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Lv 59,433 points

Leann C

Favorite Answers20%
  • Help Cannot Remove Kaspersky 7.0 Completely?

    I'm using Windows XP Home Edition. I recently tried to remove Kaspersky 7.0 using the Add/Remove program in Windows. After that, it became impossible to access various banking sites (or any sites that seem to do transactions).

    I did some research and learned that the Add/Remove function on Windows doesn't completely get rid of Kaspersky. So I found the removal patch & ran it in Safe Mode. It said that it couldn't detect Kaspersky on my computer.

    I then went directly to the registry and searched for files (Symantec) in the name. I found about 50. However, Windows XP won't let me manually delete the files from the registry. How the heck can I get these files off of my computer? Any ideas??

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is anyone currently watching the Duke/NC game?

    If so, what's the score. We have tornados here and the weather coverage is overriding the game.

    6 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Vegetarian Dinner Ideas Please?

    I have a vegetarian friend coming over for dinner. She works in airports and doesn't get a lot of home cooked meals. I think she eats a lot of Subway. She's sick of bread & cheese.

    What should I make? I'm not a vegetarian, but can make whatever. Looking for ideas.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Question for high schoolers about Vegetarianism.?


    I was in high school in the 80's. Yep. Old.

    At that time, it was extremely uncommon to be a vegetarian.

    Now it seems to be so much more common. I'm just curious to know what percentage of your friends would you guess are vegetarians?

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Need Help Picking Songs?

    I am going on a girls road trip (leaving Sunday). I want to add about 50 songs to my iPod. We're going to the beach so we want upbeat stuff. Do not say "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Cindy Lauper. Cliche. We are 30ish. Please no Miley Cyrus.

    Ideas please! Thanks!

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • The United States Federal Reserve - A Question?

    Historically, when the "Fed" perceives that the U.S. economy is headed for inflation, they raise the Fed Funds Rate.

    What I don't understand is why the Fed still expects that this will have an impact today; when we are no longer the biggest group of consumers in the world?

    A few decades ago, the Fed could raise rates and the American people & businesses would borrow less and spend less on goods & services. Americans as the biggest consumers in the world, had the power to drive the prices of goods & services down if they slowed their buying.

    However, the people of China and India have MUCH more spending power today and we are ALL now competing to purchase a finite supply of goods (be it oil, lumber or rice).

    Wouldn't the the producers of these goods just sell their products to consumers outside the U.S.? If so, it seems that raising the Fed. Funds Rate would do little to bring the prices of goods down and would actually harm an already faltering U.S. economy.

    3 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Who was the musical guest on Jay Leno tonight?

    Wednesday, Feb. 6th, 2008. Just caught part of the performance of the musical group and didn't catch the name. They were GOOD! Maybe 6 members. Sort of hip-hop, but had a new sort of funky sound. Most members were black. White drummer. Who the heck was it? I've got to go get the CD.

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Question about pimento cheese?

    I read an article about pimento cheese and now I am craving it. I have shredded cheddar cheese and mayo, but I don't have any pimentos on hand. Can I make it with a red bell pepper?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Chicken wrapped in Romain?

    Looking for a dish I think was by Ming Tsai... Chicken wrapped in steamed romaine. Ring any bells out there?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My Cat is Eating Paper?

    He likes to bat and chase paper wads around on the floor and periodically I find that he's left a paper wad in his food bowl. I had always assumed that he was either leaving the paper wad there to mess with our other cat...or because he had had the paper wad in his mouth and then saw the food and dropped it in the bowl on accident. However, I just walked by as he was eating and saw him drop the paper wad into the food bowl. I removed it to get it out of his way. He picked it up and put it back in his mouth and then continued to eat his food. He chewed for awhile and the paper wad never emerged from his mouth. When I checked his mouth, I realized that he had just eat the paper wad with his food.

    He's in really good health. Only a year and four months old. He's always eaten Science Diet dry food and I've never seen any signs of parasites or other intestinal problems. Both cats are indoors 90% of the time. When they go outside, it's only into a fenced back yard.

    What's up?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Leg of Lamb?

    I have a 6.2 lb. bone-in leg of lamb that I'm planning to roast. How many people should it feed?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What should I add to my turkey soup?

    I had some leftover turkey breast meat and I added some chopped onions, celery and carrots. I can't decide what to add at this point. Here are some options I'm considering...

    (1) Should I add an egg and make a glorified egg drop soup?

    (2) Throw in some dumplings for a Southern twist?

    (3) Add some rice or noodles?

    (4) How about some curry spice?

    Any ideas?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago