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Leann C asked in Computers & InternetSecurity · 1 decade ago

Help Cannot Remove Kaspersky 7.0 Completely?

I'm using Windows XP Home Edition. I recently tried to remove Kaspersky 7.0 using the Add/Remove program in Windows. After that, it became impossible to access various banking sites (or any sites that seem to do transactions).

I did some research and learned that the Add/Remove function on Windows doesn't completely get rid of Kaspersky. So I found the removal patch & ran it in Safe Mode. It said that it couldn't detect Kaspersky on my computer.

I then went directly to the registry and searched for files (Symantec) in the name. I found about 50. However, Windows XP won't let me manually delete the files from the registry. How the heck can I get these files off of my computer? Any ideas??


I've run the avp_remove (in safe mode) already. It doesn't detect the program. I also found a newer avp_remove that works with 7.0 and newer. It didn't work either.

I can see the Symantec files in my registry. So I know they are there. Windows XP won't let me delete them.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes it is best to reinstall a program that didn't uninstall properly.

    Then after completely exiting/ shutting down all components of the program, then run the uninstaller. If Kapersky uninstaller will run in safe

    mode it is best to use it while in safe mode.

    Kaspersky and Symantec are two different companies. You should use the Symantec removal tool for uninstalling their products.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Industry Top Antivirus Software :
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Cannot Remove Kaspersky

  • 1 decade ago

    Just to be sure you know: Symantec and Kaspersky have nothing to do with each other. They're totally unrelated companies with unrelated products. Removing Kaspersky shouldn't require removing Symantec, although having both on your machine at the same time could very well have been problematic.

    Hope that helps.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Install Kaspersky 7.0 again. Do not run it or update it. Just reinstall it. Then you can uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller. a very good and free uninstaller, that also removes all registry entries while uninstlling.

    Reboot your computer.

    Kaspersky should be gone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here try this

    If you still can't remove Kasperksy then create a free account for Kaspersky forum so they can help.

    You should have right clicked on Kaspersky icon then clicked> EXIT. Then go to >programs and to Kaspersky files and to where it says "modify, repair or remove". When you want to remove this program.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Removing programs through Add/Remove programs leaves much information on your computer.

    Use a good registry cleaner like Ace Utilities (30 day free trial) or CCleaner (free) to clean unneeded registry entries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there's no official removal tool yet, but this one should remove kis if it was installed in the default path (run avp_remove.cmd from safe mode)

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