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Why do some republicans feel that it is a fair practice to use torture in the course of interrogation.?

For example: you have the administration trying redefine tortu so it does not include those things that being practice at those hiden CIA camps and bases like Gitmo and the now closed Abu Ghraib prison. Practices like water boarding and sleep deprevation along with extreme forms of humiliation. Is it just me or do some of the republican candidates like say Guiliani actually endorse such actions.


To those who think by torturing prisoners we will be saving American lives, hate to tell you this truth; but ti has actually been proven that torturing and individual actually delivers inacurate or even false intelligence. The information gained is very much unreliable.

20 Answers

  • Kevy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is sad that Americans have come to the point where they have to openly debate weather torture is bad.

    AMERICANS even talking about torture? What happened to our country?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are not "redefining" torture. That's an egregious misrepresentation of the truth (though hardly unexpected from the left, it's a familiar tactic).

    There is nothing that defines waterboarding, sleep deprivation, stress positions, temperature extremes or whatnot as "torture". This is a FACT.

    These are not defined as torture in the Geneva Convention, nor in any other international agreement we're signatory to regarding torture.

    Torture is simply defined as "extreme pain or suffering, mental or physical", and it is left up to each signatory state to determine what does and does not meet that definition.

    So to dishonestly say those practices are defined as torture is a lie. A falsehood. A fabrication.

    If you want to argue whether they should be classified as such, then you have a legitimate subject for debate. But since you're a Bush-hating leftist, an honest debate based on fact is not in your repertoire.

  • 5 years ago

    Ah, particular the sport of words - double-talk. Very cheating to no longer communicate over with the inhabitants in words and words we are able to all relate to. only extra political trickery. fairly confident good previous Bush did no longer crate the hot term. particular, greater interrogation is a sparkling word for an previous crime. do no longer whack your self in the pinnacle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a hard time finding anything more torturous then a beheading. until we start doing that, I would worry about Americans before foreigners.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    re-definition is a liberal dynamic..

    torture is more common by union protected civil servants IE. Police tasering a deaf black-man in his own home.. for not complying with their commands to cow-down to them like a dog

    torture is Clinton playing tapes of rabbits being slaughtered for the Branch Davidians..and their execution by assualt vehicles with flame throwers..

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Bill Clinton said all forms of torture are acceptable if you know that person X has information that could prevent an imminent terror attack.

  • 1 decade ago

    the problem with this is not if we condone torture but what each CONSIDER torture. Speaking for my self I dont condone drilling holes in peoples hands and ripping out finger nails like what happens in other countries but I have a hard time accepting not allowing someone to sleep or humiliation is a form of torture. call me callous.

    as far as what the candidates think, Im in agreement with Mitt, the president should NEVER discuss what is or isnt acceptable in public. That is what FISA courts are for. Kind of defeats the purpose of interrogation if the people you may need to interrogate know you are not going to do certain things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    whats funny the u.s. actually prosecuted and jail japanese as war criminal for waterboarding u.s. troops back in ww2 now we're trying to do it.

    anybody remember that movie marshal law were's denzel when u need him?

  • After 8 years of Clinton and now watching Hillary distort their record, torture would be a snap to endure.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe you...these terrorists are blowing up our soldiers and slicing off heads....and you are worried about depriving them of sleep and humiliating them!!!!!!! Why do you people run to defend these thugs when they would turn around and slowly slice your head off your neck. Why? Because you don't conform to there way of thinking. People like you make me sick! Get the hell out of my country!!!!

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