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what shall I do?

I met a woman in gym 6 months ago and we became friends ,she is generally very nice person and I started to like her more and more each they passed but ......lately I found out that she's interested in women more than men ,she has many girls and female friends and she spends her time more with them than her husband ...I feel uncomfortable and kinda deppressed every time we talk because I think she is kind of Bi or les...I feel I must stop this friendship but I don't know it's the only thing to do...what do you think I should do really?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You shouldn't feel depressed, if you are uncomfortable because she is interested in women----than you shouldn't be friends. If you know she isn't interested in you sexually, than what's the big deal? People can be married yet still be interested in people of the same sex. Maybe her and her husband have an open marriage? Do you know all the details? I have friends that are gay, bi, & les orientated, that is their preference....who am I to judge? I let people know up front that my sexual preference is MEN ONLY, as long as I put that out there, I'm comfortable. I truly think that if you let her go as a friend, because of sexuality issues, you would be missing out on the bond you two have already made. You really should just talk to her about it and ask her what's going on. Communication is key, if you really value your friendship with her, than talk to her. If you decide you would be too uncomfortable with what's really going on, let her know and go from there. I hope you don't lose your friend over this, good friends are hard to find........

  • 1 decade ago

    Look, do you enjoy this friendship? What does her personal sex life have to do with you? Who did you hear that she is into women from? Obviously it wasn't from her. Why don't you try stopping a rumor mill by going to her and telling her what you have heard. Go to the source of who the rumor is about. Be mature about this situation don't act like you are in grade school.

    Now, if you feel that she is into you then you need to set the boundaries. Just because someone might or might not be bi-sexual, lesbian, gay, homosexual or whatever doesn't mean that they aren't a good person or that they can't be a good friend. Some of my best and dearest friends have been gay. Actually they make some of the best friends ever because they aren't afraid to be who they really are. Don't believe all the misconceptions..."oh if I'm friends with this person they are going to try and turn me." That is a bunch of bull. Anyone who says that is an immature twit who needs to be slapped upside their head.

    Ultimately, if you enjoy the friendship that you have with this woman then keep it going. If you don't then stop talking to her and go to the gym on a different schedule. It's your choice, but I find it utterly ridiculous to throw away a potential friendship because of rumors or because of someones sexual orientation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why can't you continue to be friends with her if she is gay or bisexual?

    You say that she has a husband - so why is her sexuality even an issue with you? That seems to be more her husband's problem than yours. I presume that since she is married you weren't considering her as a possible love interest - so what is bothering you so much?

    If you really feel that you must end the relationship then I would just not be as available to her. If she approaches you be courteous but not too interested or engaged. Give polite reasons to end the conversation. The point - don't be mean, just let the friendship fade away. She really hasn't done anything wrong so I don't think she deserves to be hurt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why stop the friendship just because you have this inkling that she may be bi-curious, bi, or lesbian? Innocent until proven guilty, remember? If it bothers you that much, come right out and ask her if she is bi or lesbian. If she says yes, then you have to decide how to handle it from there. If you just can't deal with that, be honest with her and tell her you're not comfortable with the situation.

    I hope you'll try to be bigger than that though -- even if she is bi or lesbian that doesn't change the fact that the two of you are friends and it doesn't mean she's interested in you in that way. If you're afraid she may become interested in you that way, you could tell her up-front that you would still like to be her friend but you are not willing to go down that road. That way you can keep the friendship and set the boundaries.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ok I don't know if other picked up on this but what does a husband have to do with it.You saying she is married if so why bother.And even if she is bisexual as you say just because a women has female friend don't make her bisexual.To call her bisexual you would have to see her having sex with a female or hear her saying what she wants to do to a female.Don't be calling her bisexual just because she has female friends.If you had a lot of male friends and you like females does that make you bisexual.And becides how do you know she wants to be your sex mate she may just want to be a friend.And were do you get off thinking it's your place to tell her who she can see and who she can't.And sides you don't tell a women who she can see and who she can't married or not married. A women will see who she wants and no men is going to tell her who ahe can't.Just be happy being her friend you maybe geting hooked on her but she may just like you as a friend.Don't make more in to this then there is!.

    Source(s): just my thoughts
  • Niel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well u dont need to fell uncomfortable bcz she might b Bi or Les. If she wants to have that kind of relationship with u, then tell her that u r not interested. that should deal it well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can always get what you want.

    But becoming and staying friends with her will give you the time to see what can happen. And if anything else being friends with her is better than nothing. Don't push it or you may turn her off.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's wrong with just being her friend? Not every friendship has to become a sexual relationship. Just wait and see what happens. If she makes a move on you, just let her know you're straight.

  • keep being friends with this person if you like her as a friend, if you feel however that she may be hitting on you and it makes you feel uncomfortable, let her know that ure not interested in that kind of a relationship, and if she accepts that then everything should be fine, i know a lot of straight ppl who have gay friends

  • 1 decade ago

    Learn to concentrate, you are in the gym so do gym. If she wants to talk more, then she will... let her forget why she is there, you stay focused! Learning to concentrate thoroughly is a very valuable and rare ability.

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