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Which nickname do you prefer?

Just curious. ;) These are all childhood nicknames with similar sound elements ... not the full, given names (of course). Which are your favorites and why? Feel free to rate, rank or pick just one or two. Whatever makes you happy. LOL











67 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I prefer Lucy, but then again, My favorite actress is Lucille Ball.

    I also prefer:




    I do like the the names Lorna and Nell, but not really sure why. I cannot picture myself calling any of my children using the name Nell. I do like it though.

    Source(s): No source, just my opinion.
  • 1 decade ago

    I love Lulu, Lucy, Lola, and Nora.

    Lulu is just so cute! It's quirky, silly, and fun. I can't see any adult using it outside of a crazy cat lady, though.

    Lucy is a nickname I love! I prefer it as a nickname for Lucinda, but it isn't a big deal either way. This is a name that people are probably still going to associate with I Love Lucy for a long time, but it isn't that bad at all.

    Lola is more sexy sounding nickname, but I still like it. It makes me think of that song about the showgirl, but still fun.

    Nora is a more dignified nickname. It makes me think of a bookish, serious girl. Since I love Eleanor, though, I can't help but love it! (You could consider Ellie, just in case she's a bit more trendy/girly)

    Nicknames I don't particularly care for:

    Tilly -It could suit a child, but I associate this with a children's book about Tilly and Milly, the moles.

    Tula -It just sounds too close to "Tool" for me. Also, kind of reminds me of Twyla, which I find hillbilly-ish and old.

    Lula -It just isn't as fun as Lola or Lulu. Not bad, though. Your other ideas are much better.

    Lorna -is permanently a Lorna Doone cookie. Period.

    Nola -It's what everyone writes for New Orleans, Lousiana. I can't shake the association.

    Nell -I saw a weird movie when I was a kid with an albino girl named Nell that got naked and cried a lot. It isn't bad, but I can't separate the name from that freaky girl.

    I still love Eleanor more than Tallulah, but I do like Tallulah's nicknames more. *wink*

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Gwen. Maggie is far over used as a nickname the place as Gwen is far less used on an analogous time as nonetheless being female and gorgeous. Gwen is likewise a more desirable call which may be taken into adulthood besides while Maggie is greater of a infant call which may be discarded because of fact the infant grew up. So GWEN.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Lulu is really cute... but so is Tilly. Try something that represents the child you are Lulu or Tilly for a happy child (im guessing a girl by the sounds of the names) and Nell or Lola for a more quiet one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm, which one...which one? I adore all of these nicknames. If I must choose, my two favorites would be Tilly and Nora *I couldn't decide between the two* :-) Next on the list would be Lucy and Tula.

    They're all great.

  • I like Lula. I think she was a character in David Lynch film with Laura Dern and Nick Cage in the starring roles. Tilly sounds very sweet too...

  • 1 decade ago


    lula, lulu, and tula sound like names that children may be embarassed to be called infront of people outside of their family. And most parents will slip out a nickname in public.

    Tilly, nora, and lucy are becoming less and less common as time progresses...

  • 1 decade ago

    they r all so unusual and unique!!! i like lulu it's just a really fun name and if it comes from lucy that is such an adorable name!!! Nola no offence but it sounds like a cereal brand... u no the more i look at nola though the more it grows on me it's really cute now and i take back what i said but i still think ou ought to see my first comments on it!!! nell sounds like a cheerfull name and would be great for a certain personality...Tilly sounds like silly and the name would definately fit a silly person...tula is like a romantic name kind of how tulip is a romantic flower...lula sounds like your trying to hard to come up with a unique name even though it is it sounds like someone is crazy kind of...Lola is a really cute name im not sure what it is short for but it is a really great name...Lorna sounds like a different culture or some one who likes to learn it has a special vibe to it and you wouldnt go wrong with naming someone that (for short)!!!

    HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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