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Yet another person dies as a result of police stupidity and ruthlessness?

A Polish traveler becomes afraid in an airport and he cannot communicate. Instead of getting a translator ASAP... the police taze him without cause and the man dies as a result.

The question is:

Do you think that the same rules that apply to an officer of an investigation and probable suspension when he fires his gun should be the same as when he fires a tazer.

These guns are deadly. This has been shown time and again.

How do the officers know that the person who they taze don't have a heart condition, or a pacemaker. THEY DON'T.. and they should never use these guns unless they or someone else is in real danger.

what are your thoughts?

Update 2:

Figures on Taser use based on reports filed by the RCMP

OTTAWA - Number of events reviewed: 606

Dates: March 2002 to March 2005. Majority from 2004.

Number of events by province and territory: B.C. 230; Alberta 95; Saskatchewan 152; Manitoba 21; Ontario 1; New Brunswick 9; Nova Scotia 8; P.E.I. 21; Newfoundland and Labrador 27; Northwest Territories 10; Yukon 11; Nunavut 21.

Number of events in which Taser used: 563

Number of events in which Taser unholstered but not used: 43

Number of events in which suspect unarmed: 445

Number of events in which suspect armed: 118

(Source: Canadian Press analysis of RCMP Taser use reports)

Update 3:

this is for the ones who believe this death was an isolated incident and that tasers aren't deadly...

Between June 2001 and June 2007, there were at least 245 cases of deaths of subjects soon after having been shocked using Tasers.<ref>[ County police getting Tasers] May 23, 2007</ref> Of these cases:

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i find it extremely amusing how some of you are saying that tasers aren't deadly. People! if people are dying as a result of being tased, then they are deadly!

    If you have a pacemaker and you are tased. You are as good as dead! If you have a heart condition and are tased. You might be dead. How many people are walking around right now with heart conditions? How many people are walking around with pacemakers? And how can an officer possibly know of these conditions when many of people with the conditions don't know it themselves.

    Listen. I am all for using tasers instead of a pistol to calm down "the perp".... however, the use of these tasers should be as a result of the perp being a danger to the public or the officer, not a tool to get down on the ground so the five officers can jump on the "perp". If some of you had seen the video before posting your ridiculous justification for tasers, you would have known that this man was calm by the time the officers got there. He wasn't jumping around. He had no weapon when he was tased. There was no civilian there to be in harms way. He was tased because the officer was trigger happy and death was the result.

    In my personal opinion, I hope the family of that man, sue the pants out of the Canadian government for this incident. Maybe then some changes will occur and some lives will be saved.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the investigations now underway by several agencies finds the officers at fault, those officers should face justice. I saw the video and I don't doubt for one second that they will be held legally responsible. However, I have a problem with your unfounded insinuation that all officers would act this way. That is simply not true. Also, I suggest you check your facts a little closer. Under most circumstances the use of Tazers has been proved to be less harmful than guns or batons. A baton could strike a protruding blood vessel and cause a hemorrhage or stroke. Pepper spray could make the recipient fall down and strike his head on the ground causing a concussion or even death. Open your mind and look at the whole picture ... this is a singular incident that ended in tragedy. I believe that they did wrong, but I also believe that they are innocent until proved guilty. You have that right; are you denying it to them??

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It replaced into demanding to stick to, by way of undesirable english yet what I have been given out of that replaced into "Darwin replaced into not knowledgeable" that's amazingly stupid because of the fact at one point Darwin replaced into in scientific college. i'd desire to agree this individual does sound stupid. i'm a Christian by utilising the way. EDIT: @ butters. Jesus replaced into an informed guy. He replaced right into a chippie, as replaced into his father. So on an analogous time as they weren't excessivley prosperous they have been somewhat properly off. even nonetheless not one of the church homes histories or the gospels recorded the place Jesus replaced into knowledgeable it replaced into obvious that he replaced into, as his awareness replaced into ideal up there with the pharasiees. it rather is concept that the main probable place of his practise replaced into in the synagogue college in Nazareth and from his father.

  • 1 decade ago

    Police need to be able to reason a little better. there is so much evil out there and people lie so much (especially to cops)that it is hard for them to distinguish true from false most of the time, making police numb to the reality that every situation is different. It becomes a rutine instead of heartfelt public assistance. There are also those police that raise theirself to godlike status and get a rush from their job. Men, even those in power, can never totally be trusted. If we trusted in God a little more we could stray from becoming a police state in the future.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Canada and I am ashamed that this happened here. I agree with you completely.. These guns are used without cause and in many instances, the end result is death. Why aren't there more tighter rules as to when these guns can be used? Perhaps if the officer was afraid for using the tazer without cause as they are about using their gun, then maybe, just maybe people would stop being tazed without presenting danger to the public or the officer.

    great question. btw.

  • 1 decade ago

    The guy was not compliant and causing a disturbance. This is a valid use of a Taser in my jurisdiction.

    The incident you are talking about is under investigation by the Canadian authorities. I am predicting the officers involved will be cleared. I also predicted the University of Florida Officers would be cleared of their Taser incident.....and they were.

    The suspect could have had a heart attack while struggling with the officers too. Or he might have had one if they used OC spray on him. There is no way the officers can know who is on what drug and who has a heart condition. The only person responsible is the one that that resists arrest and forces the officers to take action to subdue them.

    I have been Tasered six or seven times and I am a live and well. Tasers are not as deadly as people want you to believe.

    Source(s): I am one of the good guys.
  • 1 decade ago

    Tasers are a safe alternative to guns and mace, especially in an enclosed area. This man had a chance to cooperate and he chose not to. Language barrier aside in all cultures of developed countries when law enforcement is standing in front of you with a weapon, giving you commands you PUT YOUR ARMS IN THE AIR AND HOLD STILL. You don't start jumping around. Everyone knows you don't screw around and act funny at an airport. Maybe he had a mental illness, I don't know. Still, police don't have time to determine that, they can only react to the behavior. They don't know what this person has on him or what he is capable of.

    What I object to is the time it took them to restrain this man. He wasn't a particularly athletic looking fellow, and I find it hard to believe it would take that long to cuff him and stand him up if they were using proper technique instead of brute force. I don't know what the statistics report but it seems as though the more time grappling on the ground the more unexplained injuries to a suspect there are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It never fails to amaze me how many people must comment on things they know so little about. You see and here what the media wants you to and nothing more. Yes there are officers who make errors but since I was not there when it happened I don't know if he was or was not justified in using force. Notice I did not say DEADLY force. Officers have several things at their disposal {depends on where they are} and if used inside policy then lives are saved. But things happen that are outside of control sometimes. Our S.O.P.'s are to not use tasers, we use verbal followed by physical follwed by the ASP and O.C. spray for compliance. After that comes the use of deadly force. No one in his right mind wants to take a life but every day there are officers all over the world who get dressed and suit up to hit the streets all to make sure YOU & I are safe. If he's lucky him and his friends go home alive at the end of the shift so they can do it all over tomorrow. If we're lucky they will too. Without them out there who will stop the drug dealers,terrorist,rapists,carjackers, murderers,etc. YOU ??? I make it a point to know the officers around here, that doesn't mean I like every one of them but I know them. The put their clothes on like you do and go to a job that would probably make you wet yourself and cry for mommy so what do you do about it? Complain.......Open your eyes people for there are some bad people out there and your not helping.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    without reading the story from a more reliable source than you, it's tough to make a judgment. let me say this: i'd like tlo compare the number of deaths caused by tazers and the number of cops shot or otherwise killed in the line of duty.

    let's say your story is accurate (if not complete). the cop was wrong, horribly wrong. and nothing we say or do is going to comfort his grieving family.

    let me add that we are trigger happy when a cop screws up, but silent as the lambs when they protect us, step into harm's way, enforce laws created by the men and women we elect.

    cops are a different breed, no doubt. they have to be.

    Source(s): Cleveland Cops: The Real Stories They Tell Each Other, by John H. Tidyman (Gray & Company, Pubilshers, 222 pp, $14.95,)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there's no way of knowing for the officer if the person has a health risk,but yes their should be some level of punishment i say suspension wthout pay for using uneccary force in this particular incident.but its becoming more of a problem of police using taser with no reason for using them at all.i thought suppose to use these to subdue unarm crimals or suspected criminals in the process of comiting a crime

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