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Computer games, how can I block my receptionists computer?

Our receptionist plays computer games 5-6 hrs daily. How can I disable her computer to eliminate that ?

9 Answers

  • Andrew
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if she has 5-6 hours worth of time in a day to play games, she doesn't have enough duties, or your business is so agonizingly slow that she would be mind-numbingly bored without them.

    does she HAVE anything else she could be doing with those 5-6 hours?

  • 1 decade ago

    The first approach I'd take is to writeup a computer usage policy that outlines what is acceptable and not acceptable and what the consequences are for not following the policy. Make sure the policy is distributed to everyone in your company and enforce the policies. If the receptionist is spending all their time playing games, then it might be time to find a new receptionist. With a policy in place and documented behavior, you can easily terminate her employment and hire someone new.

    Oh, realize that employees will occasionally break the policy (i.e. a rule about no personal emails for example would easily be broken). I wouldn't go overboard on enforcement for minor incidents. What you are looking to enforce is anything the affects time charging and puts the company at risks (illegal P2P file trading, obscene material, pirated software, etc...).

  • 1 decade ago

    What kind of games? Internet games? You can block the sites that she goes to the most using an online filter service or through the network router. If she's installing games she brings from home you can disable the cd drive or thumbdrive so she can't put anything on there. If it's the games that are already on the computer you can just uninstall them.

    Also, I'm not sure how to do it, but if you're on a domain you can change admin setting so that she can't install any games.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The easiest way I have found is to pile a mountain of work on her desk so she can't even see the screen. Busy-ness will take that problem away...

    There are plenty of programs that can block stuff like that...but then you would be paying her to sit and stare at walls instead of play solitare...and that might lead to her simply quiting for another employer who either keeps her busy or lets her play games.

    I would hit the search engines if you are hell-bent on blocking the (internet..see above answer for blocking the games on the pc) games though. Like I said, there are tons of programs out there that can do it for you...

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  • Lyn B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, as another person said.....keep her busy. Does her job have enough responsibility to keep her occupied. If not what would you do if you were sitting there all day staring at the walls. How busy is her day with her receptionist responsibilities??

    Does she do the jobs assigned to her? and you do not want to add to her duties....then leave the games alone.

    If she does not do her jobs assigned to her then find someone who will.

  • 5 years ago

    its a spyware or virus the fbi does not hav time to check for milliona of people pirating music n movies that simply is wasting time. so no i doubt the fbi has anything to do with it. go check out a computer repair technician. relax nothing serious, now if u get a warning by mail yea your pretty much fudged but again i doubt it

  • 1 decade ago

    Fire her or just tell her that she should not be playing games.

  • 1 decade ago

    you'll find the games in


    or u can go to

    control panel --> add remove programs --> add remove windows components

  • 1 decade ago

    have no idea but this is interestin

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