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Is the Republic such a successul form of government that it inevitably creates Empire?

Probably because of decentralized power and debate, Republics tend to create massive amounts of wealth, economies supportive of technological advancement, and military victory over rivals.

Roman Senate

British House of Lords

U.S. Senate

"All Roads Lead to Rome"

"The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire"

"Pax Americana"

Is it in the nature of a Republic to become an Empire? Is it a sign of success, or failure?

5 Answers

  • Joe S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For the first responder, you don't have to officially declare other countries as being under your rule to have an empire. The U.S. has military in every region of the world - over a hundred nations. Many dub this situation an empire.

    Now, to answer the question, I believe that it is the nature of every nation to become an empire if it is able. Being a ruler (whether despotically or as a democratically elected official) is a source of power and prestige. People who love this power and prestige are attracted to the positions. Such people tend to seek to expand their influence.

    Whether a Republic is better suited to become an empire than other forms of government is an interesting question. It may indeed be the case. Allow your population to innovate and create - to form wealth. But keep enough power to expand your influence.

    When a Republic does become an empire, it is a sign of success for that government - it is the nature of all governments to accrue such power. However, this situation can not last. All empires fail. For the population, world peace and so forth, it is surely a failure - as all governments are.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Democracy replaced into invented in Greece. yet many shoppers indexed right here are confusing democracy with republic; the two are no longer unavoidably synonymous. you have got completely undemocratic republics (like the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea), and you will have democracies that don't have a republican style (the united kingdom). of direction a republican democracy comes closer to the ideals of actual democracy than does a democratic monarchy, yet it somewhat is lacking the element. with the intention to return to the question, i think of it is risk-free to declare that the commencing place of the widespread theory of the republic replaced into Rome. Rome, of direction, have been given the belief of electorate' assemblies from the Greeks. and doubtless the claims a pair of republic in India or some such place are precise too. yet returned, the widespread concept-approximately republic began in Rome.

  • GABY
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If results count, then the republic has been the most successful form so far, and by far. No other country has what we have, and most envy us. I would not think we would ever be an Empire and rule others. Our strength has come from our inovative free market success and our willingnesss to protect and help our allies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its a republic by design....but let me ask you how many speeeches by politicians EVER mention this fact? Do a search on the White House website speeches for the term "republic" and what do you find? Zippo!! Do a search on the word Democracy...a term HATED by the founding fathers and what do you find? Many references such as "making the world safe for democracy." What message are the politicians WANTING to send you?

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  • 1 decade ago

    No. You are mixing apples and oranges... what causes Republics to become corrupt and the wealthy getting rich is they all have capitalist economic systems. Capitalism breeds greed. Without greed, there is no corruption.

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