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What is my style????

ok, im 13. not the prep all! im still trying to figure out my style(im a huge Vogue reader), but i just want some opinions...for fun. iv made some sets on polyvore that is similar to my everyday outfits:

so by the looks of the links, please tell me what you think my style is!!




btw, i dont exactly need fashion advice! just an opinion on what my style is...

Update 2:

i like making bold statements.

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    it seems to me that you like vintage accessories a lot. and you can go crazy with your outfit, but make it look good. your style is great, but i would try to find a way to tie it all together (subtly) so that it's not quite so crazy...but its good!

  • 1 decade ago

    if you like a fun and any where kind of outfit go with the first one and if you like to go bold and out somewhere nice go with the last one i love those two the best yeah first style you would be a fun flirty and last one you would be saffisticated and hip

  • 1 decade ago


    im that preppy girl you rated my style yestaday membah?

    change your style before you go out in public!

    i would call u vintageprepchic

    : D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you've got GOOD style

    but i wouldn't pair the cardigan with a pencil skirt. try something with no buttons.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i say a vintage -prep.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would call you


    love the styles : )

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