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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

PLANT PLANT PLANT .. . . . GOOSE . How Much Lying And Cheating Until Hillary Supporters Get Fed-Up ??

I stayed up late last night to watch the Republicans debate on CNN . At the time I was thinking that the forum was immature and seemed slanted by the questionable questions . But I thought further and decided it must be because the questions were coming from YouTube . . . . . . UNTIL this morning . Now I'm sure everyone knows that Hillary got caught planting a member of her campaign to ask a question . . . . . For the UMPTEENTH time !!

And I'm wondering if Hillary supporters are decent honest people who expect Hillary to be decent and honest as well .Or maybe they are decent honest people , and maybe some or many of them are getting fed-up with this FRAUD . I don't know , maybe Hillary supporters also support FRAUD ???

So do tell. . . . . . .. Are Any Of The Hillary Supporters Getting Fed-Up With Hillary's Lies And Fraud ?


UPDATE - For the lesser educated folks who don't know what FRAUD is - The retired gay General had an obligation to disclose that he works for Hillary . In fact every analyst this morning on even liberal biased networks called this FRAUD . And don't try to play 3rd Grader games by ignoring the fact that she's been caught planting questions at her own debates as well .

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well since you don't like her to much, she's my favorite Canidate.

    Oh if you believe that a politican is truthful Republican or Democrat, Then Chuck Norris will need to have a talk with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hillary planting questions on a 'CNN' debate reminds me of Nixon breaking into Watergate when he already had the election won. WHY?

    CNN is going to sieve through the YouTube soup until they find something that is going to make every Republican look bad and become fodder for the Hillary talking point list she can use in the general election. Why in the world would she take a risk such as this?

    Her arrogance is showing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No see is playing towards her base they want it like that. Do you recall how they acted When William Clinton was in office. This is just more of the same they want the traditional values that built this country stripped away and their free home and medical and car & food and Utilities.

    Of course those are also lies and can not ever be delivered upon. THe nature of it's all about me is lock stock and barrel in oppistion of what made America great and will not work economic theory proves that out.

    Also recall when they deregulated in CA and electric prices went throw the roof, see in the real world you can't have a ceiling or floor on a price becuase the market always dictates the price. But to know that you would have to have had economics classes of which it appears few if any take that are left leaning. So they can just demonize that also by calling it Vodoo Economics instead of Scienitific theory. Hell they even selectively use science when it serves their ends and invent Global warming as a Junk Science to support their ends also.

    They will never stop, it's like dawn of the dead or something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am getting a bit fed up with Hillary and Obama.... here's why.

    For the first time in American history there is a very real chance that we can have a woman or a black man as president. This is an exciting opportunity for our country, but has already been tainted. If Hillary does make her way to the oval office, her entire presidency will be shadowed by her off-field tactics, which have been brought into question for years. Obama, assuming he could overcome the Hillary clan, will also struggle because he has focuse more on defending himself from Clinton's attacks, and not answered the tough questions. Neither of these candidates are what I consider presidential material. There are only three people that I believe are worthy of president right now, none of which will run.

    1. Norman Schwartzkopf

    2. Colon Powell

    3. Lou Dobbs

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You seem to have made a critical error in your post. Allow me to alleviate this matter. Title: Will [politicians] ever stop lying and [insert miscellaneous wrongdoings]? I am sure [all] of you already know how [politicians have] been caught planting questions. Then of course CNN admitted to planting a question in [their] favor at the last [everything]. But now [everyone's] campaign admitted that two of [their] people have been sending hoax emails against [everyone that is not themselves]. How low can [politics] go? Now that that is done with...who wants some delicious apple tostidos?

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary's supporters don't care about illegal activities of any kind.

    I have had them tell me they don't care where her campaign funds come from, even if they comes from the ME or, China, makes no difference to them. They don't care about the pardons for money, even those that included known terrorists. They don't care about the bribes Clinton and Gore took from the airline industry in 1996, which resulted in the WH Aviation Safety Committee's mandates being pushed aside. They don't care that Clinton could have gotten bin Laden in July, 2006 and elected not to. They don't care about the lies, etc.

    In one lib's opinion, it takes a scoundrel to run our WH and the fact that Hillary is just that only makes her more desirable to them.


  • 1 decade ago

    CNN claims they knew nothing of his activities with Hillary '08 ABC News today. My querry is why the gay card. The Bill Clinton no speak no tell mantra?? Makes little sense. Be sure Patty Solys Doyle knew. Be sure that this is another caught red handed moment. FED- OP? Photo op? Any news is good news

    in some circles. Keeps people talking. And fighting. Classic dirty politics. Yet I wonder why they used a Bill jab? And Bill blew it in Iowa two days ago for Hill. Paybacks as we watch perhaps? Dummb asp reality TV. More lies and fraud then more ways to defend the Hillabeast. Cry me a river. pls this is so old.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hillary would MURDER a school full of children with her bare hands if she thought it would help get her elected.Lying cheating stealing ? She won't give it a second thought,and her blind braindead voters know she's a filthy crooked skank

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Brigadier General does NOT work for Hillary's campaign, that has been made abundantly clear today by all sources. If you wish to ignore that fact and pretend he does so you can rant about it by all means go right ahead. Part of what I am really fed up with is Hillary detractors only tagging her for things ALL political candidates do, for the UMPTEENTH time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary, Billary, she has no moral compass, and will sway whatever direction neccessary to win votes. She also listed off her favorite TV shows, guess what they were, the top tv show for each age group. If tv shows were divided by race and political affiliation she would have listed off those too. She will say and do whatever she needs to to get support. I wholeheartedly do not support her and although I am a woman and am not against a woman president, she is not it.

    Thanks for posting this, her lies and deception are always passed through and ignored, if the President did this and was called out on it, the reaction wouldn't be nearly so blasé.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fraud? Asking Republicans harder questions is fraud? That shows very little faith in your candidates. I'm not really a fan of hers, but it's not as if Hillary came out of her "debates" (read panel discussions) smelling like roses either.

    Excuse me, but what law or statute do you believe requires him to state his employer? It might have been polite of him to do so, but required? That's B.S. Any American should be able to ask any candidate any question. You're making the Republicans sound even weaker than they already did.

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