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  • Wants Sole Custody?

    My spouce walked out and left our child with me . We both have lawyers , child has a good relationship with only one of us. After medeation and a year later , i have been informed that my spouce wants Sole custody ,Did ask my lawyer about it , can t get a answer from him . What are the chance that my spouce can get Sole custody when our child has been with me sence the other spouce walked out ?? We live in Nebraska

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • She is underhanded and lieing?

    Wife and i are getting divorced , she walked out almost a year ago , we have a 10 yr old son who she left with me . They are now doing court ordered counseling , problem is , the counslor tells our son he has no say , has never asked for my side of things , my wife pulls all kinds of underhanded stuff and tells one lie after another . She has accused me of haveing a affair which i am not . Can she get him back during a custody hearing if this so called counsler recamends it

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Wife walked out?

    Mywife walked leaveing our 10yr old son with me . She said nothing to him as she left . In Nebraska can she get him in a divorce

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • What should i do,stuck in a bad marriage?

    I have been married for 15 yrs. We have a 9yr old son. When he was born she quit haveing sex with me. I have caught her lieing about paying bills,i even caught her hideing the mail under her car seat. The worst of it is that she has nothing to do with our son. She will not play with him,shows little to no interest in what he does. She can be in the same room with him and not say a word to him. He has asked her why and she always turns it around to him and never answers his question. I have tryed talking to her and get no where. I have heard over and over that things are going to change and never see any change. She even went to the bank and had his saveing account mailing address changed. When i found out,i asked her,she said she was mad,i did not buy that answer. I talked with our son and he wanted to close the account,which i made her take him to do and we (him & I ) reopened it in just his name. She does not want to have a shared bank account with me, i say it is because she has something to hide and because she would be held accountable. She does not have much to say to me either,only when she wants something or when there are other people around. I know that her actions are very hurtful to our son and that as he gets older,he could have a real attitude towards women. I do not know for sure,but i think she has been haveing a affair. I am concerned about our son and what this is doing to him. What should i do???

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How do i stop our cat from spraying ?

    Here is what I have done. I took her in and had her fixed to prevent this. All went good for a couple of months. I have noticed lately that she is " MARKING ",sprayingg her scent all over the house. I thought when she was "FIXED" this would not happen. I am to the point where i want to get rid of her as the smell give me bad headaches,she is a good cat and i like her,i can not have this though. Can anyone help me?????

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • why would she do this?????????

    I have not been getting any mail for like 2 weeks. I had asked my wife several times if she got a post office box,of course she said no. I suspectedd she was somehow getting the mail and hideing it,as this has happen may times before, so i went and looked in the places i know she hides things,no mail. So this morning i went and looked in her car,jack pot,2 weeks worth of mail hidden under her seat. When i asked her how she was getting the mail,she said she was not, so i showed her all the mail i took out of her car. I asked her what she was trying to hide,no answer. I do not know how or where she was getting the mail or why she is hideing it. It is clear to me she has something to hide. I called the post office and talked with the post master,she was not getting it from there as there is no hold on it and they are not allowed to hand it through the window,so that leaves,she was stoping the carrier and getting it from them before it ever got to the house. What is she hideing? Why would she do this? This is the same mother who never talks to her 8yr old and when asked why,blames me. How is it my fault? I do not stop her in anyway. I know she has told him i am mean, ( he told me ) so i asked her and she claims to have never said it. Why is she doing this????????????????????

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What would you think and what would you do?

    My wife of 12 years will set and watch tv and not talk to her son or myself.Sun he told her how he feels and all she did was yell at him and tell him he is full of it. This has been going on sense he was old enough to talk,she takes little to no interest in what he does or thinks.In my view this is abuse.He also told me that she has told him that i am mean and ask him what kind of mean things i said and did.He says he does not think i am mean,unfair sometimes,she claims she has never said that,i would be inclined to believe her if she did not always lie to me about bills she says she paid and then learn they were not paid at all.Her parents come first to her,she has told me she does not want me to talk to her and that she will never do anything for me again. If i am outside she will talk to him,why is this?I asked him what he thought,his answer was quite interesting,he said that it was a lack of respect and like there was something to hide,yes she was in the room when i asked and he answered.She thinks that i coach him to say things,when he expressed how he feels it was what he told me setting in church a few hours before,no she does not go to church with us,she will when she thinks it makes her look good. I am very concered about my son,his mother not talking to him leaves him feeling that she does not love or want him and in years to come this could cause him all kinds of problems.As i said,in my view this is abuse and i do not know what to do.Is there anyone who has or is going through this? What can and or should i do?

  • Can she care for a child given how she cares for her dog?

    I know a lady who has a old dog who can not see or hear,he has maybe 2 teeth, i have seen him walk into doors,walls and other things.This lady also has another dog who beats this poor old dog up,i have told her several times she need to put this dog down,after all the years this dogs has given her,in my view it is very uncaring and selfish to let this dog live like this.This lady also has a 8 yr old son and i question how good a parent she is given how she treats her dog? I know she has little to say to the child and shows little interest in what he does. I do know that she talks to her parents everyday. I also know her husband is the one who interacts and does everything with the child. I also have heard him tell her she needs to put her dog down,why doesn't he,It is not his dog and he feels it is not his place,i know this because i have asked him. So the question is, is she capeable of caring for her child when she will not care for her dog.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What would drive a parent not to talk or show any interest?

    I do not understand why my wife does not talk to our child or show very little to no interest in what he does,she does not play with him,she also has very little to say to me,i am not so concerned about me as i am my child.She acts like the perfect mother and wife when her parents and or friends are over.I have tryed to get him to tell her how it makes him feel,he will not.Is this a form of abuse or is this just her way of saying that she wants neither of us around?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I live in Nebraska and am thinking about filing for a divorce,because there is just to much fighting.?

    Ok,here is the situation,after 12 yrs of marrage i am thinking it is time to put a end of all the fighting that started when our 8 yr old son was born.My wife fails to pay bills,lies and shows very little concern for our son,she takes very little interest in what he does and when i try to teach him thing such as responsabilty,a good work ethic the fight is on.We have tryed marriage counseling that ended with no positive results.She has told several people that she got married because she had nothing better to do.What i want to know is;in Nebraska,can a person who has a criminal past get custody of their child?I guess i should say that there is much more to this,like there has been no sex for 8 yrs,most days she has nothing to say to our son or me,the only time she shows him any kind of affection is when i am mad at him,just another one of her mind games she plays .

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How do i get her to see what she is doing to our family?

    My wife sets in the chair and sleeps,does not matter the time of day.We also have a 7 year old son who she does not talk to or take any interest in what he does,she gets mad and yells if i make decisions or if our son does not move as fast as she wants.To her the world should bow at her feet,she wants to make decisions yet will not make them.In my point of view,she is very depressed and bitter,i can not get it her to see this and i am at the end,i find myself wanting to get out of our marriage,all the fighting and lack of any compassion has put a strain and wedge our marriage may not withstand,this has been going on for over 7 years.I have asked her to got to couseling and she will not,when i try to talk to her she only trys to turn it all around to being my fault.I realize i am not a perfect husband or father,i do however try and i put my son first.I need some help please.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What would you think?

    Ok,here it is,a few days ago my son wanted to order books from school,i told him no. His mother knew he was told no and she went and got another order form and ordered books for him. It is not that i do not want him to have books,it is trying to teach him he has to earn things. I found out last night she was still getting from a cash til payday place after she told me she stoped.I found out after the law came to serve her with papers for not paying the money back.I say she has no respect?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • How do i get my wife to see how much trouble she has caused and how much trouble our marriage is in.?

    To make this short and to the point. My wife lies about what she is up to,when i ask her she lies more,she treats our 7 year old son with such disgust and anger,she takes little to no interest in what he does.Her lies range from paying the bills to cleaning.I do try to do my share around the house,do i fall short,yes.She has told me more then once that she married me because she had nothing better to do,claims it was a joke,not so long ago she told me i should just die.I am smart enough to realize how much trouble this marriage is in,i just can not get her to see it,and how she has made this marriage a joke. Some one help me please.

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • what board is it,how does the back come off?

    my sharp tv flases the power and opc lights,i have tryed to reset it and have no luck,this tv is only a couple years old,,what board is causeing me problems?how hard is it to change?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Is she cheating or is she mentally sick?

    She wants to leave every weekend,there has been NO sex for nearly 6 yrs,hides her purse,car keys,

    has started to pick fights,i have asked her to go see someone to figure out what is going on,we tried a marriage counslor,at that time i told her her boyfriend had to go,she did not say a waord,i am at a loss as to what to think,yes we do have a child,when i ask her why no sex,she alwats says if i were nicer,then maybe,i do not know how i can be nicer,i give her everything she wants.any help for me out there??

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • merriage in trouble, is she cheating on me?

    my wife has not wanted to have relations with me for over 4yrs,when i ask about it,she turns it back to me,we tryed seeking help,i think she is seeing someone she works with,this guy was buying our son alot of toys until i said something,everything is a battle with her,she hides bills,phone records,our sons bank statement,i just need fresh eyes on this situation.i my mind,everything points to her seeing someone else,someone please help me out with this.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 4yr old,who can guide me to help him???????

    i have a 4yr old boy who craps his pants alot,he knows better,his mom says it is my fault,i say he gets to caught up in playing,i take things he likes away,mom says i should not does this,HELP!!!!!

    i am at a lose,i want to help him,just do not know what else to do here,

    yes i am his smart *** answers please

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how con i tell if i have been blocked?

    how can i tell if someone has blocked me from messanger

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago