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Why dont people who participate in the greek section talk with names??

i mean i keep reading accusations ,from one to another,

but why dont people say clearly, whoare they talking about?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To begin with, you must have noticed that many of us, older users - me first - do not partecipate any more in the Greek section because somebody answerting here has turned it to a mine field where you have to watch any step of yours, otherwise you get hurt (reported, deleted, defamed, attacked in every way).

    Last June my account was deleted, after a while Hard_and_Tender's was deleted as well, and recently areti_erato's and Istambulbogazi's, because they were declared friends of some of us.

    All my questions in this section were also reported and deleted (About forest fires, about Pavarotti's loss, etc) while the hater declared his loyalty to Yahoo rules....

    At the same time private e-mails were sent to users, defaming the majority of us, all sent by the same aged hater.

    His main point was that there was a "Clan" controlling votes and promoting the rank of certain users.

    His sick little mind could not conceive that having got 300 best answers, by real users, and belonging to Yahoo Italy, as me, my sister, Alex, and others, meant absolutely nothing for becoming top answerer in Greece/Travel.

    Still, he felt himself endangered, as his only justification in his low life was to be something "top" in Yahoo.

    So, conspiracy theories started being created, friends of his started approaching each of us under various excuses in order to gain our confidence and spy on us, personal data, real or constructed started being posted, as well as ironic comments about our nationality, roots, knowledge, even sexuality, being helped by his followers (this is the real and immoral Clan).

    We ignored both him and his comments, partecipating in other sections, when, disturbed by our non paying attention to him, he started making refference to our "wannabe family trees of ....wallnuts - exact translation of my grandmother's family name in its greek version, "objectionable men", and other dirty comments, while e-mails mentioning our real names and surnames with thrilling detailed lies kept circulating. Always with the help of his friends like the "hahaha-lol" aged lady.

    Until these two past days when three trolls appeared making refference to our origins, family history, sexual oriantation etc.

    And that was enough.

    The aged and retired no lifer had crossed any limits.

    One look at his status can provide evidence that he achieved his goal to become top contributor (what a life-dream....), and he is close to becoming top answerer with a hidden activity and a strive to "answer" unresolved questions by voting his answer with at least 5 fake accounts.....

    He thumbs down everybody answering in this section, just to accuse us of doing this, he and his virtual lunetic female mate posted accusations of us, old and not partecipating users being a CULT, mindcontrolling others, pointing out at me or my sister to be the Cult leaders, and throwing mud even at our animal walfare activity, saying in public that secret agents and dark powers are hiding behind our feeding stray animals and going to court against illegal hunters....

    So, No need to state any name, you all know who the no lifer with his delirium fantasies is, and you can all judge who is controlling: I have almost 350 best answers in various sections, and in various languages, as my sister also does, and we are neither top ten answerers (we don't care) nor top contributors, while the demented (he called me so in the past) old looser is both.....

    Because he has the title of "top reporter" as well.....

    Source(s): P.S. His trolls are still out there....
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why people who partecipate in the greek section don't deal with more important matters like our unique culture and history? Are there many countries like ours?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think my question was clear, what didnt you understand?

    My point is that the disabled in Greece are not being treated fairly, in fact they are not even treated as human beings.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because those involved know whom everyone refers to, and they know very well when something is about them (gia poion xtypaei h kampana). If you don't know who it is about, then it is not about you!

    As for names, I have no problem telling you, but this would make them start saying we disfame them and insult them. I personnally feel you are a decent person, who gives nice and honest answers.

    Since he didn't hesitate to show exactly how he feels about the issue by himself, I can point you towards the direction of what you are asking: If you read airpole's answer, you will realise who has persecution mania: he thinks you are part of what he calls a "clan", which is the rest of us, meaning the people who use our logic. He also mentions he has contacted you, which shows he was actually trying to approach you and influence you, while we (the notorious clan) have not done this, which he cannot believe!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you are worried it's about you,it's not,there are no needs to worry.Those who are involved know who they are(both sides).I won't use names or use personal info on the internet to attack people I don't like,I was raised better than that by my mother and leave that to those who are willing to do so,after all you can't accuse someone who lives his whole life close to the ground for falling to such a low level...they don't know any better...It's sickening,it's making me furious....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stop doing war, make love instead...

  • 1 decade ago

    I have myself several e-mails by the one in question, sent to me months ago, when he ignored my friendship with the "Clan" and the "Cult" his disturbed mind invented, in which he defames almost everybody of the section, in his attempt to gain my consent and frienship.

    All of them end with the phrase: "Anything you need to know about them, ask me".

    You see, he keeps a ....record.

    But let's excuse and forgive him. He has a .... family tree dating back to the 9th century (B.C. or A.C.?).

    The rest of us have only family grass. :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Holy ..! Dellarov's answer reads like a thriller. You greeks really know how to create history and drama, even in this small and virtual forum! I wouldn't want to see this played out live. :-P

    From my few visits here I too noticed too many thumbs-downs. What's funnier is that many answerers get the same amount of thumbs-downs, which means that the loser who first got thumbed down wanted to make sure everyone else scores worse than himself. I also noticed how the votes went for a few people who didn't deserve them.

    Grow up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why nicknames aren't enough?

  • zigzag
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Dont worry, you are not involved in this..

    Those who are involved fairly or not know about whom people are speaking..

    By the way wellcome back

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