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mach asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

"Would the re-unification of Palestine work democratically?"?

Could Palestinians and Jews live democratically under aunited flag.This is a genuine poll question and would be grateful for your honest opinion.

11 Answers

  • TJTB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If it was up to the Israeli people and the Palestinian people, yes!

    Unfortunately it's up to the blood thirsty and greed driven Zionist leaders of Israel and the luney revenge driven leaders of the Palestinians. If things were left to the people there would be peace. The only hope for any peace would have happened under Israeli leader Yitzhak Rabin, but Jewish extremists killed him. It was a big loss to the peace process in that region. He was a very good man. Even the bull headed Arafat was softening to his integrity and decency.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    to reli and jack!! previously the first international warfare Palestine turned right into a district ruled by ability of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were defeated by ability of Britain and her allies interior the warfare. After WW1 Britain took administration of Palestine, yet there have been many issues between the Arabs who lived there and Jews who had to stay there too. After the 2d international warfare, Britain keen to enable the United international locations opt for what to do with Palestine. The United international locations reported isolating Palestine into 2 international locations, one Arab and one Jewish. The Arab leaders reported no to the plan, notwithstanding the Jewish leaders well-known it and declared the state of Israel. The President of america gave his help to the hot state. for the reason that then Israel has set up many Jewish settlements - communities, some tiny, some as massive as small cities - in both the West monetary employer and the Gaza Strip. those settlements are considered unlawful lower than global regulation, regardless of the actual undeniable reality that Israel does no longer trust this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes it used to work a long time ago till the zionists took over now its chaos cos the zionist wants all the land they wont be happy till they got 100 percent of palistinian land its very sad but true . god bless the palestinians its terrible the way they are treated by the illegal occupiers of israel. There never was a israel till 1968 wheres the map before 1968 with israel on it didnt exist mate just been invented to suit the zionists needs

  • 1 decade ago

    Not likely as they are the same but only on different sides of the coin!! That's why the allies after the war allowed Isreal to exist so as to have a ready market for thgeir weapons industries and to divaide the Arab nation/s up, cynical but true !! and very SAD too !!

    Source(s): mr brain
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It should never have been divided. The cause of the problem was the massive influx of Jews from Europe after the war who demanded the right to displace the native population from Palestine. Seems to me that the same problem is occurring in Britain due to the massive influx of foreigners from the EU who we have no right to deport, even if they are criminals, so while the Middle East has been a problem since Israeli terrorist gangs killed British soldiers in the 40's. I can see the problem being right on our door in Britain in the near future if controls are not placed on immigration. The other problem with the Israeli's is that their usual reaction to anything is to flatten the next door country and kill their civilians which is not going to endear them to any in the area. A bit like us bombing France for allowing the immigrants to cross into Britain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, that would have to be forced on both sides by some stronger foreign power. Be serious this is like asking if Bosnia and Serbia should merge

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think the people themselves!! could. its the leaders that are keeping it from happening. but the Israelis have to give back all the land that they stole. and stop bullying. also the holiest of holy places must be handed back. Israel used it to goad the Palastinians. it has to be given back before any seriouse talks can take place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right now, 1.4 million Palestinians are VOTING CITIZENS of Israel. They vote in Israeli elections. There are Palestinian members of the Knesset (Israeli parliament). There are Palestinian members of the Israeli cabinet. There is a Palestinian Justice on the Israeli Supreme Court.

    So, yes, they could. However, it would require the radical Palestinians to stop killing people. Since most Palestinians are raised from the age of 6 to be serial killers, they are unable to stop killing. So, as a practical matter, the only way to have peace is to execute every Palestinian who has committed murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, planning murder, soliciting murder, inciting murder, covering up murder (obstructing justice) -- EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN UNDER US LAW FOR THE SAME ACTIONS IF THEY WERE INSIDE THE USA.

    Only when the serial killers are eliminated will there be any hope for peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Israelis have no problem with that it's the palis who have the problem. They want the Israelis dead and gone.

    By the way, there is no palestine. It's a region not a city, state or country. It's like saying the South West.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The palestinians are killing each other right now!!! There will never be peace as long as the intolerant koranic philosophy prevails...

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