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Lv 6
? asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

When will Israel fight back against the Islamic terrorists who bombard southern Israel with rockets?

The Olmert administration tells additional southern Israeli towns to get set for Gaza bombardment. Military operation again deferred.

Hamas has extended the range of its missiles from Gaza to as far afield as the towns of Ashkelon, Netivot and Ofakim and blocs of smaller locations such as Magen, Miftahim, Kerem Shalom, Habsor, Gevulot, Tzeelim and Urim. This brings another 175,000 inhabitants who have so far escaped Palestinian missiles within Palestinian sights.

On Dec. 6, deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai made the rounds of this region and warned local authorities to prepare their towns and villages for bombardment. He had no answers on any military response or how their citizens were to be protected from this new peril. DEBKAfile’s sources reveal that prime minister Ehud Olmert, defense minister Ehud Barak and chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi have again decided to defer a major military operation for wiping out the Hamas war machine in Gaza.


Defense officials disclosed on Dec. 7, that Hamas now has long-term storage facilities for up to 100 Qassam missiles, which enables them to fire multiple bursts at Israeli targets. Officers in the IDF southern command report they repeatedly warned the government that this multiple-fire capability, comparable to that used in the Hizballah’s blitz of northern Israel last year, was under development. They are unable to explain why no orders came down to root it out.

The officers report Hamas has further set up special units of fighters clad in the same uniforms and camouflage gear as Israeli troops. They are even armed with the same M-16 rifles and their vehicles painted in the same camouflage colors.

These units are disguised as Israeli troops for cross-border terrorist attacks. They are trained to execute incursions overland or through tunnels and use the confusion to storm Israeli locations, before they can be identified as the enemy and challenged by Israeli ground or air forces.

Update 2:

To those who claim that Israel is already fighting back, please note that bombing empty fields is not the way to stop the Arabs from firing into Israel with the intent of murdering Israeli civilians.

If you wish, the title should read "When will Israel take effective measures to combat Islamic terror coming from Gaza? They have been threatening an invasion for montsh now. When will they do it already?"

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This morning (Wednesday), twenty rockets were fired into the western Negev desert, ironically on the day of the first meeting between Israel and Fatah since Annapolis.


    Prime Minister Ehud Nero is fiddling Sedrot is burning. Yesterday Barak said that the rocket fire was at an acceptable level.

    No, Ehud, the only acceptable level of rocket fire is ZERO..Nothing... Nada... Bupkus.

    SHUT OFF ALL OF THEIR POWER AND GET THE IDF IN THERE. I am not talking about a limited activity either. The first job of a government is to protect its citizens---you ain't doing your job!

    Sderot Mayor Eli Moyal responded to the barrage of rockets on his city Wednesday morning by announcing his resignation in a live prime-time interview on public Voice of Israel radio. "I don't want to be around when a rocket hits a kindergarten and kills 20 children," he said with great emotion. "I have been losing sleep over such a scenario for years."


  • 5 years ago

    IDF will never win militarily in the Gaza strip... all israel can do with the IDF is besiege that little plot of land. The answer is in supporting Fatah, and a popular uprising in Gaza against the HAMAS. You can kill HAMAS and all its leaders, but no governing body in Palestine will ever be legitimate enough, unless that body was forged from the blood of Palestinians, by and for the Palestinians. Oh... and the missiles couldn't hit the moon with HAMAS behind the launch button... Israelis need not worry.

  • 1 decade ago

    According to the defence minister, the time is drawing near when Israel will finally deal with those Muslim terrorists in Gaza.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ultranational is so right. Just as Arab countries have governments that espouse peace, but at the same time have groups that attack Israel that the government 'just can't' control - so Israel should have groups that the government 'can't control'. This is the only thing that the Palestinian and Arab terrorists will understand. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

    Why the hell should innocent Israelis in Sderot keep dying because Israel is trying to be 'fair' and save the lives of Palestinian civilians by not hitting back 'too hard'?

    Why should the Israeli government do MORE to protect Palestinian civilians than the Palestinian official reps, Hamas?

    I agree with Ultranational, totally.

    EDIT - Ultranational, I hear ya :) I honestly think that if various groups of Israeli commandos were to retaliate in kind, the Palestinian terrorists might just think twice. Besides, nothing else works against them!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

    It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know. Many Israelis think it is overdue, but Olmert and America seem to feel that the current path is one that will lead to peace. Fatah claims that any attack on Gaza would end the peace talks, so it's really anyone's guess.

  • 1 decade ago

    When the people overthrow the puppet Hellenist government.

    Israel should be matching rocket for rocket.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel has been firing back - the issue is they try to do it without killing non-combatants which makes in hard because the thugs put their weapons in areas were children play, school, people's homes, etc.... Israeli has as it always has been fighting the most humanitarian counter-insurgency in history. It isn't easy - but then again when is being a Jew easy right?

    Good Luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe Israel fights back already. However, I think that they don't fight back as they're supposed to. They should increase the attacks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well most of em are too scared after that war with hezbollah last year, so i guess thats the reason

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