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Lv 4
Karen asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Two of my four dogs have kennel cough?

I have four dogs. Two of them have kennel cough. My other two seem fine right now. One of them is a very small chihuahua and I have heard that toy breeds often can get gravely ill from minor infections.

Aside from keeping them away from her, is there anything else I can do to protect my little one?

Also, my vet tech told me antibiotics are usually not necessary for Kennel cough, but to watch out for seconday infection. Is this right?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No I would not go by what she told you at all. It would like me or anyone else here telling you the same thing with out examining your dogs. It is fioolish!

    You need to have your vet check them over and then see if treatment is necessary. Seeing as how you have multiple dogs in your home then I would make this a priority thing to do. Kennel cough spreads like wild fire and even with your best efforts your other dogs are most likely already exposed to it.

    Get your dogs seen and this way your vet can tell you the severity of their condition and not someone who didn't see or hear their breathing.


  • 1 decade ago

    My dog had kennel cough as a pup. Since my dog was young, they gave anitbiotics to clear it up. I believe the thinking as that many cases of kennel cough will resolve on their own, but it depends on the severity of the case, and your dogs health and immune system. Since mine was a puppy I guess they decided she needed antibiotics because maybe a developing immune system would have a hard time with it.

    Also, kennel cough is really contagious, so I don't think there is much you can do for your healthy dogs, except maybe sending them to live with a friend or relative until your other dogs get better.

    If I were you, I would go to the vet and get antiobiotics. I guess it depends how sick you think the dogs are. I remember mine seemed pretty well, except the coughing was waking her up and preventing her from resting. I think it would be a good idea to get antibiotics for the tiny chihuahua. You don't want to take a chance, if they get sick and die easily.

    EDIT: I am assuming they have all been vaccinated against kennel cough, but that doesn't prevent them from getting the infection. There are many strains of kennel cough, and the vaccine only works against certain ones. It's sort of like the flu shot. It helps, but it won't protect against everything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you should keep them separated. There is no treatment for Kennel Cough and the vaccines for Kennel Cough don't prevent all of the varieties of Kennel Cough only the most common ones...sort of like the flu vaccine for humans. The nasal form of the vaccines tends to be more affective than the injected form. However it is important to make sure that your dogs have been examined by a professional and it really is Kennel Cough since other conditions have the same signs.

  • Rose
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    She really needs to go to the vet. Yes it is possible she may have caught some thing. Or it may be nothing at all, usually Kennel Cough happens to pets that have been around a lot of other dog's like in a kennel or boarding the animal. You may want to call around a lot of vet's will give discount prices. Or may be even check an animal rescue center some times they even offer a lower rate to help people who's pets need to get medical Attn. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your dog gets better. Oh, you can vaccinate your dog your self and it only about $10.00 at most farm supply place Carry a 8 & 1 vaccine and you can give your dog the shot it is really easy. Good Luck....

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would get your other two vaccinated if they havent been in the last 6 months, and your right, keeping them away from each other is important. You should sterilize anything that all 4 dogs come into contact with i.e. shared toys etc. with a disinfectant like Lysol or Clorox everywhere spray.

    I have only had one dog get kennel cough before and the antibiotics were prescribed to him the very 1st visit and worked within 8 days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your vet is right. There really isn't a 'cure' for kennel cough , since it is a virus, antibiotics do nothing for it,but it can turn into bronchial or lung infections that could then require antibiotics. Keep them apart as much as you can, but know to that it is transferable from your hands, clothing, or anything that comes into contact with the infected dogs saliva or fluids.If the little kid shows the first sign of it, I would go on to the vet and see about antibiotics just to insure that it can't turn into an infection with the chi.

    The vaccines are fine,,but not even near 100% protection,,they last for a few months to a year, and can change effectiveness from shot to shot. It usually helps, but is bogus for a kennel to require the vaccine on the day you go in to board,,,or a groomer require it the day before you come in for a grooming, since it take 1-3 weeks for it to help build up immunity anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    My 16 year old dog had kennel cough for a month.He was prescripted antibiotics,for his stomach,for his cough,vitamins and special food.

    I read about it on the web and old dogs and puppys are more to this illness as could lead to bronchitis or pneumonia.

    All I know as a pet owner, that you could do to protect your little chihuahua is to keep them away from the sick dogs to prevent contagious and give him some vitamins.Remenber to keep him warm for winter , on warm places , sweater and a bed .Same for the sick dogs.Water andr outine medicine is very important as vaccines.After all this care my dog is fine :)

    Hope your dogs get well soon !

  • Tigger
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    >>Also, my vet tech told me antibiotics are usually not necessary for Kennel cough, but to watch out for secondary infection. Is this right?

    Yes and yes.

    Apparently kennel cough is caused by a virus- which won't respond to regular antibiotics.

    You should keep the sick dogs away from the well ones and wash your hands frequently while handling them.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Has your vet tech even looked at your dogs since they acquired this cough? Without looking at the dogs there is no way to diagnose and say 'they don't need any medication'. Really this is a situation where you are better safe than sorry because you are quite likely about to have 4 dogs with kennel cough.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeap that's right -- and it will probably be very hard to keep your little one from getting it --- I would however keep a close eye on them all and at some point there may be a need for the antibiotics depending on the other systoms so keep in touch with the vet --- my friend does rescue and her dog got it from a shelter dog and after about a week she needed the antibiotics for the mucous build up in the nasal due to the infection so please when it has run the course thru your home bleach everything down and wash all toys bedding and collars and get those shots ---- hope they feel better soon

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