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Does America really love pro-war lawyers who favor corporate welfare?

Because... that's exactly what every single one of the non-democratically selected "front-runners" is.

Is this what Americans demand from our leadership, or is something else going on?

Why are all the veterans and doctors running for president marginalized? Aren't war and medicine supposed to be the big issues this year?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So long as we allow the two party system to maintain its stranglehold on American politics this is what we'll get. And the two parties aren't going to give up easily. Take a look at the choices we're given and tell me that it's even a question of who is best able to lead the country. We're given a choice between socialism and fascism and told that it's a democracy (well, a federal republic if you want to be pedantic). When one candidate is so horrible that their election is actually FEARED by the average citizen (such as Hillary Clinton or George Bush) those citizens will vote for the lesser of two evils in a heartbeat. They're casting a negative vote to keep one candidate OUT, and have become political prostitutes. I've crushed the wasted vote myth so many times that it's become tiresome. But there is a helluva lotta money in poltics, and that's what this all boils down to. The RNC and DNC need money to elect candidates. Special interests need representatives to raid the public coffers for them. It's a symbiotic relationship that's actually parasitic on the body of representational democracy. Throw two moderates up for election and people won't fear either one of them. And they'll use their vote in a positive manner, which probably means going to a third party. Can't have that, now can we? So the parties scare the bejabbers out of us with candidates I wouldn't allow to wash my car without supervision, the special interests get richer, more of my taxes are wasted, and people that actually COULD run the country well (doctors, generals, engineers) don't even bother trying. And if they do they're laughed at and called loons.

  • 1 decade ago

    Corporations have been in control for years. This isnt a new thing. They narrow it down to 4 or 5 people who they feel will represent them properly, then make sure theyre the only ones who can afford to run.

    We pick out of their hand selecting minions and pretend we have a democracy.

    The few times this has not been the case have been glorious times of change. Bureaucracies were created to combat a bribe system, but they were only created because people got up the courage to vote for inexperienced leaders who hadnt been in Washington to be purchased by lobbyist.

    Its not that we want it, its that we've been convinced that there is no other option. The only way to combat them is to vote for people who dont have corporate money, the ones you dont hear of much because the media isnt getting advertising in exchange for highlighting their candidate.

  • 1 decade ago


    "All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

    Wait and see.

    As for veterans and doctors (or other health care professionals) running, if they did, change might happen. And certain businesses (cough, haliburton, cough) would not like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    70 % of the american public is anti war and 95% of the candidates are pro war .. they have lunch with haliburton ceos and such ,,

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't lawyers always think they know everything?

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