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Tamitay asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Rabie Vacinations?

I know rabie shots are good for 3 years..Yet, we are required to get them once a year..Is it just to make money? I would like someone to answer that has some knowledge about this subject..Thankyou. I live in Texas.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The state laws have not recognized or caught up with science. The Rabies vaccine is actually good for 5-7 years. Vets have to do the Rabies shot as often as the state tells him to. A duration of immunity study has been done at Wisconsin University by Dr. Ron Schultz

    It was also done by scientist in Italy. This is on the net. \

    Dr. Schultz is currently doing a Rabies Challenge Study to see just how long the Rabies vaccine is good for. The previous study was ended and did not go to conclusion. This is all over the net. Check it out!

  • 1 decade ago

    What makes a rabies vaccine a 1 year or 3 year vaccine is 2 major factors..

    One brand of vaccine, Some brands are only approved for one year duration some three.. Rabies vaccine is actually the ONLY vaccine that has to prove by testing duration of immunity.. currently testing is limited to a 3 year duration.. THAT is it.. it is possible that longer duration is possible but to comment on the previous answer about lasting a long time.. it may be true.. but there is not been ANY testing to date to document this,, and with rabies being a human health concern.. not vaccinating for rabies,, will only end up in your dogs early death (pets brain tissue tested) .. if a VALID certificate is not avalible if somthing happens.. and human exposure is a concern..

    Most Rabies vaccines (used in dogs) have a proven duration of one year the FIRST vaccination (reguardless of dogs age, after 3 months) then it becomes every 3 years thereafter..

    This does mean,, that in order to get a 3 year vaccination.. there must be proof (previous certificate) that the dog DID recieve the first vaccination and it was not overdue.. to be able to issue a 3 year certificate.. The vaccine is generally the same,, but duration of how long it last DEPENDS on this vaccination proticol.. this is one reason it is generally NOT acceptable (valid) to vaccinate rabies at home (no vet certificate) and must be done by a vet..

    Now, State laws vary.. some are VERY strict,, some less so.. a lot depends on the number of rabies cases in the state,, this is determined by the state,, NOT local vets..

    In some states every year, two or three years is some states it is once a 3 year always a 3 year.. some if you are even one day past the date your due date on your previous vaccination,, or cannot provide a vaccination hisory proof..(MA is one) then the vets CANNOT issue a 3 year certificate.. and can only give you a one year certificate,, reguardless of your dogs age,, or how many previous rabies shots the dogs have had..

    The end result is Rabies is a VERY serious diease,, and has the potential to be a risk to humans.. this is why rabies vaccination is regualted by the state.. to lower the risk to people..

    No pet is at no risk,, Good example is the Child that died in my state,, bitten by a HOUSE CAT.. Never vaccinated because it was indoors only.. But it contracted rabies somewhere, (suspect Bat) , unknown.. the cat died suddenly.. but the child never said anything to the parents about being bitten.. and it was not untill this child fell sick.. that the connection was made.. granted a rare incidence.. but completly preventable..if the cat had been vaccinated.. or even tested or even that the kid had been bitten known.. treatment would have been possible early on.. but as it was.. the reason was.. the owners felt it not vaccinate the cat.. .

    Rabies vaccination is generally a very inexpensive part of dog ownership.. and states do use it as a way to keep track of pets owned, licences and such.. it is not a big money maker for vets..but yes ... they do like the state use it as a tool to encourage regular vet care,, in cases that that same owner would not bother to licence, or even go to the vet.. not the owners that do these things.. the rabies vaccination is only a SMALL part of responsible pet ownership..



  • 1 decade ago

    Check the state laws about this. Some states are not allowing the 3 year rabies vaccine. A lot of vets do 1 year, as they know that the client will not bring the dog in for a check up then. I fully understand about this one. I just updated Rabies on 10 dogs a few weeks ago. 7 dogs on one day (2 trips) and 3 the next.

  • 1 decade ago

    In some States the rabies shots are only required every three years. The one year vaccine is exactly the same as the three year vaccine. If it's a State law I'd be surprise is the vets played a role in drafting it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first shot is only for one year then it goes to three years.

    Your laws may be different especially with year round warmth that doesn't kill off the animals that can cotract rabies. With more animals that can contract it the more it could become an epidemic.

    Check with your local shelter to find out how often it needs to be given by law. The vet can not make you get it if its not a legal requirement.

  • 1 decade ago

    The state of MI works like this, once the animal is 4 months they get a 1 yr. booster and then every 3 yr.s following. Some states require a yearly due to high Rabies cases. Yours might be one. If it's state regulations you have to follow. You should be able to check with your health department. Best of luck.

    Source(s): Vet Tech.
  • 1 decade ago

    If your state law requires a yearly vaccine, that is what you have to do. It MAY be good longer, but the laws were set up based on many factors, not the least of which is prevalence of the disease in your area.

    What the law states is what you are required to do. It is a public health issue, so the needs of reducing human exposure is what they figure is most important, not over-vaccination.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it aint the money thing here... Its like this the main Medication is once in 3ys but the other 2 yrs to prevent the dose from loosing effect they give the dog something called as a booster dose.. It just helps the main medication to work properly. It is recommended by the docs.. I've spoken to alot of people about it

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