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Potty training advice?

My mother had thirteen children and had us all potty trained by one in a half. -Give or take some months.

Hence when I had my beautiful baby who is now fourteen months old I started potty training her at this age, as I thought it the natural thing to do. Over the course of about 2 weeks she was fully pee-pee potty trained.

She no longer pees in her panties all day long.

She even fetches her potty in the mornings so that she can go pee-pee. I always cheer her and give her raisins as a "shiner". I'm so proud of her and so thankful that she's made such amazing progress! She still wears a diaper at night, though.

So I googled to see if I could get some "pro" advice on night training and was shocked to find that people are saying to potty train at three or even four years of age! My gosh, what a waste of money on diapers! One actually said to definitely NOT potty train at one years old, because they're not developed enough and it's bad for them.

This was the first time I heard of this concept!

I love my girl so much, she's so very sweet and cute and this very moment she's leaning on my arm smiling at me and babbling something about the computer. Hee.

She's such a big girl now and I'm so proud of her. :)

But I'm confused. I'm just a single first time mommy with all close relatives living in different countries then I, except one bachelor brother...*sigh*

Do you think it is wrong that I am trying to potty train my baby

at this age? Should I wait until she's older to finish night training her? I'm just trying to do my best, but I am honesty clueless most of the time.

Advice on this, please!!!!

18 Answers

  • Hayley
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best time to potty train is when the child is ready. That might be a year ,two years, or even three. I think you have done very well to achieve what you have and it is good your daughter is ready and happy :)

    No one can tell you the ideal age to potty train except your little one :)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Toilet Training Guide
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly congratulations on doing so well with your first!!! I have a 2 year old son and my father was always telling me how he should have long been out of nappies, apparently we we're all dry by one-one and a half. I stuck to my guns and potty trained at 2yrs 4months and had no real problems.

    What I'm trying to say is you as a mother know the right time for your child and since your not having any problems I really don't think you have harmed her or done anything wrong at all. As for night-time nappies, I personally am going to leave it a little while until 90% of morning nappies are dry. I always take my little one to the potty before bed and try not to give him too much to drink after 6pm. Do the night-time when you are ready and your daughter is ready and well done on the progress you have made so far.

  • 1 decade ago

    no you arent wrong at all. all children are different and its important not to push them into it before theyre ready but your daughter has responded well so thats great. at the end of the day you cant force it - especially with night time training, at some point you wil notice that her nappy is not very wet, or even totally dry, in the morning. that is probaably a good time to start. do not worry about doing the wrong thing. reward when she does well but DO NOT SCOLD HER IF SHE WETS THE BED. this could have the opposite effect than required, not to mention giving your child a complex about something thats not her fault. as long as youre not forcing her its not aproblem and if you dont seem to get anywhere, just leave it for awhile longer - and of course be prepared for a few midnight bed changes! - make sure you have awaterprooof sheet.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are definately not wrong. We had little idea on when to start and (for no good reason) made our first attempt when our son was 2ys 3 months. We took a similar approach in terms of rewards, but failed miserably and used a lot of carpet cleaner! We tried again around 3 months later and it took a few days but we got there in the end. As with a lot of these things, there is no right answer and I think as long as you and your daughter aren't getting stressed and upset, then go for it!

    As for night training, we'll probably try in a year's time, but there's no science around our choice. We'll probably make sure he has a few consecutive dry nights before we try.

    You sound like you are doing a great job and you are clearly happy, so don't change based on the views of others.

    Source(s): University of Life,
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your not doing anything wrong at all. i think generally people start to potty train at about 2 years old, just because this is the time the child usually begins to communicate and can therefore tell you if they need to go. but well done you! getting your child potty trained so young is great and much easier for both u and ur baby. there is so much debate about when a child should or shout not wean or potty train etc, just go with what ur comfortable with and whats working for u and ur baby girl :)

  • 1 decade ago

    If she's already partially potty trained, then she's ready. Move at a pace that is good for her (not you) and keep praising her. Each child is different and will potty train at different times. My son was well into his 3rd year before he would even try. I tried to start him at two and he wasn't ready. When I told him he had to be potty trained for Pre-school, that was the incentive he needed.

  • nooka
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Good for you! My Mum said that she had myself and my brothers trained to do number two's over the toilet by about 9 months-after that we screamed when we needed to go and wouldn't do it in our nappy (diaper). I potty trained my daughter at 2 years old but she never went on the potty. It was only when i put her on the toilet itself that she would "go". By 2 years 4 months, she was fully trained and it all came at once-she went through the night dry aswell. I would put your little one in trainer pants with a cotton lining at night time and cut down on her liquid intake (obvious I know). Then wake her when you go to bed and gently lead her to the toilet, she won't even know that she has been woken but as soon as you put her on the toilet or potty, she will go. Then as soon as you get up in the morning, wake her and race to potty. Good luck and well done again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You do what feels right and stuff the "experts" If your little girl wasn't ready, she wouldn't be dry now. I started my two sons early (just gone about year and a half) and it didn't take long. You are doing the right thing. Go on your instinct and your mothers good example.

    Well done you.

    Source(s): Common sense and experience
  • 1 decade ago

    if your daughter is ready then it is the right thing to do. i have a 2 year old son and he point blank refuses to go on the potty at all. so i will try again in about a month......

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