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I don't normally drink but...?

I've snuck a couple margaritas from my parents party and now I'm a little buzzed hehe...why do I feel smarter now? Or do I just have less tolerance for the some of the dumb responses I see here on YA? (though I've seen some really good ones too...)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Alcohol tends to give you a "eye opening experience". I personally think it unlocks your mind to understand things you couldn't when your sober. It takes away all your inhibitions and reservations. then you drink to much n only you are right. Find that balance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to sneak a few and feel like king of the world and have a heck of a hangover the next day. Be careful,sometimes girls want to take advantage of you. That's what happened to me.

    Their I was with a buzz

    after the feetball game with my friends.

    when she busted a move that made my head spin.

    was it the winning touchdown

    was it the perfume or the heat

    was it the hot breath on my neck

    or was it the gin. Whatever it was

    made me commit a sin!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your "buzzed" typing and my drunkenness trying to figure out what you're asking is making me want to smack my head into a brick wall.

    What's the question here?

    The answer is probably no.

  • 1 decade ago

    ya after a couple drinks we all feel smarted ,braver ,funny

    its the hang over in the morn. when we feel stupid

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  • 1 decade ago

    hahaha... everyone says the same when they're drunk!

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't normally drink so why start now?????????

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