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moonman asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

How have illegals affected you?

I hear a lot of bashing against illegal immigrants on here. I want to know what they have done to you to make you them so much. Although I agree that we need to protect our borders and that our laws need to be followed, I am not asking to discuss policy. I just want to find the root of your opinion.


Most of you told how illegals affect the U.S. I want to know what they have done to you personally. Some have provided reasonable answers to my question though.

I am curious why you choose to single out illegals when talking about crime. I am sure that there are many of you who have been hit by an uninsured citizen or have been hit by a crime committed by a citizen.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I have been affected on a personal basis by illegals I'm not aware of it. However, for me that's not the point. We have laws. They should be followed, by legals and illegals alike. Those laws are not being followed by either party very well. Because they aren't being followed by some who are illegal only adds salt to the wound.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son-in-law that was only 26 years old was killed by a drunk illegal alien that drove on to a freeway going the wrong way. The illegal was deported.

    My brother who worked for years as a bricklayer, is now working at 30 % wages with Home Depot, because the illegals drove down the wages for bricklayers.

    Two of my grandsons( age 14 and 15) were just a few months ago beaten by a gang of illegals why they played at school. They were in critical care unit for a week and the hospital for over a month.

    My county taxes for the county hospital, law enforcement, and social care have increased to pay for illegals care.

    So when people claim that illegals are here only to seek a better life and are doing jobs other Americans will not do, they will find that I am not sold on this BS.

    Source(s): My family
  • Sambo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Basically what all the other posters said.

    I live in a small town in Florida and thanks to the big citrus growers and other big farms that hire them, wages are no better than $10 hr. for anything, and forget trying to find employment with benefits. The illegals get paid in cash, under the table and send the money back to the homeland. The pay little to no taxes and crime is rampant here. All the while, the illegals commit identity theft, and get public assistance. Meanwhile, take someone like me, a one earner family; I make about $33 thousand a year; and can't qualify for any kind of assitance because I make more than the median. Nevetheless, you try and raise a family of 5 on $33K! I am equally angry with the employers that hire these illegals and the government that does nothing about it. In fact, the state agencies here almost encourage the illegals with free handouts.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a brick layer, actually a mason but when I say that people think of the lodge. Illegals have driven the price I get for my work down to a price that was paid ten years ago. They don't have insurance, workers comp or tax numbers and the builders know it. The fact of the matter is that it is the apathy and greed of Americans that draw them here. But what ever you say the bottom line is it costs me (a legal citizen) nearly as much as I make to stay legal. When they get caught they get sent home. If I do what they do and get caught I could go to jail or at the very least work for someone else to pay uncle SAM while my family starves because I am a citizen.

    The deck is stacked and it ain't in my favor though I am the one that pays the bill!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not all that worked up about illegals... and from what I'm told, I live in a state where they run rampant... Florida.

    But honestly, my struggle to get better employment is more related to outsourcing and technology taking the place of American workers.

    I think people should register to be citizens and not sneak around the country and I definitely want to feel safe.

    But I am not angry at illegals or even very upset that they are trying to live here.

  • 1 decade ago

    A Hispanic family moved to my neighborhood. Shortly after that their son's came...illegally...they have been arrested and deported at least a dozen times for breaking into the neighborhood houses, stealing lawn mower's,etc...they always came back within a few weeks. The last time they were arrested it was for armed robbery...they have been gone for about 3 month's now...will they be back? Their family supports them completely, in fact they actually tried to get me to donate to their legal defense. I have donated already, in the form of 8 lawn mowers, 3 weed eaters, a leaf blower, hedge trimmer, 2 TVs and some cash...all taken without my permission within a 2 month period by their sons....oh yeah, I forgot about the lawn furniture ($1800.00) and not out of the box my fountain. My story is not unique... I'm done.

    If they want to live here then do it legally, at least then they can be prosecuted if they commit a crime.

    Update: Up until the incident I have described I really have had no problems personally with being the victim of a crime.

    We also have a lovely and legal Hispanic family who live next door to us...we BBQ together and and all sorts of stuff...they can't stand that family either.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) I have to hear about them almost every week in the news, claiming how they want to be Americans yet speaking in Spanish and carrying Mexican flags and shouting about Mexican pride.

    2) They increase our taxes, since the government reimburses hospitals for their unpaid medical bills and we, the taxpaying citizens of America, are the ones who end up paying it.

    3) They hurt the American economy by taking money out of circulation (what they're paid under the table/off the books) and sending it back to their country of origin (Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, etc., etc.).

    4) They're illegal. They violated Federal law in how they came here. The fact that they're criminals...isn't that enough reason right there?

    5) The Latin Kings and MS-13 gangs.

  • 1 decade ago

    They depressed the wages in Central Cali. As a result, Fed Agents in Central Cali pay is based on the same rate as Arkansas. This is in spite of the fact that a home in Central Cali costs 500k versus 100k in AR for the same quality.

    Illegals will live ten to a house to afford it which makes the financial situation there intolerable for the average US worker.

    I have stated the problem(s) with solution(s) on my YA blog linked below.

    Source(s): Viable Solution To Illegal Immigration
  • 1 decade ago

    They kill Americans. More Americans have been killed by illegal immigrants than by the conflict in Iraq.

    Since Illegal Immigration Kills More Americans Than Iraq Does, Why Do Democrats politicians choose to focus on Iraq? and not on the deaths of Americans that Democrats are causing?;_ylt=AhQNP...

    They also damage the economy and encourage people to work on "sharecropper" wages. That increases crime and creates slums.

    California's attorney general just said areas of California have become uncontrollable due to gangs ("domestic insurrection"). Most of the gangs in California come from Mexico.

    According to the Pew Hispanic Center:

    1) Only 3% of undocumented workers are in the agriculture sector.

    2) Undocumented workers take one-third of all new jobs created in America.

    Around 27 percent of all federal prisoners are criminal foreigners. ( U.S. government report on a U.S. government website )

    In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

    Source(s): --Illegal [immigrants] sentenced in federal courts were more likely than legal aliens or U.S. citizens to have at least one prior conviction resulting in a sentence of at least 60 days. (Read more: Illegal Aliens in Federal, State, and Local Criminal Justice Systems Urban Institute) -- In a population sample study of 55,322 illegal immigrants completed in May 2005, GAO found that the aliens studied had been arrested approximately 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Congressman Forbes' Immigration Primer
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Increased crime;

    Lower standards of education;

    Free medicine / emergency room visits;

    $$$ shipped OUT of America to foreign countries, mostly Mexico...

    True story: On Thanksgiving, my niece was returning from work in Tucson, and her car was broadsided by another car. The guy who hit her was drunk; he was illegal; no insurance, no license. My niece's compact car was pretty smacked up, and so was she, although she just suffered bruises and a mild concussion.

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