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WHY AM SO i WORRIED About this..?

My bf frie said to me that he loves me so much & that its scares him alot. And he just can't believe i love him 2.He said Its like u have done a magic spell on me.And that he feels vunerabel towards u..

I love him just as much if not more. we talked about getting married and having a family.

But sometimes the things he says freak me out .. he makes me confused i feel like he is not ready.. One min he his crazy about me next min he looks frightened. he never tells me he is scared or anything but its just a feeling i get. i told him we don't have to get married next year maybe the year after or when we both are ready and the time is right. but he thinks he can't wait that long. im 32 he 36 we are both adults and we both got decent jobs. if this is hat he wants why do i feel he is not ready? Am not sure why do i feel this way.. im just confused...............

6 Answers

  • Judy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    By the time a man is 36 if he has never been married, he has dodged a lot of bullets. If he has been married, he has maybe some feelings of not getting it right B4.....

    Either way.... he is having what is called "committment" issues....

    if you really want this guy you are going to have to find out who or what he is afraid of, everyone has a history that effects their does he behave around his family, Mom in particular, are there divorces or premature deaths close to him, does he do well with children, neices and nephews or just friends children,

    The reason you feel he is not ready is because that is the signals he is sending you at least part of the time....

    What is his history with previous relationships, bad relationships make some people very gun shy......

    BTW you are 32 is there anything in your history that he could be reading anything into......

    My gut says he is vulnerable about something and it is making him "afraid" of the future, find that ghost and you may get your guy..

    Good Luck, I know several folks male and female that waited until after 30 to marry so far the scale of success is heavily tilted towards success for them.... ; )

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not know your BF's past personal relationships, but it sounds to me that he is experiencing mixed emotions, 1. He is truly excited and happy to be in love with you and 2. He is probably scared of messing up and losing you. Also, its good that you are listening to you "women's intuition" too. You are exactly right that he may not be ready for marriage and if the only reason he can think of to get married now is because of age, then that to me is a big no no.

    You need to sit down with him and talk to him in a gentle (guys have emotions too :D) matter about this and reassure him that you too WILL marry but only when you both feel the time is right.

  • YUMMY1
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you are the one not ready?! Ready or not, bottom line is if you guys wanna be together then you'll get married and give it a shot, its a gamble and hopefully you will live happily ever after.

  • Casie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's scary feeling sometimes, that strong love feeling! I felt that way. Maybe being a little older, he might be afraid he's actually found something good and is afraid he's going to ruin it somehow. Just talk to him and find out if he's over-reacting and maybe should talk to a therapist or something, or if it's just miscommunication. If you love him, don't be afraid to talk to him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think he has personal issues that of course can affect your relationship. Talk to a therapist see what he/she suggests. Dont get married before you resolve this.

  • 1 decade ago

    follow your gut feelings

    if youthinkhe isn't ready

    thenhe isn't ready

    and another thing

    dont believe the things guys say

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