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Do you ever wonder if you'll become a cranky senior?

Not all old people are cranky, and complaining all the time, but some are. I wonder why ? I do know some very sweet elderly people by the way..before you start attacking.

36 Answers

  • Chris
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I grew up in South Florida, where there are tons of senior citizens.. and let me tell you..

    What makes them cranky is a couple things..

    1) First is Depression. Many older people are depressed about being sick, or the prospect of becoming sick.. some are depressed over the prospect that their life is at an end, and feel sad over this...

    2) Second thing, is Lonliness.. it's depressing and sad to see all of your friends die around you, and your spouse even.. and for you to still be alive.. it's not easy to make new friends, and it's not even interesting to become new friends with someone who may die next week.. so the reality is.. lonliness.. kids don't come to visit, spouse and friends have passed on.. and boom.. you're all alone, suffering with your own aches and pains and illnesses.

    3) Finances.. most Seniors are on a very limited budget.. lack of money also causes stress and worry.

    4) The way people are now days.. older people see how much the world has changed from when they were young.. I remember in my grandmother's journal how she had written that she had seen the developments of microwaves, and airplanes, etc.. and when I read that I shook my head in disbelief.. thinking.. that's everyday stuff too me. It was hard to believe there was life before those things.. and now with the internenet, and computer technology.. many older people are feeling old and out of the loop.. as if their era has passed them by.. and they can't keep up with the change and progress of the world. On another note, some older people are disappointed in how the morals of people have changed, and the junk on tv and stuff.. and so they are cranky for that reason.

    Finally some old people they come off cranky.. because they can't hear, and so they end up yelling.. because they can't hear.. and let's face it, raising your voice can make anyone sound like a crank.

    But in the end, Depression, Lonliness, the Prospect of Death and dealing with your own ailments, finance issues, and of course seeing the world move on faster and faster, while your life and body is slowly winding down..

    well all in all .. that stuff makes people sad and bitter.. and therefore Cranks.

    It's not their fault. Most of them have hearts of gold.. but they need someone to talk too.

    My Great Uncle.. was the nicest man, until he came down with Lou Gherigs Disease.. and as he suffered, his personality changed.. every thing was doom and gloom and about death.. it was like talking to a totally different man.

    Anyway.. it's scary getting older.. and someday we'll all be there.

  • 1 decade ago

    My dad is a very sweet man and never is cranky about anything. Mom on the other hand is a cranky type person, but I love her to death. No I am not going to be a cranky type person when I get there. I am going to make sure of that. I believe in treating other people the way that I want to be treated.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought I would not - but I have become one gradually. Not too cranky though. I also do not get cranky about all things. It has to do with values and looking at things in a very different perspective. Its the experience of the hard life and making comparison with the wasteful life of today and many other stuff that does not gel as being valuable for the want of experience or the future. I try hard to understand that times change, people change, values change, etc, etc, but I am a stubborn old man - forgive me if I've been cranky!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe elderly people are what they've been all their lives, just more so. A sweet person just gets sweeter. A hateful person just gets more hateful. I've seen it too many times to not believe it. As for me, I'm more gentle than I used to be but it was a long journey to control my temper and my tongue. I also learned to avoid those people who brought out the worst in me. I am in my middle 60's and have very limited mobility and a lot of pain. However, I'm so blessed to be surrounded by a loving family and a host of great friends. How could I not be happy? I have retained my sense of humor and I will never be a cranky old woman. I'm happier than a pig in mud.

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  • Eve
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, no, no. I am so far from cranky. My kids say that I am kinder, sweeter and more loving than ever. As I was leaving a get-together at a friends home recently I heard one of the ladies say ( very quietly but I heard it) " I just love Eve" and I heard several agree. ( don't mean to show that instead of

    cranky that I now am a bragging That made me feel so good! I do know several seniors, men and women,

    however that are as grumpy, nasty and rude as anything. I avoid them at all cost. lol

  • 1 decade ago

    I really believe that no one plans/wishes to be cranky no matter what age. There are lots of reasons that this is more noticeable in the elderly. You need to put yourself in their place. Once the "fifties" show up, there are so many health problems and financial bad situations for the elderly. They are not young anymore and energy seems to be low, no high paying job to look up to. Many times some elderly get laid off or let go from their jobs. When this happens, it affects the blood pressure, the heart, sugar in the blood( diabetes). As the bodies get older the function of the organs and brain, physical reactions, all change.

    This is what makes anyone cranky no matter the age, we need to be more understanding and not be so critical.

  • Clare
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I haven't become cranky so far, and don't plan to. But, I sure wonder what makes my neighbor so cranky. He's only about 35, but one of the crankiest people I've met. I shudder to think what he'll be like by the time he's a senior if he keeps getting crankier!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with Chris. It's difficult to see yourself and your loved ones getting old, and it's understandable why some older people become cranky. I don't think young people understand this. It was hard to see my parents go downhill like that. My daughters tell me I am more laid back and more fun and sweeter than when I was younger, but I have noticed that as you get older, things get harder to do. So you learn to compensate by simplifying. I hope I never become cranky.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the crankiness comes from no respect from the younger people and having aches and pains. I hope I dont ever end up that way. But this arthritis acts up every now and then and its not going anywhere.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think some folks get "cranky" because they reach an age where they simply don't care any more about what someone thinks of their behavior, and they are more prone to say what they think. I know that I've become more outspoken as I age (I'm 52), and that is partly because I'm more sure of what I know. Of course, just about the time I get sure of something, it'll come up and bite me in the @ss, so I'm still trying to be a little bit careful :-)

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