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Ok, then, if being hardworking is an affirmative defense?

then why did I not get a pass on my speeding ticket?

If being a hard worker is all you need to do to keep from having consequences when you break the law, why did I have to pay?

I am a very hard worker.


It's not a perfect comparison, no.

You can't tell I'm a hard worker when I get pulled over, but you can't tell if an Illegal was a hard worker when he gets deported, either.

Also, I don't commit federal felonies to pay my taxes.

and don't get it wrong, ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS are criminals, ESPECIALLY the ones who pay taxes, because they are saying that ID theft, the fastest growing crime in America, is A-OK.

Update 2:

I am hard worker too.

Where's my respect?

Oh, wait, I have to earn it.

What makes ILLEGAL aliens any different? I have no respect for criminals who can't accept the consequences of their actions.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's a great comparison, actually.

    People expect us to give a pass to illegal aliens because, after all, they just want to work and they work so hard, blah, blah, blah.

    Okay then, I need an amnesty on my speeding because, after all, I was on my way to work and I just want to be there on time, and I work so hard.

    Doesn't work for speeding, and it shouldn't work for crossing the border illegally, stealing someones identity, and/or evading tax laws.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for ucan,

    Im sorry that you believe it is okay to break the law. Do you want America to be overpopulated like China. Do you want to pay more taxes too. Im sure a lot of them pay taxes too but the taxes they are paying are different from what people pay here that are working legally. I know that they take almost 30 percent of my wages in taxes just to support all these social programs. People are angry because they work so hard and have to shell out more and more money. The more money you make the more they take. So if I were illegal and working under the table they would not get taxes from me. Even if i was legal, with minimal job skills they would not take thousands of dollars out of my pay because I would never make enough for them to do that. Remember, taxes come in all shapes and forms. Our country is already over taxed and what will happen in 30 years when I retire? Who knows if there will be any money in social security because there are lots of people getting that too. What is important is taking care of our own. We allow more immigrants into this country than any other country in the world and give ppl an opportunity to better themselves and have richer lives. The people they let in have to follow laws to get into here and when others come illegally, what 30 million? what does that do to us tax payers who are footing the bill. I understand that they deserve a better life and they are doing menial labor that no one wants to do. But actually there are enough ppl here that can do that work and then some. Its not okay to just say come on in everyone, thats not fair to anyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I killed someone, but I work hard also. In fact I do a job that nobody else wanted to do. I am also going to have to cry racism and appeal my verdict as well! Also, what about MY kids? Their father was sent away. Thats not fair! I should be able to stay with them even if I broke the law. Wahhhhhhhh

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about tax evasion? Can I get a pass on that one? Not buying new car tags - I can think of a lot of these!

    Great comparison but I see it confused those kids educated in the government schools!

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  • 1 decade ago

    because that's not a good comparison. Illegal aliens pay taxes to an extent as much as they can. if it weren't for the difficult laws to get over here then they would be doing things legally. How can we tell you are a good worker when you get pulled over? You can tell a Mexican is a hard worker because they take the **** jobs no one else wants. They are supporting their family as much as they can. Would you clean dishes for 7 n hour and work 6 days a week pulling in 52 hours or more? i doubt it. Because that's a shitty job and no one would want that. they pay for their speeding tickets just like everyone else.

    oo here we go again whitechick, am i askin u the question? no so dont be trying to put me in my place, you think you know what your talkin about, but you dont your ignorant at this subject and you need to find your away along to another section in answers that would actually fit you. and if you want to have a convo with me im me instead of tryin to call me out on here, unless you cant handle that, ok hunny

  • 1 decade ago

    u gotta be kidding right?

    just bc u work doesn't mean u can be a renegade, kill everybody and brake laws.

    c'mon dude, this is real world not a kid game. without rules plus with people like u our society would be destroyed. lol

    *i work hard too and i live in a fu**ing poor country. lol

  • Libby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    sorry for the bitterness you feel. I believe that 99% of undocumented workers are here to better themselves and their families . They are hard workers and deserve respect from all of us.

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