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  • Anyone training Treibball with their Border Collie?

    Are you enjoying it? Have you also done agility, and if so, which one do you like better? Are you training in a group, or by yourself?

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Accommodations...Phasing from Elementary to Middle school?

    My daughter is currently only in third grade, but we are looking forward so we can be prepared.

    She is diagnosed with CAPD, ADD-inattentive type, and moderate-severe dyslexia. She is currently classified as OHI and get accommodations through her IEP. She is currently getting 60 min Language Arts and 45 min Math Resource Room help.

    Now clearly in Middle School and on they cannot put kids in the small groups that they do in grade school to help them. And I assume that there is not the same teacher/aide to student ratio as there is in grade school. So I am wondering what some usual accommodations are for Middle and High School with kids like this. How easy is the transition for them from the cocoon of grade school to the BIG world of Middle School???? What kinds of thing are in place to help them with classes that are lecture based?????

    Just looking for ideas of what to expect!!!


    3 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Feeding Raw Whole Eggs?

    Anyone feeding raw, whole eggs to their dogs??? How many per week do you feed???

    Yes, I know ALL about the controversy over this leading to Biotin deficiency. There is a lot of info supporting both views, and I care NOT to get into any talk about that.

    We have chickens and organic eggs GALORE. The dogs like them and they are available. Just wondering how many per week most people are feeding.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Another dumb hunting question!!!!!!?

    Thanks for all the help with the last question. Have another though! Is there one knife I can get my husband that does most everything he will need a knife for?? There are SOO many knives!!!!!! Any suggestions??

    What kind of boots do you find are the best???

    Another thing I have just been wondering. Say you get a deer, and bring it home to cut up. What do you do with the extra parts. Like the head and legs????????? Or do most people take it to someone else for butchering??????

    14 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Probably a dumb hunting question about what to wear?

    I know ZERO about hunting. Never been hunting. Never shot a gun.

    My husband used to hunt years ago, and recently decided to start again now that we have some friends that hunt.

    He has an upcoming birthday, and I would like to get him some clothing for hunting, but I have no idea what "color" to get!! I thought wearing orange was smart and required, but at Gander Mtn., most everything is like a "field camo" type pattern. Why do you want to blend in?? Isn't that unsafe??

    Sorry, I just have no clue and could use some help!!!!! Thanks.

    We live in NY state if that helps any.

    15 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Those underground dog fences???

    Here is the situation: I have three Newfs. They have a 1/4 acre fenced in area that they have free access to. We also spend a lot of time in the woods with them at OUR discretion. We also have another acre of yard that we are out in a lot and doing thing in and would like to be able to have the dogs with us, but without having to keep a constant eye on them or put them back in the "dog yard". So, I am thinking about one of the underground fence systems for that purpose. The collars would only be on them when we wanted them out with us, and it would not be used for them to be unattended in that area.

    Has anyone had ANY experience with these systems?? I am not looking to get the Invisible Fence people out to do it since it would be around $1,800 for them to do it, and it will not be for containing the dogs when they are alone.

    So if anyone has any knowledge of these, I would like to know.

    **Don't need the crap about how these are bad and other dogs can get in and your dog can't defend itself and all that. Like I said, we would NOT be leaving them out alone. EVER.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Sending Puppies To New Homes!!!!! What Do You Send?

    It is almost time for the girls to leave the "nest" and I am busy preparing for all they need to take with them.

    What so you send with puppies...besides the obvious AKC Reg Application, and health paperwork. What else do you send??????

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Still Bored (but it's "cooking") #8 (or maybe #9??)..Your Dog Vehicle!!!?

    What vehicle do you have that is the "dog" vehicle??? How many dogs can you take places??????

    **Basset...we have been playing "Alice's Restaurant" since yesterday!!! LOL!!!! It is the ONLY Thanksgiving song!!!!!!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Still Bored #7. Crates!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    How many crates do you own??

    Do you have a favorite brand??

    Do you COLLECT my husband think I do????

    I have NO idea how many we have. If I see a good one at a garage sale, I have to buy it. You never know when you night need one!

    My favorite one has curved corners, and opens on top and also has a smaller door in the front door. Nicer pan than most too.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Bored #6. Supplements!!!?

    Other than the dog food you feed...and we SURELY will not get into brands....what do you add to your dogs food????????

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Still Bored #5. Shampoo!!?

    What brand do you prefer?? Are you loyal to one brand, or will you get something else if it is on sale?????

    Do you have other shampoos on hand for special skin/coat situations????

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Still Bored #4. Nail Trimmers!!!?

    What type do you use??

    Dremel, pliers type, other kind???

    How often do you do nails on all the dogs???????

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Still Bored #3. Grooming Tools!!!?

    What are the THREE grooming tools you have that you would not want to be without????????

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Still Bored Question #2. Bowls!!!!?

    Yup, still bored. No wonder I hate the Holidays.

    What are your dogs bowls made of?????

    Does each dog have his/her own bowl, or do you interchange them???

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Favorite Brand Of Collar??

    Well, here I sit waiting for the vegetarian guests and the "Celebration Loaf" to arrive and I am BORED.

    So, what is your favorite brand of collar/leash, and how many of each do you think you own??????

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question For Parents Of Dyslexic Kids.?

    I have a child that is almost 9. She is REALLY into animals and especially Lions. She seems to like a lot of toys that are "younger" than her.

    She also likes to watch the same movies OVER and OVER. Really. We have NetFlix and she will rent the SAME movies all the time. Anything animal related like any Balto, Air Bud, Milo and Otis....anything like that. She has rented Milo and Otis 25 times this past year.

    So I was wondering if other dyslexic kids has "quirks" like this???

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Would Your Vet Take Payments???????

    If you had something expensive happen today, like a bloat or a hit by car, would your vet let you make payments??

    Do you have a regular relationship with a vet currently??????

    46 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Thanks For The Support!!!! (dog that killed other dog)?

    Thanks for the support from all my contacts and others. Lily was euthanized this afternoon and it was easy and as good as could be for her. I feel very good about the decision. It was a sad event and I wish I could change it for both dogs, but that cannot happen.

    Thanks Again!!!!


    Are you serving your dogs the giblet package for Thanksgiving??? Are you cooking it or feeding it raw????

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog Killed Smaller Dog. What To Do?

    Well, we woke up this morning to a horrid scene. The American Bulldog seemed to have killed the smaller mixed breed. They are both in the house and have been fine together. We have never seen any signs of anything between the two. We have four other dogs, Newfs, that were outside all night, so they could not have been involved.

    Don't know what to do now. We have cats, which she has always seemed to like, but do I take that risk???? She has other behavior issues that make her fairly unadoptable. She was our foster dog.

    Do we keep her and hope nothing else happens??? Do we euthanize her?

    I do not feel she can be re-homed.

    27 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Selling Puppies With Health Insurance. Which One?

    I have a litter of two that are currently 6 weeks (tomorrow). I am planning on enrolling each of them in a year of pet health insurance...basic coverage, no vaccines and such covered unless the owners want to pay that.

    Anyone have thoughts on which company is the best. We have VPI for one of our dogs, but since then there seems to be more choices.

    Any suggestions?????

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago