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Leann C asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

Leg of Lamb?

I have a 6.2 lb. bone-in leg of lamb that I'm planning to roast. How many people should it feed?


Any side suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking about roasted potatoes, but not sure what else.

Update 2:

Wow! Either 6 or 12 people is a wide margin. If it weren't for the bone, I could reason it out. i.e. The avg. person would probably eat 12 I'd expect to feed 8 people out of a 6.2 lb. (99 oz.) leg. However, I don't know how much I need to subtract for the bone. I'm thinking the bone takes up about a pound, so the remaining weight should feed about 7 people.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Alot depends on how well your cooking it, a meduim rare to meduim will feed the 6 with a bit of leftovers, I use mine for a scotch broth the next day.

    You can about 45 minutes from the end of cooking place some peeled or small baby potatoes around the roast, I like rosemary with mine, a bit of garlic to is a nice touch for flavour.

    When I was a chef, next to the rack, the leg was may favorite cut of lamb by far.

  • 5 years ago

    My Mum, in the 50's and 60's would make rissoles with leftover lamb. She minced it and mixed it with beaten eggs, chopped onions and mashed potatoes. This was a really tasty Monday meal when shallow fried, we added home made pickles on the plate and some potatoes, mashed or boiled and sometimes some baked beans if we were a bit flush with the cash. Strange to think we were poor but had a joint every Sunday that was a cold cuts or rissoles on Monday and Tuesday and a stew on Wednesday with butcher's sausages on Thursday and fish, usually fresh from the sea off Dorset, on Friday's. Saturdays was a catch what you can day, usually sandwiches. We always had fresh veg from the garden or Fred's allotment. He swapped spare veg with the fishermen neighbours. Fresh crab and lobster every day in the season, fresh mackerel and dog fish. Loved the rossoles though!! Thanks for stirring the memory, Stacey.

  • 1 decade ago

    Betty Crocker says 2 to 3 servings per pound, so that would mean 12 to 18 people. Personally, I'm guessing somewhat less than that.

    For sides, consider macaroni & cheese (homemade, not that crap in a box!), mashed potatoes (a must if you make gravy from the roast drippings), peas & carrots, brussels sprouts.

    Source(s): Been cookin' for decades!
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