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Does my son have a sugar-control problem?

My son is 9, and is very lean. Not overly skinny, just a wiry kid (BMI = 13). When I wake him in the morning, he is EXTREMELY grumpy, to the point of crying that he has to get out of bed. He continues to be mopey and grumpy until he eats breakfast, at which point he becomes a new person (well, actually he returns to the bright happy kid I know so well!).

Is this just normal kid behavior? Or does his sudden mood change after eating indicate a blood sugar problem? Could his blood sugar drop so low in the morning that he just feels like crap, until he gets that first shot of sugar into his blood vessels?


Thanks for the inputs. First, let me say, his breakfast is NOT sugary. He generally eats toast w/ peanut butter and a glass of milk for breakfast. And second, I would say that it's a normal case of morning grumpies except that it turns around IMMEDIATELY upon eating (like, within 2 minutes of his first bite of food). The change is so rapid and dramatic that it's really quite startling.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't think anything specific at this time, but I would take him to the doctor for a complete work up. It never hurts when we are concerned.

    Also, children his age need a LOT of sleep. You might find that he just isn't getting enough sleep time or that he might be waking up at night and having a disturbed sleep pattern (ie going pee at night). Try adding more sleep time and see if that changes. Even though you put him to bed at let's say 9:00 PM, he might not be falling asleep right away. You might want to start a sleepy time routine at 8 PM to relax him so when he hits the pillow it's lights out.

    Interesting enough, he just might not be a morning person. Try waking him up a bit slower and really nice. My 12 year old still gets TEN hours of sleep at night. Anything less, he is really grumpy. He goes to bed at 9:00 PM and we wake him up at 7:00 PM

    If I am woke up in the middle of the night, no matter how many hours I am in that bed, I don't feel rested. Even as an adult, I make sure I am empty my bladder before going to bed so that I don't have an interrupted sleep pattern.

    Last thing... a diabetic has a HIGH fasting blood sugar (sugar first thing in the morning).... not the opposite. Of course if he was a diabetic and taking insulin or insulin medications he could end up with a low blood sugar but I know that isn't the case with your son. Testing him for diabetes would look for a high blood sugar in the morning.

    And the best thing you can do is ASK your son what the problem is! Tell him you find his grumpy mornings unacceptable and you would lik to figure out why he is so cranky and what you both can do to solve the problem. At 9 years old, he certainly can verbalize what he thinks the problem is and how to fix it.

    And last but not least... I am NOT a morning person.. I'd chew your head off for making me talk or if you make too much noise in the morning until I've had a cup of coffee... and even though I am a diabetic... it's not my sugar that is the problem.. I am just not a morning person. LOL.... Diabetes aside.. I still need that quiet wake up time. I can relate to your son!

    Here are a few easy non-doctor suggestions that might work for you...

    1. Empty the bladder before bed

    2. Wake him up a half hour early and let him lay in bed to 'come around' and maybe when his feet hit the floor he will have already gone through that 'ugly morning person' phase and will be ready to start with a smile. Gently wake him and let him lay there.

    3. Add more sleep time by alerting his bed time.

    4. If you have other kids in the house, try keeping them more quiet.

    By the way... his cereal is just like your coffee.. a sugar fix. Maybe he has a sugar problem in the aspect that he is a bit addicted and needs that fix. Try non sugar breakfast (eggs, toast, milk) and see if that corrects his bad mood too. Kids shouldn't eat sugar for breakfast anyway....

    Lots to ponder.... Good Luck

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): I Cured My Diabetes :
  • 1 decade ago

    Some people are just naturally grouchy until they get up and get moving!! I require coffee, a whole pot of it, before I think nice thoughts about a new day!!

    I think your son is just a normal kid!! But you can set your mind at rest by making him an appointment for complete physical with blood workups.

    I have 2 very grouchy granddaughters!! Neither wants to get out of bed any morning!! After they are fed, they are happy cheerful things. My grandsons both jump straight up and get with living!! They get grouchy near bedtime, but avoid going to bed like the dickins!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like low blood sugar. I would take him to the doctor for some blood work and if it is low sugar you will be able to treat him at home along with taking his gluclose readings daily. If he has low blood sugar then he really needs to eat several times each day to keep the sugar level.

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