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Is Bush and his neocons trying to change America into a modern day Nazi Germany?

Is it just me or do the neoconservatives of the Republican Party seem to want the US to become the next Nazi Germany. The policies they enact and the laws they want seem to change the US slowly into a modern day version of Nazi Germany with civil liberties being destroyed, a desire to eradicate those that they don't agree with, and a war to destroy a group that believes differently than they do all for the greater glory of their party.


Note: I am not a Clinton supporter but I am a Democrat and the democratic party is not a socialist party, we want equal rights for everyone with a responsible government unlike what neocons want.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very good question. I would say absolutely that is exactly what Bush along with evil Republican Neocons are trying to do. History repeats itself. Back in 1930 it started in Germany now 70 years later is going on in US. Little by little under false pretenses they are taking away our freedom and liberties and useful idiots keep supporting them. Bush is reincarnated Hitler.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a very good Question.

    I sometimes wonder what the people of Germany were thinking back in the late 1930's? did you have the same type of divide. With some people questioning the motives of their leaders and other just laughing at them as if they were fools.

    It seems to me that when the population of a nation, is unable to face a serious question (True or Not) then the road is clear for any tin pot tyrant backed by a small but well organised group of idealist to step in and satisfy their own agenda.

    Foolish people are easily fooled!

    A good question which shows thought, it is a bit of a pity that this can not be said for all of the answers!



    1, A good point from Donna K. Remember Italy's Mussolini said that capitalism was the best form of fascism.

    2. Lillian should try to understand that freedom is a state of mind, If you chain it yourself then I state has no need.

    Try reading more Lillian you could start with some of the work of Chomsky and Orwell.

    3, Well done Curiosty/satisfaction, but you must remember that the on the Internet you can find any answer you wish to find. That is not to say that you are wrong, but to point out that others will also find a page that says you are.;_ylt=ArSdi...

    I met Mr Tarpley a couple of weeks back he in Milan, An intelligent person.

    4, dinamuk, By your answer I judge that you are a white middle class American. Please remember that if Marx had fought to give rights to your great grand parents you would not be enjoying the good lfe now. It's ignorance bliss!

    5,vegaswoman, please define Socialism in all it's forms and while your at it, think about Health care. You are still brain washed by Nixon and Regan.

    6. Really Mel, Did they live, in here in Europe, and the friend of a friend thing is a little weak.

    7,As always Condor you have a very good point

    8, Bad speller! you make a good point very clear. relatively speaking.

    9,Kazoo M, the front man may change but that wont change much you already to far down the Road.

    10, MD lol ;-))

    Source(s): FTWR
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    This is a great question. Please don't forget keeping tabs on people with ID cards My grandparents grew up in Germany when Hitler is in power and the similarities are scary. After reading the other peoples answers I am very scared it sounds just like the way my grandparents talk of Hitler. I know many have not studied about it but, Hitler did do a lot for the German economy and to make the average non Jewish person happy at the start it wasn't until it was too late that the people realized what happened. Also the fear that Americans have so many are so scared they would turn in their own grandma if she bought the wrong stuff at the supermarket(ingredients to make a bomb) There have also been American citizen deprived of their 1 amendment rights to free speech because they have spoke against the government. Bush also feels he should police the whole world who can have what weapon who can be in charge in other countries. At least when Hitler started invading countries he was just trying to regain land Germany had lost in the past.When did the US ever own Iran,Iraq,Sudan,North Korea....... I would also consider the Prison in Cuba a concentration camp people being imprisoned with out legal council for years that is a huge human rights violation and honestly who knows how they are being treated there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it's true. It's true I tell you. Wait.....OK, now I have my tin foil hat on and I can finish this message without the space ships and govt lasers getting through to me.

    If you are reading this, I have it under the most hush...hush word of mouth that you had better do a couple of quick things before they strike, and drag you off to a camp or something.....

    For Pete's sake, scrape that Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker off your car (they lost anyway, and it just lets them know you support loosers). Could be too late, they already have your license number and are coming for you......

    Oh, now listen carefully, this is key - if you have a Che or one of those Code Pink bumper stickers, you are already on the list. They have hired a bunch of foreign truck drivers (you know, those BIG trucks) using NAFTA as cover, and each is assigned to squash you in your car the next time you go to work....

    They know about you already. Go to France, be safe.

    I hear knocking at the door.............. the darned tin foil hat wasn't thick enn....oou'p;kl;k/;l':/..............................

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, his time is at an end...

    Basically, Bush is simply coasting along until his term ends.

    His view on terrorism is important and his desire to make a difference was promising.

    Sadly, the whole war has become so twisted and distorted.

  • 1 decade ago


    You want the same thing that Kim Jong said he wanted.

    And the same thing that Mao wanted.

    And the same thing that Stalin wanted.

    And the same thing that Castro wanted.

    Together, they put a 100,000,000 of their own people to death.

    If the Democrat Party isn't Socialist---- it is certainly Communist & Marxist.

    With a little Nazism thrown in for good measure.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but I believe he is trying to aid in the positioning of the US in the future world government plans. Opening borders and such.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    g. bush is in the bushes hitting, because hi is not try to became lick Hitler but he is a Hitler all Raddy .in this country, but not as smart,as Hitler,

  • Dude
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually, liberals are trying to change America into a modern day Marxist Russia.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I think it's closer to a modern day fascist Italy under Mussolini (sp)?

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