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13 yr. old Myspace profile concern please read and help me?

My 13 yr. old niece has a Myspace profile with the song "Me so Horny" playing in the background, She has posted pictures of herself that I personally feel are inappropriate for a 13 yr. old. My 11 yr. old niece has her mood set as horny. I told my sister their Mother about this and her answer was Horny means silly. Without going into how I personally feel about all of this I want to ask the parents out there if this is accepted by society today. I myself am not a parent so maybe I'm out of the loop of todays culture. Please help me to understand. Thank you.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This may sound a bit harsh, but your sister needs a slap upside her head.

    I can't imagine allowing 13 & 11 year olds to have such songs/moods posted on myspace, is that not an open door for pedophiles? Or does she not read the paper or listen to the news.

    What I would do is gather as much information on the subject and send it her way. Maybe all she needs is a wake up call that will help knock some sense into her before her girls do and that would truly be a shame

    You don't have to be a parent to know that is wrong, you are right to have concerns. The major problem in todays society is that parents are way too busy and think that as long as my kids are home on the computer they are safe, they are very wrong indeed

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's no question - you have to lay the "blame" on the parent here. I've never heard of "Horny" meaning "silly" but then I'm slightly older than a 13 year old! I am a parent though and I'd be horrified if I found my daughter using a profile like that. In fact, I wouldn't allow it. I can guess what your personal feeling are - probably the same as most people who think kids are growing up way too fast these days. More parental control and supervision is required - especially where the Internet is concerned - it's a minefield. I don't thinks it's you that neads to understand - to be blunt, I think it's your sister.

  • 1 decade ago

    wtf? (not to you Question Asker, but to Biology) Horny does not mean silly, do you really think that? Anyways I agree that you should flag the pictures. Or you could just show her in the dictionary were it says what Horny really means. Or just casually show her all the articles about pedo's on myspace. Or let her read this question, lol. Just show her the pics and ask her if she did that at thirteen and ask her if she honestly wants her 13 and 11 yr olds pregnant?

    Hope I helped :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well horny does mean loopy but none of my friends have ever had that set to that. Im wondering what a 13 and 11 year old have a myspace for when you have to be 14 to get one?

    Source(s): the 14 year old
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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel your pain.

    As a mom of a 14 year old boy who's myspace disturbs me beyond belief.

    I've deleted his account twice already, and now he's made a new one on a fake email (impossible to delete).

    I would suggest making your own myspace page and repeatedly "flagging" the pics you feel are inappropriate. Myspace will delete them for you! Find as many friends to help, and it will get done quicker.

    Your niece will never know you had anything to do with it.

    Good Luck, kids are growing up way to fast these days, and its scaring the hell out of me.

  • 1 decade ago

    The world is getting younger and younger, so are the 18s and 17s of yesteryears are now the the 13s and 11s of todays generation. Whether you accept it or not it is already on its way. What they need now is proper supervision/guidance and proper education. Without these, it leads to a disastrous and problematic teenage life.

  • No- it is not acceptable. but---- I'm the type of mom that doesn't believe that my kids should be saying... "this sucks" - etc --- so, call me old fashion - or whatnot - but, I guess thats why my kids which are 12 and up - don't swear- or say things like that.

    As for the pictures--believe me - now days - kids post pictures that are not appropriate..but "everybodys doing it"..

    Okay- everybody but my kids maybe!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to tell your sister even if you have to spell it out to her. This isn't something like smoking, this could F' up the girls lives for 18 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    welcome to 2007

    where suddenly, 11 and 13 year olds are now 17 and 18 year olds

    my sister is 12 and shes already making out with boys...

  • 1 decade ago

    you should knock some sense into your sister...something must be really wrong with her...sry...just tha way it is...

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