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yogeshwargarg asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Hunger strike by my dog.?

My dog,Spitz breed,female ,6 yrs. has not been taking any food for the last 10 days and has gone very weak.After two days of stopping food intake,she was shown to a vet who said that perhaps she has worms in the intestine.Gluco-saline was given by drips.Fifth day she passed yellow stools of bad odour.Drips given again but still no food intake. She refused to even smell her choicest items.On seventh day, we consulted another vet, of great repute. He says she is scared badly and is in a state of shock.We had Diwali festivals in India recently when large amount of fire crackers are burnt. Some produce blasting and exploding sounds of more than 100 decibles. She might have been close to some high sounding cracker.For last 30 hours ,we are holding her in our lap and trying to talk sweetly with her so that she may get assurance that the humans are there to support and she should come out of her fears.All the dog lovers are requested to advice me, what else we can do .

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    10-days is absolutely out of this world. I would be totally ecstatic. My cat didn't eat 5 meals cause we fed him twice a day and I went crazy. That was just Monday when all this happened.He was 23-years old-yep believe it or not. He was dehydrated and I can't believe Spitz isn't either.He had FIV and then Respiratory problems. I ended up having to do the noble thing and Euthanising him.Your Dog has to be put on some I.V. fluids and B.W. done and there are several things that could be going on.It sounds like more than Shock. For God's Sake Please get her to someone that sounds sensible. The noice should not cause this kind of tramatic behavior. Please Let us know the out-come for I am very interested in knowing. I hope she is okay-but she needs help and fast. A Dogs body doesn't break down as fast as a Cats but this is utterely ridiculous. I wish her all the best and a Speedy Recovery.I would probably not feed her anything until a Good Vet has checked her and then they can determine what the Prob-is. Feeding her if she has an internal impact is not good. Water if she will take it. That's it until someone qualified sees her.

    Source(s): Dog -Breeder-American Pit Bulls
  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I would take her back to the vet and have them run bloodwork. Healthy dogs do not starve themselves and the fact that she has not eaten for 10 days tells me that she is not healthy. She may have ingested a toxin (although most toxins would have either been flushed from her system or killed her by now) or she may be going into organ failure. Bloodwork can help determine what is wrong with her and what, if any treatments, are viable. In the meantime, I would offer her anything she wants to eat...canned food, table scraps, anything just so long as she eats something.

  • Erica
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    First stop feeding him human food period . Second put down his dog food leave it for a while if he doesn't eat pick it up , but don't give him anything . after a few hours put it back and leave it . Dogs are not stupid they will not intentionally starve themselves . The reason he's not eating is you have spoiled him by giving him human food . I pay $40.00 a bag for my dogs , you cant buy it in the big grocery stores you have to go to a pet store that sells it . BUT it's all natural first ingredient is real meat . It has no additives , preservatives , artificial colors or flavors no corn , wheat or soy only fruit veggies and meat . The brand is called Taste of the wild . It comes with different bags / flavors ... Salmon , Bison fowl , Venison . It's one of the best foods on the market . TRY IT . and DO NOT give in to your dog by giving him human food .

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it is possible that she is in shook.when you gave her the meds for worms,if you checked her stool,you should have been able to see worms if she has them!?does she drink water?if she does,give her some milk and slowly add dry food to it,be careful to let the hard food get soft.dogs can get ulcers just like humans,have her checked for that..try giving her little bits of meat right from your hand.while she may be in shook,i believe there is more wrong with her medically,i had a dog who went into shook from firecrackers going off,for several days she did not eat,she lived the rest of her life being scared of them and any other loud noise..good luck,if you would like to chat more,i am plantter2 on IM

    Source(s): 20+ yrs of raiseing dogs
  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs are not able to do a hunger strike. It is just not in their mental abilities.

    She needs vet care as there is some underlining issue going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your dog needs to be checked for an intestinal blockage. Get X-rays immediately.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dogs like Scooby snaks,so why don't u try it?

    lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,sorry sir,just joking,,,,,i think you should play a melodious music infront of her.

    any ways,,,,all the best,may ur dog become healthy once again.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    maybe sick Worms or such have vet look at her! maybe type of food? another thing is try broth instead of water for nutition?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get it what it likes.

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