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sunny_babe_ asked in SportsTennis · 1 decade ago

Tennis diet QUESTION???

Hi,recenly I decided to go on a vegan diet(no meat,milk,eggs or any other fauna produts) for 40 days.(for skin purifing)Today is my 7th day and I was feeling extremely weak during the tennis practice.I had almost no power.I'm 179cm,57kg and we are playing indoors now which means that I'd take me a lot of energy to run as the surface is very fast,and because of my height I have to bend my knees very low.

Should I go on with this diet and are there any energy drinks which could compensate for lack of the substancial meals????

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey T it is just the body adjusting like Rusty said. Try a protein shake with banana one hour before you play and 1/2 hour after, or a can of tuna in water a couple of hours before, Gatorade while you play if you feel weak or deprived still, otherwise water is fine. You are depriving your body of proteins which give you energy. Some people say protein gives you muscle and carbs give you energy which they do but not like protein I find. So pasta a few hours before you play may be your ticket to strength. Wow 5'11" 125 lbs. is a great female physique for tennis. Good luck finding your fix and keep on keeping on Lady Champion.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is very common among people. They think that a diet of no poultry is good for them. In fact, you need the calcium in milk and protein in eggs and meat. If you don't consume these for 40 days, how is your body going to get the protein and calcium it needs? This is the reason you feel weak. Your body has no protein to run on, therefor it cannot give you the power you need. This is my suggestion for you and also the best choice you can make:

    Just cut the diet all together. But if you really cannot cut the diet, then just limit yourself. As for the energy drink thing, do not think that they will do you any good because they are BAD for you.

    So follow this advice and you won't have problems anymore :]

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Sunny, good to see you!

    On the diet thing, I wouldn't worry too much about it. What you're experiencing is your body adjusting to the new diet. Everyone will experience some sort of symptom as their body learns how to re-distribute the new balance of nutrients. There's a term for it but I can't recall it right off the top of my head.

    Drinking energy drinks for the purpose of rebalancing your diet isn't really the way to go. Aside from a rare couple, every energy drink derives it's energy from the same thing, sugar and carbs. The vitamins they put in aren't enough to give your body the boost it needs, otherwise they wouldn't put the sugars in. I know this because I use to distribute energy drinks. There are a couple that are outstanding (Red Bull ain't one of them) but most are no better than eating a Hershey bar for energy. You still spike in energy only to crash afterwards.

    I'm not a proponent of fad diets for any reason but it seems that you have a specific goal in mind. You'll likely just have to fight through it and know that in a couple weeks your body will acclimate to how you feed yourself. That being said, when you come off the diet, expect the same response. You'll drag for a while until your body readjusts. The price you gotta pay for clear skin I suppose. LOL!

    Good luck Sunny!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    hmm... I'm a grazer myself, so this is neat. Eat a decent breakfast, i don't though Lunch can be whatever, not too big. I like chicken, celery and chocolate milk. Dinner. Hmm... Well, i have 2. around 4-4:30ish, i have the main dish, persay. Around 8 i have the sides. Try not to eat too much after 7. RUN LAPS! it's easy, fun, and healthy! -run with friends! -you can Jog or walk, too!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I play tennis, and I am a vegetarian too. You just need to get all your vitamins. If you do, you'll be find. Keep playing!! And don't give up your diet (even after the 40 days). The animals don't deserve to be tortured. Go to for help.

  • 1 decade ago

    the main problem is your low weight. for a female of 179cm, 57kg is much too less. you haven't the body reserves that are needed to perform a sport like tennis.

    first you should increase your weight at least to 65kg.

  • 1 decade ago

    seems like you're protein deprived. i would start taking soy or whey protein shakes in the morning and night.

    also, it might be just your body getting used to the change. it happens a lot when you go on a diet...the body doesnt like it and you feel like crap until you are able to adapt and adjust to those changes.

    but i would definitely get some protein into your body.

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