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Democrat definitions of rich, middle class, and poor?

Democrats recently submitted a tax proposal that will greatly benefit people who make less than $20,000 a year and people who make between $100,000 and $500,000. They call this "middle class tax relief."

SCHIP was about "poor kids" medical coverage, so they pushed an expansion proposal that would expand coverage to families making $80,000 a year.

Kerry said that Bush's tax cutsshould be rolled back and rich people making $100k or more should pay the bill.

Are you following this?

$80,000 is POOR

<$20,000 is MIDDLE CLASS

$100,000 - $500,000 is MIDDLE CLASS

>$100,000 is RICH

The Democrats don't care about the middle class anymore than the Republicans do. They pander to minimum wage workers and the lawyer/doctor class.


Democrat class-warfare = double-speak, requiring the believer to hold fundamentally opposed beliefs simultaneously.

Update 2:

Sahara, why should you get twice the tax cut as someone who makes half as much as you?

I can only laugh when I hear about you rich six figure liberals who are "just barely making it by."

Update 3:

"My blue state is too expensive after decades of Democratic politicians running the show! Let's elect Democratic politicians in D.C. to continue those inflationary policies because I still haven't learned that gov't spending = inflation!"

10 Answers

  • Yoda
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Come on people, if you have the love of your spouse, family, children or neighbors you are rich.

    They(politcians) are power vampires, who love to label and separate the people. Divide and conquer. By keeping us confused with political jargon and catch phrases they succeed in dividing us. The truth is we don't need them, they need us. Would anyone want to be president if there was no prestige, no money, no power? These people are egomaniacs. And when we debate and argue over who would be better, we fall straight into their trap, the bait is passion, the trap is ignorance, the result is more power for them. Rich or poor, I have been happy in life, no thanks to anyone in government.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't you realize that Democrats and Republicans and whoever else, are just a distraction, designed to keep your attention away from the people who are really running your country, from behind the scenes?

    De'mock'racy was designed by the ruling class as a means of diverting the masses dissatisfaction with the ruling class away from them and toward puppet-political-parties. Thus satisfying the peoples desire for change and preventing them from ever revolting against and overthrowing the ruling class.

  • 1 decade ago

    $80,000 a year is nothing in the state in which I live. (Mass.)

    $20,000 and under is poor (in MA, you would be homeless w/o government support)

    $100,000 to $500,000: I can see that being the new middle class (it's not what it used to be.)

    >$100,000 is not rich (our income is just over $100K and we are not rich, just barely making it, we're not spendaholics as I call 'em but everything is so expensive)

    The democrats are not perfect but they are trying. Please don't downplay the Republican contribution to all of this because they are serious opponents against middle class tax cut relief. Rich people don't like giving any money away.

    A lot of them are cheaters and liars.

  • 1 decade ago

    Darn, you just burst my bubble.

    I didn't know that the Democrats distinguished between classes. I thought that once a Democrat was in the high office of President that everything would be given to know for free.


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  • 1 decade ago

    well, what's the republican definition of these?

    oh that's right, they only care about millionaires - what's that about poverty you say? don't worry, republicans have this thing called "trickle down economy" that'll work just fine. right.

    the bottom line is that repubs want to help the rich get richer at the expense of everyone else. at least dems want to even it out..

    but either way dems and repubs are both owned by corporations, so how corporate america defines these levels is all that really matters.

  • 1 decade ago

    And the Republicans are even far worse with their pandering big business.

    Over 3000 jobs have been shipped overseas from Ohio alone. reason? Republicans.

    The reason those numbers are set high is because of the financial divide. $80k aint waht it used to be in this economy, hello.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really don't see what makes them "the party of the little guy."

    I think they are the biggest liars. But somehow a lot of people love a good lie.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, duh! (and i hate using duh... it's just a slow friday afternoon). NEITHER party is looking out for us. they pander to the extremes of society so that we will stay divided & not pay attention to the real issues. do you think ANYONE in washington gives a rat's *** about anyone out in the real world? no way! they have the power & they are going to keep it. their not going to do any good for us, just string us along.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the air traffic controller class too...thanks dems :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dems care more about criminals and druggies than normal hardworking people

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