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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is Homeland Security Adviser Townsend telling us that BushFraud may to try and suspend the 08 election?

Cause the boogieman is going to get us? Hey thanks for the heads up right before you jump the sinking ship!

Oh boy, it would be so convenient for him to do so since he did in fact sign PD51 to make himself der Führer.

That would be for our safety of course.


Sorry didn't mean to bum you out NY Happy Thanksgiving NY!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have to add my 2 cents worth in on this one. Today I ran a crossed several articles. It started with I seen the Russian Air Force is to receive six upgraded Su-24 bombers.

    and Iran saying it can fend off a U.S. attack.

    To top it off Israel speaks for new sanctions against Iran and as we all should know, The U.S is a large supporter of Israel. Your question takes some thinking. Today I watched the Paul Bremer clip

    that was filmed 8hrs after the attacks of 9-11 and how he was suggesting that OBL was to blame (weird) Did he know something we didn't? So that makes me think that someone knew or of a false flagging operation.

    Now China stops the Carrier "Kitty Hawk" from entering it's port for the first time since the Vietnam War. So here we have 3 nations that are having concerns with U.S decision makers. If any false flagging would happen AND/OR the U.S goes to attack yet another nation, I do feel martial law could be placed. Bush stated recently that Musharaff hasn't crossed the line, so it makes me feel as he is using him as a role model - because he might also do the same thing. This would pause the elections...Scary

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush has no intention of going anywhere

    It is my belief a large false flag operation will be staged by the US government or factions within it

    This will likely be nuclear - sufficient in the minds of neo cons to declare an emergency Under Pres Order 51 signed into law a year ago the devolution of authority is Homeland security's job" at the direction of the President Hmmm think on that for a bit

    It will be said that the Congress who did not give Bush the money to protect the US is responsible for the Pentagon having to go to a skeleton crew (the Pentagon has already said this ) in the US and that the Congress made the US vulnerable

    No one will think--- Hey Pentagon - instead of limiting operations at home limit them in Europe or Iraq or bring home the very expensive 5th fleet but do not leave the "homeland" vulnerable This is all bad planning and politics on the part of the Pentagon - and therefore the Pentagon not the Congress is to blame for leaving the US vulnerable

    No no that will not be said at all

    As it will turn out Alquiada will attack with nuclear weapons given to them by Iran - Even though the international scientists all said that Iran is a decade away from a bomb - No one will mention that and if they do then Alquada stole them from Pakistan as a capper pulled off by Bin Laden

    Nonetheless here is the message Bush wants you to have

    Attacked because liberals and Congress would not give money on demand - Liberals are therefore the enemy

    Attacked because you did not listen to me

    Now we need emergency rule which more or less makes Congress a shadow of itself with literally no budgetary or legislative powers under Pres Order 51 -----but keep in mind how they betrayed you when they had that power any way will be the secondary message

    Bush will step down when it is possible - when America is safe and Iran is dead -

    An invasion likely a nuclear bomb will be dropped on Iran

    Bush is going to gamble that Russia and China won't do anything - Wow because if he is wrong we all might die in the war Bush caused for no real reason at all and it will all be a set up for world domination

    And here is the best

    All of this is just around the corner

  • 5 years ago

    Napolitano looks like Fred Gwinn, who played Herman Munster, in drag. That is one scary looking woman. How do the democrats manage to find these bull dykes? Janet Reno, now this . . .

  • 1 decade ago

    You know most of the answers will probably be telling you to "put on your tinfoil hat" or something similar. I'm not surprised considering how strikingly similar his directives (like the one giving him power to declare a vaguely defined state of emergency and suspend the Constitution) compare to the acts of someone else in history.

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  • it wouldnt surprise me:tyranny in the white house has been going on forever./ the characters have changed and evil is gaining momentum.thecolonialization and federal regionalism,for globalization in approx.2012 is on course.cush senior with the jewish templars are bizzy working on their plan to change world currency. something could happen to the american stock exchange that could change our world??

    Source(s): sorry no sources","the agendaof the antichrist"includes 1 world mark(e-money)electronic democracy.
  • 1 decade ago

    Smarty, that is the saddest thing I have read today. Yes, the possibility is there.

    Happy Thanksgiving)

    Edit: lol...nope U didn't. I am used to it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, still reading it. It's morbidly fascinating, and concise.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not going to happen but even after the elections come and go, people like you will continue to make idiotic claims anyway.

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