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Why won't my computer let me run scheduled tasks?

My computer is in desperate need of a defrag, disk cleanup and other maintenance. But everytime I try to perform these tasks, it asks for a password. I have even tried changing the password, but it keeps saying "access denied". It has never been run and under the status it says "could not start". WHY? I am running Windows XP if that helps. I have even tried going through the Scheduled Task Wizard and when I get to the last screen that asks for a username and password, once again I am at a "STUCK" point because it keeps saying "The new task has been created but may not run because the account information could not be set." Access denied! WTF? I didn't ever set the account information to begin with so how can I be denied?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are not an administrator on the computer.

    right click the my computer icon, choose "manage", choose "local users and groups", choose "groups", choose "administrators". add your user account to this group, then restart your comptuer..... if you cant do this, you need to contact somone who is an admnistrator on your computer.

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