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Why do Republicans assume that everyone else is a liberal.?

It seems to be to me that most Republicans especially the neoCons and evangelicals wrongfully assume that everyone who doesn't agree with them is a liberal, especially if that individual is a Democrat, which is completely false.


To Dan W-

I have taken Poli-Sci course and have worked with politicians closely myself in the past. I am very much a moderate Dem. who is only a liberal when it comes to religion unlike your party that throws out people if you don't become a neoCon.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You'll learn that there isn't much of a thought process on the republican side

    -I Sense a Disturbance in the Republicans

  • 1 decade ago

    To be fair, it's not all Republicans.

    As is the case in any large group, the loudest ones are usually the worst ones.

    I've met quite a few decent Republicans, actually. Some of them even disagree with several points in the party line. Some only vote Republican because they or their family "always vote Republican," regardless of the actual issues.

    But the stereotypical "good ol' boy" types insist on making themselves highly visible, and give the decent ones a bad image.

    We liberal types have some of those, too. (I'm looking at you, "Legalize It" advocates.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberalism has received a bad conotation over the course of the last few years. I am a conservative by nature just to clear the air about what I am going to type next.

    Really the only true difference between liberalism and conservatism by definition is the fact that liberalism believes in social freedoms and conservatism believes in social restraint. i.e. abortion and "free love" are classical liberal thinking where as going to church and living by a code (bible) is more of a classical conservative thinking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Radicals on both sides assume the worst about everyone who doesn't think EXACTLY as they do. People like those we are opposing in the Middle East, those uberradicals. They exist in most any group of people. Generally they are a small group and kept under control. When they break out of the control we see alot of what we have been seeing politically these days in all parts of the world.

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  • 1 decade ago

    when the "moderate Dem's" continually allow the likes of Move on, code pink, media matters and such to run your party what do you expect us to think.

    Even Ford Jr agrees that the moderate Dem's are being pushed aside. Why do moderates take offense from the use of the world liberal but refuse to stand up against the left fringe that has taken over your party

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For the same reason that Democrats assume that everyone else is a dirty, nasty, evil, unfeeling, uncaring, white, rich conservative.

    Seriously, you're either on the right or the left. There is no other way to be. You can be on the left with a few right-leaning ideas, and you can be on the right with a few left-leaning ideas, but if you think you're in the middle, all you're going to wind up with is a sore crotch from riding the fence. If you disagree with this, you need to go take some civics and political science classes.

    EDIT: You and I live in two different realities. Either I have no clue what or where yours is, or you have no clue of what it actually is to be a Republican. In either case, I think you've got a whole bunch of clue-gathering to do before you start accusing the GOP of being the exclusive choice between the two parties. In short, you're a pretty narrow-minded and ignorant political science student from my point of view.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well lets see in a two party system of Republicans=Conservatives and Democrats=liberals that would mean that if your not republican=conservative, then you must be democrat=liberal, if you are none of the above that would make you insignificant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's easier to label someone than it is to get to know them.

    That's why Rush Limbaugh and the Religious Right have been so popular. Rush labels everything left of Attila the Hun as a "liberal," while the RR assumes that everything to the left of Rush is a "liberal heathen" who is trying to drag America into Hell. The RR tries to claim that they're trying to "save America," but America is not going to go up to Heaven collectively. Each individual will be judged on whether or not they accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. America will not be judged.

  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans don't assume everyone everyone else is a liberal. They know there are independants AND some Democrats (aka NeoCons) who are conservatives. What puzzles me is why liberal Democrats assume everyone else must be a Republican because they don't agree completely with the liberal point of view.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the Rush Limbaugh theory. All democrats are stupid and all stupid people are liberals. You are right. I am a Democrat that disagrees with most liberal stances.

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