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What constitutes a Christian?

Would it be becoming a member of an organized church? Or maybe your family was and you feel like you were born into it? Or you just feel bad about your life and you strive to be better or different? What is it?

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Glad you asked as I am a born again Christian myself. Christian means Christ like. You must ask Jesus to come live in your heart and forgive your sins. Jesus loves EVERYONE and died for all our sins. Read John 3:16. God wants us to live for Him so we can one day have everlasting life in Heaven with Him for Eternity, our bodies will die but our souls will never. You cannot become a Christian by being a member of a church, being born into a family or just being a "good person". Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation. Some good verese to read in the Bible are Romans 10:5-13, Matthew 20:20-28, Psalms 32:1-11, Romans 8:31-39, 1John 1:5-10. The bible has alot to say about being a Christian and is like our instruction book. Once you accept Jesus in your heart He helps you be like Him and gives you a desire to change your old ways. Thats why we say "born again" Remember God can save anyone. He gives peace, joy, love that is greater than anything and it never ends! PLEASE READ THE BIBLE, starting with the verses I gave you. You may need help understanding it, Get an NIV. It is easy to read also Get in a good bible based church and surround yourself with other Christians. GOD BLESS

  • 1 decade ago

    Christian is translated as "Christlike" although I suspect most real Christians wouldn't identify themselves as such, so great is their regard for Christ.

    Jesus made it possible for us to commune with God, to be forgiven, and for there to be nothing between us.

    We just accept that gift, and start a relationship, the greatest you will ever know.

  • 1 decade ago

    Believing in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That's it. That being said, you don't have to be a Christian to be a good person. Not all Christians are good people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the US?

    The ability to honestly believe what everyone else does is your business

    The ability to believe that just because your peers or some dude at a podium says it, it must be true.

    The ability to 100% toss aside common sense and rational thought.

    Being able to twist any word, phrase, or story into what you want it to mean.

    Condoning others for living in sin while simultaneously only doing your duties for personal gain.

    Force feed the surrounding public on your beliefs even though 70% of your peers have never even read the bible.

    having unbalanced social skills that may have made it hard for you to "fit in" in the past leaves you yearning for support so desperately you'll go w ANYTHING to have that feeling of belonging.

    Be so stunted by the thought of death and having to be responsible for yourself you go along w/ anything you are told that says that isnt the case.

    The ability to completely ignore any scientific evidence that contradicts your beliefs.

    The ability to talk out both sides of your face at one time "jesus loves everyone, except you, and you , and you . . . "

    This could go on for days . . .

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is accepting the Lord as your saviour, asking forgiveness of your sins, reading and spreading God's Word to others. Learn it, Live it, Love it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To be a christian is to be a follower of Christ. Thats it!

    Read the gospel to get to know who he is and if you believe what He says and accept Him for who he is into your life, you are a christian!

    He says, those who love me obey me. I think that is what a christian is.

    Source(s): John 14:21
  • 1 decade ago

    to bacome a true Christian you must first believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins and then accept him into your heart as your saviour and ask him to forgive your sins...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a person being born into it, a person going through a rough patch in there lives who is open to any new idea's promising a solution and happens to stumble upon christianity... hence the term "ive been saved", or just a gullible person.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh please!!! If you are missing something in your life, it's God. Once you realize that you will be ok! otherwise go bury your head in the sand ostrich!

    thanks for the two points btw!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a crusader that fights with a sword and declares victory in the name of God

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