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How is tax paid in the US fora service agreed aand paid between two independent persons?
I know that the US has a free economy, which means no closed professions etc. If yopu don't hire someone as an employee and you don't have a business, but you want to make a private deal between two individuals. For example you find someone who will walk your dog or someone who will babysit or someone who will teach your kids a foreign language, but is not a professional. It may be the neighbour's daughter or a foreign person whom you want your kids to learn her native language from. Is it legal? And if so, is tax due? And how is it paid?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoHow to report a problem with my yahoo answerws account-perhaps compromised?
Here's what happened: I received a viloation message about an answer which 1. I never remember having given, but perhaps it was too old, years ago, so perhpas I gave it and don't remember, and 2. there was nothing wrong with it, just sharing information based on experience from a medical problem. So I appeal the violation and I receive an email saying the appeal was accepted, sorry for the inconvenience etc. A couple of weeks later I receive AGAIN a violation message about th SAME answer. I try to appeal again, and I get the answer "this answer was not given by this account, log in with teh correct account to appeal". But i have no other yahoo account, plus the violation email was sent to my account and through that email itself I pressed the link to appeal. I think someone les is using my account, and I want to report the problem to yahoo but can't find how. Any ideas?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years agoDoes anyone know in Athens a trendy club, bar, cafe or restaurant with a long name?
where a meeting of politicians took place before the elections don't remember if it was tsipras or Theodorakis or someone else
1 AnswerGreece6 years agowhat is the word that describes a set of consecutive elevations, drawn one next to the other,?
even if in reality they are not on the same level? For example if we draw all the internal walls of one room, one next to the other, although in reality they are vertical to each other?
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration8 years agoCan dogs eat soya? Is it Ok for them?
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoHow accurate is the series about Suleyman the Magnificent?
I am asking in the Turkey section, although this is not about travel, because I hope to get info from Turkish users. i am referring to the series about Suleyman, called "muhtesi yuzyil" or something like that, sorry if it is totally wrong, i don't know Turkish.
What I'd like to know is what Turkish viewers think about the series and if it is accurate in reproducing the period of the 16th century, in terms of:
a. costumes (did the dresses of women look like that, so open in the chest for example?)
b. manners (are these the manners of the 16th century or more likely to represent the manners of 19th century ottoman empire?)
c. architecture
d. history
5 AnswersTurkey9 years agoHow to introduce two male dominant dogs?
Both dogs are about 4 years old, they are quite aggressive, not really to humans but they need to establish dominance towards other dogs. One non-dominant male 1 year old who met both of them (one by one) got bitten, showed his submission and now gets along with the others. But if the two adult dogs meet, wht will happen? I am worried they will kill themselves. They are in a monastery, one has always lived there, the other just got there. There is no other option otherwise he will be put down. There is no option of having them in cages side by side, but they can be tied for a few hourse with long chains at the same spot in a way that they won't reach each other.
7 AnswersDogs9 years agoPotete dirmi se questa frase e corretta?
La ringraziamo di aver posto il suddetto problema alla nostra attenzione.
1. ringrazio di o per?
2. aver posto o aver sottoposto?
3. il suddetto problema / il detto problema/ o detto problema senz' articolo?
4. alla nostra attenzione o alla nostra conoscenza?
3 AnswersLingue9 years agocome iniziare una lettera formale?
Buona sera, sono straniera e sto imparando la lingua italiana. Vorrei sapere come iniziare una lettera inviata a un Ente o una rivista ecc.:
1. Distinti Signori?
2. Egregio Signor Direttore?
3. Egregio Direttore?
4. Distinto Signor Direttore?
5. Egregio Signor Sindaco?
6. Gentile Signor Direttore? (o gentile si adopera per le donne?)
Quali sono i piu corretti?
4 AnswersLingue9 years agocat without water- how long?
my husband accidentally closed two 3 month old kittens in his office without water for 24 hours. When we found them they drunk a lot of water and now they seem fine, but is it possible that they have any damage (kidneys etc.), or that they need treatment other than drinking water?
3 AnswersCats9 years agoNo yahoo page opens on my computer?
All other sites work just fine. But no yahoo site opens, not answers, not my mail, nothing. What can I do?
Also, I wanted to contact yahoo customer service, but it says it does not provide technical support any more, is it true?
2 AnswersNotices and Errors9 years agoPrego, potete spiegarmi l' uso di alcune parole italiane?
1. Parlando, si adopera lui, lei, loro, anziche egli, essa, essi, esse, vero? Scrivendo, in un testo non terribilmente formale, ma in un esame d' italiano comunque, sarebbe corretto scrivere "lui sta a casa" e non "egli sta a casa"? E lo secondo, lo cosiderereste troppo formale?
2. Nonostante, sebbene, malgrado +verbo, l' ho capito. (nonostante sia stanco, sta lavorando)
+sostantivo anche ho visto che si usa: (nonostante la mia malattia, sto lavorando).
+ aggetivo, e anche corretto? es.: nonostante malatto, sto lavorando. sebbene stanco, sto lavorando. anche se stanco, sto lavorando.
3. Finalmente, pur:
pur di = affinche? (lavoro pur di guadagnare denaro)
pur + participio presente = although? (pur conoscendo la verita, ha mentito)
pur+aggettivo esiste? (pur malatto, sto lavorando)
3 AnswersLingue9 years agoVorrei aiuto con qualche parole italiane prego?
Ciao, sono straniera pero studio l' italiano. Ho queste domande:
1. qualche parole, come l' ho utilizzato sopra, e giusto? Oppure sarebbe qualche parola?
2. Quando diciamo"la gente", i verbi sono nel singolare? Esempio: molta gente ha animali domestici a casa sua e gli vuole bene.
3. Vorrei sapere come introdurre frasi, per esempi, sono giusti questi congiunzioni?:
Riguardo ai (In regard to?) pregiudici verso il ruolo delle donne nella societa, penso che non siano corretti per molte ragioni. Prima di tutto (First of all?), una donna ha il diritto di scegliere un mestiere consideratto maschile, e non c' e nessuna ragione che non lo faccia bene. Comunque (nevertheless?), e sicuro che c' e gente che la verrano con diffidenza, quindi (therefore) la donna per avere successo in questo ambiente si deve provare (must prove herself?) ancora (di?) piu che (dei?) i suoi colleghi, malgrado (despite?) le sue qualificazioni.
Grazie per l' aiuto!
a, e un' altra cosa: come si dice il foglio che utilizziamo durante un esame per noi, per scrivere delle cose, poi cambiarle ecc., prima di scrivere sul foglio delle risposte?(rough paper i inglese).
5 AnswersLingue9 years agoUso della parola nonostante?
Ciao, sono straniera e sto studiando l' italiano. Ho questa domanda: il mio libro di grammatica scrive "nonostante che", con esempi come " nonostante che abbia fame, non andiamo a cena".
Il mio altro libro di preparazione per un esame ha la soluzione di un' esercizio cosi : "nonostante guadagni bene, Anna vuole cambiare il suo lavoro".
Qual' e corretto?
3 AnswersLingue9 years agoWhat is the earliest age to start palying chess?
8 AnswersBoard Games9 years agoIs it OK for a medium sized dog to go out for peeing and pooping twice a day?
This is a programme that seems to be OK with him, he has two long walks, morning and evening, during which he pees and poops. He doesn't pee or poop in the house, although he would if he felt the urge. What I am asking is: is there any maximum of hours in the house for a healthy life? Is 12 hours Ok to hold his pee and poop?
16 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDog possibly ate broken glasses-help?
My dog -medium size husky - found a glass jar with dry food, jumped on teh shelf, broke the jar and ate the food. I believe he must have eaten some pieces of broken glass amidst the dry food. The vet said they can do nothing but watch him, and told me to give him small pieces of cotton to eatso that they can surround the glass in his intestine.
Anyone had a similar experience? What should i expect?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoCat with skin condition: Ringworm or mange?
I found an injured cat recently, he had surgery and is recovering. However, he presented some bald spots that I thought were ringworm. However, even though he has been getting ringworm treatment for 10 days, the bald spots are growing, he is still losing hair. Also teh skin in these bald spots is scaly. And even though he does not scratch himself, he licks the areas quite a lot, so he may be itching. Do you think he may have mange? Anyone has had a cat with mange that he can describe?
PS. Don't tell me to ask the vet, he will be going for a check-up of the surgery next week, but i don't want to take him there earlier, because I have paid an enormous amount for his surgery and the will charge more if I take him in now.
Cats1 decade agoIf you are planning to visit Greece, would you be interested to have someone who can arrange your trip...?
custom-made, based on your preferences, focusing on culture and quality tourism, rather than a package tour? Would you be willing to pay for such a person to guide you and organise your visits?
1 AnswerGreece1 decade agoHow long does it take a dog to digest?
I mean really finisgh digesting, all the way until he poops the food.
I am asking because I have a puppy who is 9 months now, so he has no problem waiting to poop, but sometimes he poops inside if he really wants to go, so I thought if I feed him exactly x hours before he goes out (x being the hours till he digests) he won't have a problem, as he won't have poop.
6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago