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The Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual?

I feel quite foolish asking this question, but after what I must say is extensive reading on the topic, I still can't really comprehend the exact difference between transgender and transsexual.

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    'Transgender' describes a person, male or female, who dresses, behaves or presents themselves in a way that is different from their gender norm. Transgender includes transvestites/crossdressers, Drag Queens/Kings, androgynes and genderqueers. It does NOT include transsexual people.

    'Transsexual' describes a person, male or female, born with a congenital neurological intersex condition (Benjamin's syndrome). Although transsexualism almost always requires some form of medical intervention up to and including genital surgery, it is not defined by, nor restricted to, that treatment.

    Source(s): I'm transsexual.
  • 5 years ago

    Transgender Vs Transsexual

  • 6 years ago


    The Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual?

    I feel quite foolish asking this question, but after what I must say is extensive reading on the topic, I still can't really comprehend the exact difference between transgender and transsexual.

    Source(s): difference transgender transsexual:
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I am sex:Male and gender:Female -- trans gendered.

    TS change their sex literally while TG do not. TG is more of a style preference not neccessarily an urge to be the other gender. Since I am TG I know a little bit about this. I wear denim skirts as I wish from time to time and to me it is about style and expression, not neccessarily to do with anything sexual, meaning I don't want to change my sex -- I love women only, have zero interest in men and I know women who are female-to-male whom are the exact opposite of me and I respect them for their decisions to be whom they choose to be, I actually think that's wonderful, that they express themselves the way they want to be looked at not as society chooses to view them which is often perverted and sick.

    So yes, TS -- trans sexuals -- are in the wrong bodies and they may or may not correct this issue by changing sexes physically, while TG -- trans gendered -- people do not. As I said, I have many TG female-to-male friends who would like to be transexuals, but their primary reason for not changing over to the other sex is single handedly, because "the technology just isn't good enough" and a LOT of them say that very same sentence to me...

    Either way, we are all transgendered (TG) meaning we opt to be a different gender than we may or may not present ourselves as.

    For those who have transitioned, in my honest humble opinion, for what little it's worth on the subject, they have a right to state themselves as either TG trans sexual or male or female, period. I would personally actually prefer they not even use transgendered, because it degrades THEM as opposed to my situation which is just to view myself as another gender...they are actually real men and women after surgery and so therefore I treat them as such. I have no problem with a man who was a former female or a female who was a former man. Neithr bothers me either way...all I care about are using the proper pronouns as appropriate...For me, that's a little bit hard, because I identity as gender:Female while presenting as a male on top with polo shirts and shaven legs....either way, my friends and family and my girlfriend accept me as I am... ;-)

    The world is changing...change with it or you'll be left behind...

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    How about instead of opinions we just post the definitions? Instead of interpreting them ourselves. I am a transsexual woman and its not because of a physical birth defect!!!


    An umbrella term that refers to those with identities that cross over, move between, or otherwise challenge the socially constructed border between the genders. While this can include medical or social transition, it may not.


    A term referring to a person who does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth and wishes, whether successful or not, to realign their gender and their sex through use of medical intervention.

    Source(s): Medical dictionary!!!
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    difference transgender transsexual:

  • 1 decade ago

    There are three main classes of people that do not conform to their birth gender.

    1) Gender Nonconformity - Ex. (sissy / nelly [historically fairy] ) (tomboy / butch) depending on sexual orientation

    People who innately identify with their birth sex but frequently behave in a manner that is usually associated almost exclusively with the opposite sex. This behavior is probably innate.

    2) Gender Ambiguity (transgender) - Ex. many cross-dressers, bi-gender, gender queer, drag queen, drag king, androgyn, transgenderist (derogatorily known as she-male for a person who lives as a women with a male sex organ that uses it sexually or he-she for the opposite, a person who lives as a man with a female sex organ that uses it sexually)

    People who do not identify with either sex consistantly and exclusively.

    Note: Many people mistakenly use the term "he-she" for male to female transgenderists and transsexuals.

    3) Opposite Birth Sex Gender Conformity (transsexualism) -

    A person who thinks, feels and acts (if safe to do so) like a member of the opposite birth sex, especially psychosexually.

    Note:Transsexuals will usually seek sex reassignment surgery if they can afford it, are in physical condition to undergo the operation, can legally obtain the surgery in the country of residence or are able to leave that country.

    Source(s): I am a transsexual who has had to read so much about transgender and gender non conforming people because I keep getting misplaced in the same catagory as gender ambigous people.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought the difference was that transgender describes any type of neuroligically gender varient people, such as people who identify as Androgynous, as well as transsexuals, who specifically, are people who identify as opposite the physical sex they were born with, whether they correct this error physically or just live with that knowledge (or perhaps even without knowing exactly who they are). I'm transsexual myself and even I'm not sure :\... some people include "gender play" such as transvestitism and cross dressing under the transgender term but I'm not sure if thats accurate either.

    So if I'm right that means I'm transsexual and transgender... I guess.

    edit: you've gotten four different answers lol... I'm more confused than I was about the subject before I clicked on your question... good luck! I'm pretty sure I'm right about the transsexual part but as to what the umbrella term transgender encompasses I'm not certain.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Measuring the penis when it isn't erect is pointless, since the length and bulk are affected by various temporary factors, such as the ambient temperature. Even the largest male organ can shrink to virtually nothing if the man goes for a swim in cold water. However, at normal temperatures a non-erect p enis usually measures between 8.5 cm and 10.5 cm (3-4 inches) from tip to base.

    Learn more about techniques to enlarge your penis

    The average figure is about 9.5 cm (3.75 inches). Of course, it's true that some men have big penises and some have smaller ones, just as some men have small feet and some have big feet, but the measurement is not – repeat not – an index of virility.

  • 6 years ago

    you r all wrong.transgender is a x dresser or gay person who dresses in drag.trans gender is someone who feels trapped in the wrong body the wrong has nothing to do with wearing womens clothes.that is a transvestite.big difference..!!!.so dont throw out miscoceptions when you dont know what ur talking about.ask any gender therapist this question and they will tell u the do i know ??. i am a transgender woman.does not mean i like men.i have had two years of gender therapy and am on hrt.

  • 1 decade ago

    Transgender is generally used as a catch-all umbrella term for a variety of individuals, behaviours, and groups centered around the full or partial reversal of gender roles as well as physical sexual reassignment therapies (which can be just hormonal or involve various degrees of surgical alteration). A common definition is "People who feel that the gender they were assigned (usually at birth) is a false or incomplete description of themselves." Included in this definition are a number of well known sub-categories such as transsexual, cross-dressing (transvestite) and sometimes genderqueers.

    Another definition is:

    Transgender (TG): The group of all people who are inclined to cross the gender line, including transsexuals, cross-dressers, and gender benders together. This is the main way the word is used today, and is referred to as the "umbrella definition as it covers everyone. A few people use the word transgender as a synonym for transsexual.

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