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Who went home last night on I Love New York 2?

I missed last night episode 12/10/07.

Can someone fill me in!

19 Answers

  • WT
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    New York said she made a list of everything she liked about Punk, and she couldn't find one single flaw. But she said she just wasn't in love with him so she sent him home. While she was hugging Punk goodbye, she mouthed "I love you" to Buddha. Her mother was highly ticked that she kept Buddha because she thinks New York is afraid of him and that's why she won't let him go.

  • 5 years ago

    New York sent " It " home Finally ! And she also sent Midget Mac home because he had admitted that his significant other had died in childbirth only 4 months ago. New York did not think that he had spent enough time grieving to really be into her. However she hoped that they could remain friends. Then in a surprise twist she brought back Buddha which made Tailor Made twitchy ! For a complete recap plus extras check out the link below.

  • 1 decade ago

    Punk went home. He was best for New York though and I think she will realize that (well I'm sure she has but on the show I mean.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Punk went home last night and Tailormade wins the gameshow next week.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Punk went home last night. They totally gave away who went home last week if you saw the previews for the finale.

    It sucked because out of the three he was the sane one.

  • 1 decade ago

    She sent Punk home, which is too bad. Buddah looks like he hits women and Tailor Made is damn close to being a woman. I wanted Punk or The Entertainer to win.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol at some point in the episode new yawk was ready to get it on with taylor made but suddenly (and of course conveniently scripted) walks in some chamber maid and tells them that her mother waiting for them downstairs....what im tryina say is that new yawk just wants to get laid by dont matter if she actually has feelings for taylor made or the very mesedup buddah or the dudes that she dont give a crap about..

    have u seen her make out or play around with all and i mean all the dudes shes ever had the chance of meeting?....

    nuff said

  • 1 decade ago

    Punk went home. He was my favorite...but to be honest, I think Buddah's the only one who has the balls to put both those women in their place!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Punk went home.

    It was too bad, I really thought he'd win. I liked him the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    She just wants to get it on with Buddah. I think she feels if she lets him go she wont be able to sleep with him and that's her goal. I don't think she's really looking for love...she just wants to get laid.

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