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Serious questions for Mormons?

I have been accused of misrepresenting LDS beliefs. Would an LDS give me short and sweet answers to the following?

(Asked respectfully. Please no diatribes from pro or anti-Mormons. And, please, no scripture quoting; I can read for myself.)

a. Are Jesus and Satan brothers?

b. Is God a deified man?

c. Is there a "Mrs. God"? If so, who is She, and what is Her name? Do you pray to Her?

d. Can an ordinary mortal like myself become a God by doing all the right things?

e. If I don't go to the celestial kingdom when I die, but to one of the other heavens, is that necessarily a bad thing?

f. If I am "sealed" to my parents, what happens when I marry? Is my spouse sealed to my family, especially if already sealed to his/her parents? What if I marry outside of the faith? What if my spouse later divorces me? Do I go back to being sealed to my parents?

g. Many people have claimed revelation from God. What authenticates Joseph Smith's?

Thank you.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a. Are Jesus and Satan brothers? Yes

    b. Is God a deified man? Yes

    c. Is there a "Mrs. God"? If so, who is She, and what is Her name? Do you pray to Her?

    I believe there is (common sense, God is pro-marriage and He has children), but I do not know Her name, nor do I pray to Her, but my guess is that She helps God just like any husband/wife team do.

    d. Can an ordinary mortal like myself become a God by doing all the right things?

    Not sure if I'd word it that way, but yes, Mormons believe we have the potential to become Gods of our own worlds.

    e. If I don't go to the celestial kingdom when I die, but to one of the other heavens, is that necessarily a bad thing?

    No, not a bad thing, any degree of afterlife glory will be better than this world, you will go where you will feel the most comfortable.

    f. If I am "sealed" to my parents, what happens when I marry? You are still sealed to your parents, but your spouse becomes your "next of kin" so to say.

    Is my spouse sealed to my family, especially if already sealed to his/her parents?

    No your spouse is sealed to you, but I'm not sure the technicalities matter, the purpose of sealings is eternal families.

    What if I marry outside of the faith? Then you can't be sealed to your spouse in this life, nor can your children be sealed to you, but you are still sealed to your parents.

    What if my spouse later divorces me? Do I go back to being sealed to my parents?

    Sealings to a spouse are in addition to sealings to a parent, it is not a replacement.

    g. Many people have claimed revelation from God. What authenticates Joseph Smith's?

    By their fruits ye shall know them, uh, if that is a scripture, I'm sorry. This question is one you can only verify for yourself. I prayed and asked God, I got my answer.

    I answered as short and sweet and respectful as possible, so please do not disrepect my answers. Thanks!

  • Kerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ok, here is a very abbrieviate response. I could give you a more detailed one if requested:

    A) All of us are the spriitual offspring of God (See Acts 17:29), so therefore Satan is yours and my brother as well.

    B) God is God, the Eternal Father. He we worship as God, along with His Only Begotten Son in the flesh, Jesus Christ.

    C) See answer A above. If we are "offspring" it could only be implied that there was a mother too. Do not know a name, nor do we pray to her.

    D) Yes (See Romans 4:13, Galtaions 4:7, and Romans 8:16-17)

    E) I have to respond with "yes" and "no." Not a bad thing in the sense that we all will have eternal life, and all of the kingdoms of heaven will we wonderful and glorious. But not good in the sense that we will not have received the highest reward possible; a reward of living in the presence of God, and not good in eternally knowing that we could have received more, but did not due to our own choices.

    F) A thoughful question and very interesting. This is my own interpretation. By be "sealed" to your family, I do not think that it means we live in heaven together as nuclear families, ie all under the same "roof" sort of speak, but rather that we will have contact with one another, that we will enjoy the same social relationships there as we do know, only mre "glorified." In other words,as a married aldult, we have relationships with our parents, with our children, and with our grandchildren, I don't envision all of us living under the same heavenly household. But that is my view. I do not think Mormon doctrine spells that out precisely.

    G) With the scripture, By their fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7:16-20) In other words, look at the results of Joseph Smith's work. It has resulted in many truths and teachings being restored to the earth, we learn of God's true nature, his relationship with man, we learn of Christ's relationship with us, we have more scripture, we know that Godspeaks to man in this day and age, and that the heavens are not silent, we learn that the Holy Ghost does inspire mankindtoday, and many others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    a. no, ezekiel 28:12-19, he was a Cherub that wantd to be like God and so do the mormons

    b. they believe he is evolved man who is glorified. christians believe God is niether male or female

    c. There are many female Goddesses, they do not speak her name or their names so no one will take her or their names in vain. They do no pray to women, come on now.

    d. yes in the mormon church, you become a god by "works"

    e. its a bad thing.

    f. this one is confusing to me .

    g. their is an ability to see into the future from witchcraft, its not of God and just because a psychic has it, does nto mean that they have the gift of prophecy, most of the time you can tell they have the ability, because only 50-80 % of their prophecies actually come true. Thsi does not make a person a prophet or have a prophet gift as stated in 1 cor. 14.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a. Yes, they (and we the humas) were created by God so we are all linked to each other

    b. God looks like a man, but he is not like one of us, we sin and all that... he is perfect and he is GOD

    c. Yes. we don't pray to her and we call her heavenly mother

    d. You will not become a God, none of us will. But we would become LIKE him.. what this means is that after we go to heaven (if we are worthy) we will be free of sins and bad things like God is. He doesn't sin and he makes no bad... but he will always be God, the one and only God. No one is like him.

    e. It is not... but we all aim for the Celestial Kingdom to be with God.

    f. You will be sealed to your wife, your wife to your family and you with your family.. because you and your wife are sealed, both families have something that links them together and that is you and your wife. If you marry outside of the faith, you will be married until "death set you guys appart" not for eternities, but when you 2 die.. your names would be sealed in the Temple (a year after baptism for the death is made for both of you). If you divorce in life, you can get a temple divorce and not be sealed anymore and if you want you can marry again. You will always be sealed to your parents.

    g. Joseph had revelations from God... see the result, the Gospel. If you pray and study you will get a testimony and find out by yourself if the church is true or not. It is something very personal.

    Source(s): LDS!!! :)
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    because of the fact the Presidential election insurance has extra advantageous there have been so lots extra advantageous than known. I assume it to progressively boost till Romney the two wins or is now not interior the race. Now that a Presidential candidate is creating countless headway interior the race, further and added Evangelicals are looking themselves agreeing with what he says, yet won't be able to reconcile that with what they have been taught approximately Mormons, maximum of of them come here to be sure extra approximately us. the reason you do not see as lots approximately particular Protestant denominations is by using the fact Protestants in many cases sense that whilst there are some alterations between one Protestant and yet another, in many cases they are an identical. besides the undeniable fact that, because of the fact Mormons are not Protestants and a few do not even evaluate us Christians, there are various rumors unfold via properly meaning yet ignorant human beings and now human beings in simple terms opt to be attentive to what's certainty and what's fake.

  • 1 decade ago

    Blah blah blah blah. How many times are anti's going to ask these stupid questions??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    please go to for more help. They have a board with people very well versed with this cult/church.

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