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what does the song "Come Together" by the Beatles really mean?

My fiance and I went to see Across the Universe a few weeks back and were in the car yesterday listening to the is really metaphorical but what do the lyrics really mean? same as I am the "Walrus"?

What do these songs mean? Metaphors for what?


5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am the walrus was written while john lennon was on drugs (surprise!):

    and i'm not sure about come together, but i found this (just read the comments):

  • 5 years ago

    During the 60ties and seventies a lot of effort was done by musicians and singers to revive groups of Youth and all, like calls for the brotherhood of man, the beatles sang well the need to unite in decision, politics , facing of problems , even alien clans should when meeting reach an ideal care by respect of the other while the come together still holds before alianation and abuse .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could take it just as "we all need to get along" during the 60's time of riots and turbulence, but I think Lennon may have also been playing a sly joke and there was sexual overtones too (coming together, if you know what I mean). He was also into non-sensical imagry purely from the imagination, like Lucy in the Sky (some other best lyrics by him, along with Across the Universe).

  • 1 decade ago

    As a whole I don't think it has any meaning, deep or otherwise. It probably is a bunch of inside jokes all stitched together. Here's a great link to check out regarding this song and many other songs, the many inside jokes and recording anomalies that they left in for their amusement.

    Here's a link to one:

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  • 1 decade ago

    Have no idea maybe coming together as one or something XD

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