as well......sometimes I agree with telling social services ....but if she's unaware of her actions then how can she stop what she doing.....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When she swears over the phone, hang up. Constantly remind her that the lease is up in Feb. And don't be surprised if she decides to move early.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not only should you evict her, but you should report her behavior to Children & Family Services. We are all responsible, when a child is being abused!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should anonymously report her to your local authority - she need never know it was you who reported her if you are concerned about losing her friendship or suffering from repurcussions. But this woman obviously needs help in coping with her child and the child needs treatment for his problems.

  • Gladys
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Dump her, this is no friend and how could you ever put up with this for so long and jeopardize your own family in the process. Do not ever speak to her again, and do not worry about whatever she says, you know the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Really you have to decide if she is worth being your friend. If she is not responsive to your pleas then maybe she is not worth having as a friend. If you think you can help then you should intervene as much as possible to make her life easier and maybe she will not have so much anger.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    If she is unwilling to stop her abusive tongue, I would raise my concerns to social services.

    The boy already has one strike against him, with the ADD. this child will never be able to have a normal life, with his mother hurling all these vile words at him. Please be the one to stop the abuse.

    God bless.

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