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Have you ever known a "bully"?

1. Why, do you guess, he or she acted that way?

2. Have you ever detected that a person is probably a "bully" by the way he talks, even if he is trying to hide it (act like he is not a bully)?

2a . What were your clues?

3. Do some TV Evangelists act and preach like "bullies"?

3a. If yes, What expressions did they use that gave you that impression?


Gosh "Starlight" - As my memory serves me, it seems you just described every bully I have ever known. Thanks

Update 2:

Dear Jon - Thanks for that well covered lengthy answer.

Update 3:

Dear Diane - good to see you again. Great points. -

to all ; thanks for the well thought out answers.

Update 4:

Dear Dr G - good to see you too. ((hugs))

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol I'm married to one. He acts that way because he wants his way in everything. My Satanist bully husband would make a good televangelist. I told him the other day that he missed his calling as a televangelist. Bossy, aggressive, manipulative, whining, wheedling, sincere hahaha, thinks everyone should do what he says coz he's the only one that's right. The more I write, the more I believe I'm in a bad relationship and I should get out of it. This is a helluva wake up call at 4 am.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever known a "bully"? Yes I have..

    1. Why, do you guess, he or she acted that way? Fear..

    2. Have you ever detected that a person is probably a "bully" by the way he talks, even if he is trying to hide it (act like he is not a bully)? Yes, bullies aren't hard to spot they are not very good actors...

    2a . What were your clues? Fear, inability to let others speak, constant shifting of the eyes in order to keep everyone around them in view and thus under their eye.. Wen challenged even slightly they use over-kill to silence the opposition...

    3. Do some TV Evangelists act and preach like "bullies"? Yes..

    3a. If yes, What expressions did they use that gave you that impression? It's more body language than actual words... When they speak they leave no room for discussion they simply lay down what they believe as law and give the impression that anyone who disagrees is wrong and is going to get it...

    Source(s): Atheist
  • Acorn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    #1 Why? Something in her needed to control everything and everybody around her. I suspect her self-esteem was so low that she only felt good when manipulating and bullying other people.

    #2 This woman was the epitome of the unimpeachable fundamentalist "Christian" woman. Every other word was "God" or "blessed" or "praise" or "Jay-zuss" (that's how she pronounced it, I'm not making fun). She always had this FAKE blissful smile.

    #2a It took me about 2 months of working with her to see the signs: manipulation, intolerance for anything that didn't immediately serve her purposes, hateful actions towards others, esp. the people she was jealous of (she was jealous of a lot of people in that office), and deceitful behavior.

    #3 Oh yeah.

    #3a Mostly how they manipulate people for their own gain: the scams they run to get money out of little old ladies so they can drive fancy vehicles and have diamond pinkie rings bigger than my moniter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Mostly long ago in the schoolyard, fewer more recently.

    1. Makes them feel "big" if they can make the other person feel "small"

    2. Primarily by the way he talks

    2a. Being talked down to, refusal to listen or consider any point of view but his own. Standing too close for comfort, "in my face", which feels intimidatory

    3. Yes

    4. Their conviction that they alone are right, shouting everyone else down. And also the sneaking feeling (judging by what they say) that they really only have one God - money.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Bullies tend to be people who are very insecure. They're mean to others because it makes them feel better in some sick way. You can usually tell a bully by the way they talk because they're usually being rude.

    TV Evangelist preachers tend to be bullies probably because they know what they are doing and how they live goes against what the Bible says. They tend to live the lives they preach so furiously against. (ex. Ted Haggard)

  • 1 decade ago

    I think we have all known a few bullies in our lives.

    They act that way because they feel like they can. They see others as weaker and less important than they are, so they try to cut other people down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yup, Kent Jensen, Sixth grade bully, I kicked his ***... My friends still talk about that 30 years later

    I had to fight ten more kids after that.. but I made it through Highschool nd life without ever having to fight

  • Libby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Sudanese Islamics are big fat bully's for jailing the teacher whose class named the teddy bear Mohammad.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Yes, she has passed away. She always wanted her way. Pissed so many off till someone crashed into her back while she in las vegas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. His parents abused him


    3. Yes - the fact that some speak out against minority groups (gays) and some want foreign leaders assassinated (Robertson).

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