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JD asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Why are legal immigrants placed in the same catagory as Illegal immigrants by US Citizens?

Im british just married a US Citizen for love, i wanted her to come to britiain with me but she didnt want to leave her family, though if she did, MOST US citizens would complain how immigrates are taken there people too. Im british, a developed country, i pay for all my application fees, me and my wife live of her wages and my savings, i applied to work but was denied. Which puts strain on us but we come prepared, and now it feels like people are putting me in the same catogory as the ILLEGAL mexicans/immigrants, whats up with that? personally i believe people in general( even in britain, should get there facts right about the whole picture when it comes to immigration,a lot of people that ***** about illegal immigration clearly have no idea what legals and illegal go through, i have a feeling this question might ruffle a couple feathers but im curious as to know what do you think?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are not thought of in the same category. We welcome anyone who comes here through the proper channels. We are all immigrants. We are proud to have anyone come here and visit or stay. We are tired of the ones who come here by sneaking into the country. They work for sub standard wages and put our citizens out of work. They overload our schools with children who we have to feed breakfast and lunch. They pay little or no taxes. The crime rate goes through the roof and our prisons are overloaded.

    I think we could accept this if they would assimilate to our country. They want us to learn their language and protest in our streets for better treatment. Most of us are sick and tired of this.

    They don't have health care but use our hospital emergency rooms as a doctors office. Many of our hospitals are on the verge of closing.because of lack of payment.

    I think this whould give an idea of how we feel. Welcome Welcome bring your friends and enjoy.

    Source(s): old American
  • 5 years ago

    All HUMANS deserve certain rights. However, a government can only handle only so many people. As a nation may grow there may be need to initiate certain branches of government to cope with it's population. Our government depends on our support. When we dilute ourselves by allowing undocumented persons access and entry into our country the natural and naturalized enhabitants suffer. While ALL people have the right to life and the pursuit thereof, no nation can survive without the support of it's own people. America already has a heavy burden because of welfare. Too many people live to be on welfare which creates a heavy burden. To top it off, some of that burden works "under the table" and not only receives free aid but also benifits by bringing in an UNTAXED income and takes away available jobs from our citizens. THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR TO ME OR MY FAMILY. NOR YOU OR YOURS. It also lowers the wage base, something for which we ALL suffer. There is a proper channel for comming into the US. If it is abided by then the immigrants can benifit by our constitution. However, our own criminals loose many rights when convicted. Illegal is Illegal. Aside from the most basic of Human Rights, anyone breaking the law do not deserve more than the basics. Just because a person is inside US teritory does not give them the right, nor should such actions be condoned, to autonmatically be given them rights as an American. Governor Schwartzenegar (Calif) briefly concidered issuing drivers licenses to undocumeted workers (Illegal Immigrants) but the people of CA opposed that. In short, if someone wants in let them do it the right way. Many have before them, there's no reason they themselves can not do the same. Unless they are looking for a free handout.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're paranoid. If you get your status the legal and proper way without circumventing the system no one will treat you like an illegal immigrant.

    Your country has the same problem as the U.S. However, you country has the good fortune of not being on the border of a sh*t hole like Mexico where the quality of life is poor and instead of trying to improve conditions for their people they encourage them to leave.

    Work visa's are difficult to get. You need a company sponsor and they have to prove there is no one available in the country that can do the job you will be taking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    After reading what you wrote, you are the reason why people put legal and illegal immigrants in the same category.

    This is what you wrote on the subject,"a lot of people that ***** about illegal immigration clearly have no idea what legals and illegal go through"

    As for what people have to go through to get into this country, life was never meant to be easy, nor fair. Our duty is try to create a system to make it as fair as possible. That means, instead of letting a group of people who knows how to cheat the system, we should enforce a system that allows people in according to certain criterias. I rarely see people on this site attack legal immigrants. Most people say they like legal immigrants, even those who hate illegal immigrants. I am one of the few who wants to re-exam the H1B visas, because I personally see alot of abuse by the employers. I suggest you get a lawyer, if you have difficulties. What I hear, the English have an easy in to this country. This information came to me from Mexican immigrants. Their statement might be from feeling falsely prosecuted.

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  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We don't.

    Some of us think that given the huge waves of illegal immigration on top of legal immigration, overall numbers need to be looked at. However, that doesn't mean we'd ever want to stop immigration of a legitimate spouse of a citizen. Just that we need to address numbers in a rational fashion, overall.

    You are welcome. Sorry you were hit with a bad attitude.

  • T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    most of us don't have problems with legal immigrants. however because the illegals are causing so many problems here in the u.s. there are those that think it gives them license to be rude to legal immigrants too. most of us are just happy to have our immigration laws followed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally don't do that. However, as in any country in the world, there are citizens that don't like foreigners legal or illegal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The hate was there before immigration became an issue, The immigration issue makes it politically correct for anti to use the race card. And any one no matter what color or religion is attacked if they support immigration or is an immigrant. their hate knows no boundaries!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a big problem with illegal immigrants. But legal immigrants like you? Not at all, welcome home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should have stayed in Britain

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