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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Why do they have Sharia law in countries that are multifaith? (or at all)?

Sharia Law seems to be a nonsensical set of rules based not on morals but on speculative judgements based on the Koran. The Koran is obviously a text written in a historical context (percentiley by clinically mad and drug addled, however also with some input from normal people) - How can any procedures built in this historical context be relevant morally or legally?

Particularly though I would like some explanations of why it is in practice in multifaith countries (aren't all countries multifaith?)?


9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly to correct an answer already given, you do not have to swear on a bible under UK law.You can just take an oath to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.They often use the bible to "swear" on as most UK citizen used to be nominally christian not so long ago, and the religion of the crown is of course christian.

    To answer this question, basically Sharia law is a religious law, not based on actual morals, facts, need of rules for a lawful society or indeed common sense in any way.

    It ceased to be practical about 5 minutes after it was written, but of course to say this was against Sharia law so nobady said it.It suited and still does, the ruling religious leaders, and thats why it stays.

    Basically, its a load of absurd and out of date rules written by men a long time ago to promote the Islamic "way of life". I would imagine truly free thinking moslems would probably get rid of it in a heartbeat.Unfortunately most of them live in countries which do not have Sharia Law.Now there's a coincidence!Plus free thinking moslems are pretty thin on the ground anyway.The ancient moslems who started it all must be turning in their graves, as they originally promoted tolerance,understanding and learning.The Islamic world is none of these today unfortunately.It doesn't matter why either.we can all cry off about past wrongs.the catholics in ireland certainly are good at it.What matters is today, and i'm afraid Sharia law is not doing islamic countries any favours really.

    Anyone that lets religion rule them, rather than adhere to basic human rights, free speech and common sense and decency of behaviour to your fellow man, is stupid and mad.

    That goes for any religion i might add, its just that the islamic religion sticks out in this regard more than the rest.they have all done it.

    Just think : the crusades, the catholic inquisitions,the reformation, the protestant/catholic wars, the hatred of the jews and the hatred of others by the jews, the elevation of communism to replace all other religions, oh the list of stupidity just goes on.

    Anyway there are very few truly multifaith countries.But most just tolerate or allow any person to follow what they like, not actually endorse all faiths.

    Of course only the really stupid (ie.the UK) let people like the moslems set up mosques and meeting houses and then let them preach the downfall of the very society that allows them that freedom!

    I say kick anybody out who will not behave!

    Source(s): common sense!
  • 1 decade ago

    Sharia laws are not man made laws by mad people they are suppose to be STRAIGHT forward laws if FOLLOWED PROPERLY.

    For example Mrs Gibbons who will face 15 days in prison for something she did not do. This is injustice we can all see it but cant do anything about it.

    This is where authorities or so called law makers in certain countries, or in truth ill educated judges pass jugements based on what they believe in and not based on SHARIA LAW.

    The best way the SHARIA LAW I can explain to you is that there are 2 types of wrong doings (crimes) delibrate and mistake.

    If for example you are someone who tells people that you are about to go and kill or injur someone then you are guilty because you have committed crime in revenge or insanity makes no difference.

    If you are someone who was attacked by someone else and you fight back in selfdefence provided that you did not start the fight, and you had no intention to fight, and you have evidence and witnesses to prove that and the other party involved started it all and if the other party got injured or killed by you by mistake while defending yourself then you will not be found guilty.

    The Sharia Law is not much difference to democrate law however there are people misleading the less fortunate people those have no idea about the Sharia Law.

  • 1 decade ago

    Countries with a majority moslem population have "sharia laws" at times together with "civil law" (introduced by former colonial master).

    Sharia law is implemented to varying degrees in different Islamic countries - from the beheadings of Saudi Arabia, to the relatively liberal social mores of multi racial Malaysia (approx 60% of the population is moslems).

    Within sharia law, there is a specific set of offences known as the Hadd offences. These are crimes punished by specific penalties, such as stoning, lashes or the severing of a hand. The penalties for Hadd offences are not universally adopted as law in Islamic countries.

    Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, claim to live under pure sharia law and enforce the penalties for Hadd offences. In others, such as Pakistan, the penalties have not been enforced. The majority of Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria, have not adopted Hadd offences as part of their state laws.

    Hadd offences carry specific penalties, set by the Koran and by the prophet Mohammed. These include unlawful sexual intercourse (outside marriage); false accusation of unlawful intercourse; the drinking of alcohol; theft; and highway robbery. Sexual offences carry a penalty of stoning to death or flogging while theft is punished with cutting off a hand.

    "This is a system of criminal law which has become a potent symbol of Islamisicing the law," says Dr Welchman. "But there is the question of whether it's actually applied in the countries which have adopted it. There is supposed to be a very high burden of proof, but that clearly often doesn't happen in practice."

    Many Islamic countries will have adultery and the drinking of alcohol defined as criminal offences in law, but they are not defined as Hadd offences because they do not carry the Hadd penalty. They are often punishable by a prison term instead.

    Many moslems see sharia laws as a superior judicial system to that of Western enacted laws and that is why it is practised (moslems in multi ethnic Malaysia are increasingly demanding that sharia law supercedes the British-styled judiciary system that has remained the basis of the legal system since the 1950s; opposition to this by the Chinese, Indians and other ethnic groups in the country have given rise to tensions).

    Islamic sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in parts of Britain; will a non-moslem British citizen be tried in a British sharia court if the person commits an offence with a moslem partner?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sharia law will only take a foothold in a country if it has a week corrupt political system and a corrupt inefective police force. islamic domination can only happen if a countrys population have allowed themselves to be socialy castrated. thats why it has so many footholds in Britain. and like a cancer!! once it takes hold, it will spread. and the people of Britain will only have them selves to blame when one day they see the first stoning in a town square.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    text written?

    You better learn about other's civilizations before telling lies and make yourself like a clueless clown

    At least, I can differentiate between faked civilizations from REAL civilizations and the cultured countries that existed from thousands of years

    Don't set in a dark small room, just go out see people and visit other's civilizations and countries instead of talking nonsense that you don't have any idea about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, all countries are not officially multifaithed, Saudi Arabia for one. You have to be Muslim. You can not practice anything else in public. One country that is multifaithed and has Sharia law is Afghanistan, and I think Iran too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they have not progressed since the Middle Ages and despite a thin veneer of civilisation are still barbaric this is not racist it's my right to free speech.

  • 1 decade ago

    First "aren't all countries multifaith?" - No, not even. Many countries have official religions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because religious zealots can't stand other religions and detest being subjected to other rules. This goes for all religions with extremists in charge.

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