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"Should corporal punishment be reintroduced into schools?"?

When I was at school we got slapped or cained which ever you prefer.Many a day a had stinging sore hands,I knew what it was for, misbehaving.It nevver done me any harm but did teach me a bit of respect.Respect seems to be lacking in a lot of the younger population.


glad to hear all your opinions,It's opened up some lively debate.

Update 2:

ref:A H this is thepoint I'm getting at what have we learned by our mistkes

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Parents should be the one monitoring their children's behavior in school. If a child is so disrespectful of their teacher and/or other class mates then it should be the parents responsibility to determine a form of punishment within the home. Hopefully the parent will have enough sense to have the punishment resemble the offense and not become physically abusive to the child. Teachers are teachers to simply teach, not to discipline and not to babysit children who get out of line. The more involvment parents can play in their child's education the better the education system and level of academic learning a child will receive.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Most adults are fed up with the widespread bad behaviour and disrespect for authority of many of today's younger population, so I'm generally in favour of corporal punishment, especially as my personal experience is positive When I was at a mixed school 30 years ago, like many girls, I felt very much protected knowing that any bullies or disruptive pupils were likely to be caned if they were caught. After leaving school, I worked as an assistant matron at a boys boarding school where corporal punishment was used. Those boys were very well behaved and had great respect for authority, knowing that the the slipper or even the ultimate sanction of the cane was available if required. I worked in a boarding house of 40 boys aged 8 to 13 and it would have been mayhem without a bit of swift discipline to keep the boys under control. The slipper was used fairly frequently for minor things like talking after lights out, whilst the cane was kept as the ultimate sanction for more serious things like fighting and bullying. Overall it worked well and was a happy school. In conclusion, I would definitely support the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools as long as I was convinced that it would be used fairly, consistently and not abusively.

  • 1 decade ago

    On the contrary, it did you great harm.

    I went to school when the law changed. One day the teacher could cane you, and the next he could not. Discipline did not take a nosedive. It was often said as the queue formed in the morning for the cane "it's the same faces every time!" - therefore it doesn't work, or they would need it only once.

    The lack of control in some classes is down to poor staff. Some teachers maintained excellent discipline in the classroom and kept the kids interested. Some were awful and not up to the job.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO WAY !! it's medieval and EVil.. the sooner the human race learns to talk about problems of behaviour in classrooms and in geo political arenas then we might eventually evolve into a more peaceful race of humans.. help parebnts to parent better..

    Source(s): ME BRAin
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  • 7 years ago

    no it should not be reintroduced as the children do not find themselves to be more interactive with studies

    and only think about the teacher.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Slapping, of course not! However, proper corporal punishment, meaning a good paddling on the butt, YES! Since the removal of corporal punishment, the allowance of disrespect towards teachers, and these ridiculous "alternative" teaching and assessment methods, schools have gone downhill. I keep hearing, "If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always gotten." If that's the case, we need to go back to drill and kill along with strong discipline, corporal punishment, and demanding respect of teachers. Then we will start getting better educated students and higher test scores again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its a nice idea but once you took that power away its near immpossible to reintroduce it , personally i think the damage is done with kids and the respect is gone , if you hit them they will hit you back. also i know a few teachers and iv talked to them about this and they are all agree they wouldent be comfortble with it. also most parents wouldnt be happy about it.

    somthing defo has to be done about the respect issue but i dont belive that bringing back the cane would help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    definately, just the thought of it made you behave and as you said it taught you respect, taught you right from wrong. it wasnt so much the fear of having it but the fear of what would happen when your parents found out! i have scool age children and would gladly allow the school to discipline them if they did wrong. i strongly back this to the extent that we have made a request to the school that as parents we would sign an 'opt-in' form requesting discipline be administrated if needed. unfortuantley they are not allowed to do this. it seems its not even the parents who can decide on how to punish bad behaviour. (likewise it never done me any lasting harm)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GOOD LUCK !!!! Society has changed WAY too much for that to happen. The education system has become way too liberal and has too many liberals running the system especially at the public level for that to happen again. He!! if you look at a student the wrong way your a s s gets accused of assault or battery

  • TAP
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If parents would just do their dang job of raising their kids properly this wouldn't even be a topic.

    Source(s): mother, teacher, my kids were straight A students their entire academic careers and both are respectful, kind, empathetic people who are happy and successful. We raised them without hitting them, we didn't need to hit them.
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